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Hybrid learning isn’t working for some students — Education Chief

Chief Education Officer, Connie George.

While many students are benefitting from the hybrid learning approach which incorporates more technology and remote learning, Chief Education Officer Connie George has bemoaned a “percentage” of students who are not benefitting from the new education model.

The hybrid learning approach refers to the blend between online learning and in-person classes that was adopted in 2020 because of the impact of COVID-19.

While she didn’t give exact data, the Education Chief said lack of parental supervision and internet access are among the reasons this group of students are not reaping the benefits of the hybrid learning approach.

“Even though I speak a lot about those who have really benefited, there is a percentage that has not been benefiting as much because of several reasons: internet issues, lack of devices, not enough parental guidance, the absence of parents who aren’t able to have them (students) in position. Some come to us [as teachers] today, they can’t come tomorrow so we have that loss of knowledge. We [the teachers] sometimes have to start over because they were not able to come on a consistent basis,” George explained.

Amid the concern identified, George said the Education Ministry is pleased by last year’s reports which show that many students have been performing better due to the hybrid learning approach.

“When the reports came to me at the end of last school year, we saw some heightened grades for some students because some really excelled with the online [learning] as opposed to when they were in the classroom with all the students. We are grateful to have discovered those students who do well with that setting and it’s something we have in our view,” George stated.

Parental involvement necessary

Assistant Principal of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School, Kayron Todman, who was also part of the panel, urged parents across the territory to become active participants in their children’s education as this is a necessary component for success.

“Be there to ensure they get all that they need — resources, that extrinsic motivation to ensure that they excel,” Todman said.

He also explained that parents should form the habit of communicating with teachers and their children in order to track the progress children are making as they navigate the new era of learning.


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  1. My piece says:

    Myron and Dr. Marcia Potter needed. That is all I will say for now.

    Like 13
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  2. Single says:

    As a single parent struggling to maintain work and a home, how can you expect us to be able to sit with one or more children at home ? Sit on our side of the table to understand how hard it is.

    Like 28
  3. Parent says:

    Online learning sucks, for busy working parents with more than one child. Most of the times the hours we work are being threatened due to the fact our employer is not as understandable as some may think.

    Another thing half of the times the internet is VERY POOR, either the student gets kicked off or the teacher

    Another thing if daycares and preschools can accommodate students altogether what is the sense of this SHIFT system. It is crap. Nonsense.

    Like 18
  4. Ministry of Education says:




    Like 5
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    • @Ministry says:

      Entitled much? You can’t make it mandatory for employers to allow you to work from home! If your place of work has been certified, then you should be in attendance during your agreed work hours. Otherwise you need to come to a new agreement with your employer about your work hours and conditions of employment. It is not your employer’s responsibility to ensure that you can home school your kids.

      Like 2
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      • No not Entitled says:

        Do you not think employees try to make agreememts? This has nothing to do with being entitled. But I know what it has a lot to do with…..They made it mandatory when we were on lockdown though…. Convenience much? EH?

  5. Everybody is diff says:

    For my kids hybrid learning has been great. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my children’s performance academically. This is a tough one for families, but why cant education identify the kids that need the full day support and work that out?

    Like 10
    • 9th district Large island says:

      Give some of us an option. Some teachers
      Want to teach online and some parents
      Prefer online rather than deal
      W the drama and lies and abuse
      Forced upon certain students by
      Certain teachers
      The Principal kissing up to the
      Dept to get the position sealed
      We who live here know who and
      What she is
      Save the children!

      Like 1
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