BVI News

I don’t benefit from Greedy Bill — Parsons

Eileen Parsons was among the former legislators honoured at this year’s Territory Day.

Former legislator Eileen Parsons has moved to set the record straight, saying persons should note that she doesn’t benefit from the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) (Amendment) Act 2023 otherwise known as the Greedy Bill.

Earlier this week on Tola Radio’s Morning Braff show, Floyd “Heritage” Burnette said some politicians and residents often use Parsons as an example when discussing the relevance of the Greedy Bill and how it will help retired legislators who often have medical and other expenses.

 During that discussion, Parsons called the radio show and stated that neither she nor legislators who served during her time in office stand to benefit from the controversial Greedy Bill.

“I just heard from a friend that it is being said on the radio that the government pays my medical bills. I don’t have any medical bills,” Parsons told hosts Heritage and Cindy Rosan. “I am covered under Medicare in the United States and when I had medical bills, what I didn’t pay, Medicare paid. But I don’t have any medical bills, I don’t get sick.”

Rosan then commended: “Well, this is a shocker because your name is used when they talk about taking care of our former legislators.”

Parsons then explained that the Greedy Bill was passed to take care of legislators who served from the year 2019 and onwards.

“We are not getting taken care of. I think this thing (the Greedy Bill) is for those who were elected from 2019 onwards. Those of us who were elected before are not included. I would have been glad to get some, but those of my legislative generation were not included,” Parsons explained.

“Heritage, I tell all of you about these rascals, you know,” Rosan said after Parson’s explanation.

The former legislator then chimed in, “well I wouldn’t say they are rascals because I was a former one (legislator), so then I’d be a rascal too.”

According to the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) (Amendment) Act is only applicable to legislators who served in the Fourth House of Assembly from the 12th March, 2019 and subsequent Houses of Assembly.

Among other things, the law first stipulated that lawmakers who served one or two full terms would be paid two years’ salary upon leaving office. 

Those who served three or four full consecutive terms would get three years’ salary, and those who served for five or more terms would receive four years’ salary. The law also changed the definition of “salary” making it legal for former legislators to get even more funds.

After much public criticism, many of the provisions were repealed in 2023.

However, members of the current and former House of Assembly can still keep their benefits under the 2021 law, unless they submit a written request explicitly turning them down. It’s not clear if any legislator has opted out of the payments under the law.

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  1. Pandora says:

    What’s missed in this set of rantings is Parson’s comments on Medicare taking care of her! Person that lives and worked in the BVI all her days and enjoying the fruits of the US taxpayer.

    Could you imagine the cries if it were the other way around!

    Like 31
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    • @Pandora says:

      Please go back and fact-check your claim to Eileen Parsons working and living all her life in the BVI. She could’ve only been eligible for Medicare if she contributed to the system. If she worked in the US at any period and decided to retire to her native land and run for office there or work there it doesn’t affect her benefits that she already secured in the US.

      Like 11
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    • BS. says:

      What’s missed in this set of rantings is Parson’s comments on Medicare taking care of her! Person that lives and worked in the BVI all her days and enjoying the fruits of the US taxpayer.

      What’s missing from the statement above is that Mrs parsons did not live in the BVI all her days, she lived and worked in the US for a number of years, hence the medicare. Please do your research.

      Like 8
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      • my2cents says:

        She is a US citizen and she hasn’t lived in the BVI all her life.

        Just shows that narratives have nothing to do with facts.

        • OH HO says:

          What is missing even more is the fact that she holds dual citizenship BUT is causing confusion among the masses as to who or what is a 3rd generation BVIslander.

          Like 14
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          • my2cents says:

            Dual citizenship means she is a citizen in 2 places, so she has a right to speak her opinion on both places. And she shouldn’t have to give up any rights just to make you less miserable. Her opinions are her opinions they aren’t laws.

            Like 2
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    • * says:

      Ms P lived and worked in the U.S in her earlier years.

  2. MESON says:

    @ Pandora “had it been the other way ” This still surprise me ,for IM sure there was a time when (Running for office) they had to give up their US Citizenship

    So how is now MEDICARE is paying her bills / taking care of her ?

    Like 10
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  3. The facts! says:

    This is not true Mrs. Parsons. You benefit from the change in meaning of salary. Your monthly pension is now higher than it was because it is now being calculated including the allowances. That change was made by the Greedy Bill.

    • @The Facts says:

      In all pension systems cost of living adjustments are made periodically. So if her pension was adjusted, is she receiving the same as the current and former lawmakers from 2019 forward? You people are the pits, always ready to tear down your own.

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  4. Medicare FRAUD! says:

    Interesting! This is a great example of why my grandmother’s (US Citizen, worked and paid taxes her whole life, never left US soil) Medicare benefits no longer covers her needs! Since when has it been legal for an elected official or employee of a foreign government to receive medical benefits from another country? It is a Federal FELONY to defraud the US Medicare system! One phone call is all it takes… This article is proof of a sane willful mind defrauding the US government. Better to stay silent while breaking a law that has a HUGE watchful eye and does not show favoritism to NO ONE!

    Like 13
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    • @Medicare Fraud says:

      I have to say you took the cake this morning. You sounding sillier than the coyote that continued to allow road runner to make a fool of him.

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      • @@Medicare Fraud says:

        You want me to make that call and find out? Then we can see who the fool is. Just because you don’t like what was stated. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.

        Like 1
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    • Common sense says:

      Please allow this writer to assist on this subject.
      The lady in question will have had to contribute a percentage (circa 3%) of her gross US salary for a minimum of 10 years to qualify for Medicare that covers 80% of her healthcare once she reaches 65 years of age. For the 20% Medicare does not cover she is able to purchase a “supplemental” policy from a US insurer at age 65 for a premium of circa $130, additional to her monthly Medicare premium of roughly the same figure, which, she still has to pay until the day she dies. Even though she has left the US she is still legally entitled to Medicare as long as she continues to pay her monthly premiums. However, Medicare only pays for treatment in the US, any treatment received outside the US including the BVI is not covered under Medicare.

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  5. >> says:

    People really dumb like f**k!!! Ms Parsons lived abroad before contesting elections in BVI so of course she qualifies for her Medicare coverage. Wow.

  6. Donkey say World no level says:

    This is the same lady who makes it a habit of disparaging outsiders, and is now gladly reaping benefits form a foreign country without a second though. These are not just migrant workers she bad talking but it is people who have spent many, many years in the BVI and eventually, grudgingly granted Belongership.

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  7. Wtf says:

    I don’t have anything against Ms. P. But when Ms. P first ran in the BVI election didn’t she have to give up her US citizenship? At the time I was wondering if Ms.P is crazy. Why would she give up her US citizenship in Uncle Sam country where people are taken care of without prejudice, to run for a seat in governmenr in the BVI? Well I guess in the end she did not have to denounce her US citizenship because she says Medicare take care of her doctor bills. We all should wish we had Medicare, because here when people have a medical problem, especially to have a major surgety at the Bouganvillea private hospital it takes years to pay off your copay. Kudos Ms. P.

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  8. What a shame. says:

    You mean those politicians didn’t get rid of that self enriching bill?

    They are still fleecing the government as they intended to from day one. What a shame.

  9. 3rd generation BVI says:

    A proud 3rd generation dual nationality BVIslander receiving US Medicare opposing anyone working in the BVI for 3 decades getting dual nationality.

  10. BS says:

    Once you have worked and met the qualifications you do not loose your medicare provision as it is based on your social security card which you keep.

  11. Huh? says:

    Medicare does not provide coverage outside of the United States.

  12. Nephew says:

    Well as far as we can see that wall you put up there you’re benefiting from that because you’re Nice now she can’t benefit from her property because you put up a wall talk about that Miss P you’re no good no wonder you live in how you live in looking good but deep down in your heart God no you’re bad

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