BVI News

I feel no compulsion to defend myself — Skelton Cline

Former government consultant, Claude Skelton Cline.

Clergyman and former government consultant Claude Skelton Cline has refused to answer critics in the wake of a scathing audit report over his contracts between 2019 and 2021 with the former Andrew Fahie-led government.

“The conversations in regards to contracts I had with the Virgin Islands Party government, I worked my a double scribble off and did a phenomenal job for my part in a two-part contractual arrangement,” Skelton Cline said on the Honestly Speaking radio show yesterday. 

He continued: “I’ve said that before. I say it again, and I want you to hear me, because I feel no compulsion to defend myself. My documentations and record speaks for that and anything else, Jehovah will be my defence.”

The report issued by Auditor General Sonia Webster showed that Skelton Cline’s three contracts with the government — which netted in excess of $365,000 all together — brought nothing of value to the government.

“The audit confirmation exercises performed indicate that much of the work reported or claimed by the consultant (Skelton Cline) was undertaken by persons and programmes independent of the consultancy. In a number of cases, his association with the programmes was either fleeting or non-existent,” Webster noted in her report.

Not easy loving your enemies

Among other things, the clergyman touted his emotional sobriety and suggested that he does not harbour grudges and resentment.

“Some members of the House of Assembly took the time to say all manner of things yesterday,” Skelton Cline commented. “But what I want to say to this nation… Love your enemies. It’s not easy.”

“You see, I have learned to live with an unoffended heart. And this is why no matter what some of the persons may have said on yesterday, it’s, you know, love your enemies,” Skelton Cline added.

He also saw his present circumstances as an opportunity for a ‘national teachable moment’ to practice what he often teaches in relation to forgiveness to those that hate.

“I can be pulled in different directions, but I have called all of that,” he said. “I have called my flesh. I have summoned emotional sobriety to use this opportunity as a teachable moment because you see, while I can come on here, I have two choices. I can defend myself or I can represent God. I am choosing today to represent God.”

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  1. Jim says:

    Here’s the classic town clown relying on religion to bail him out.

    The typical line of “I made mistakes, but God forgives me.” Sorry chief, but the people don’t.

    You owe us $365k

    Like 116
  2. Indigenous BVIslander says:

    Normally all I have to say is “Well Sah” but in response to this story I am not sure that will be sufficient and I may have to say something else!

    Like 35
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  3. haha says:

    Hope God defend you from pumpkin.

    Like 25
  4. Same says:

    I too would feel no need to defend myself after making some three hundred thousand dollars off of doing nothing, it wouldn’t be my fault that someone fell for it

    Like 41
  5. Indigenous BVIslander says:

    Having thought about it for some time, I actually don’t have anything else to say on the topic.

    Like 7
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  6. Rubber Duck says:

    Its not just the recent $360,000. Go way back to the youth program cooked up between him and Fat Albert Fahie and add at least another $500,000 of missing money with nothing to show for it and no accounting.

    He does have a nice house in Cane Garden Bay however.

    Like 52
  7. Guest says:


    Like 10
  8. Well sah says:

    This is what you get when you mix a Skelton and a Cline together and ayo still up down supporting PVIM. What you think you going to get? That party is a Skelton/Cline party. Continue.

    Like 43
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  9. Bambi says:

    Alot of us here using God name in vain to get rich and don’t care who gets hurt in the process false propthets lies and illusion.

    Like 33
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  10. @ Indigenous BVIslander says:

    I agree, just say wellsah, no need to bring his mother into this mess, although, she did birth the thing.

    Like 18
  11. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    This ain’t ending with this report. CSC better have lawyers and accountants ready for the audit that coming his way

    Like 15
  12. Serpent tongue says:

    You can take the man out of Detroit, but you can’t take Detroit out of the man. And he’s definitely not a man of God.

    Like 37
  13. Mad Max says:

    There is no defence. He knows it. He will never admit any wrong doing and maybe even believes he has done no wrong. Maybe he believes he was entitled to the money.

    Either way, I hope he is fully prosecuted with whoever engaged him with the contract.

    Like 29
  14. Raggedy Ann says:

    What a piece of Chit he is but he has always been and our duly Elcted was all too knowing that he is a piece of Chit and so are thy too…a ahhhl of them pieces of Chit!

    Like 26
  15. Man of God says:

    He is not, snake oil salesman he is.

    Like 22
  16. Crazy Joe says:

    Maybe God will make the criminal investigation go away too.

    But dont count on it.

    Like 11
  17. lol says:

    look what the duck got. Can’t defend the indefensible.

  18. WOW says:

    People of the BVI? Are WE going to let this character and other persons continue to take advantage of us with no repercussions? Are WE the doormat for the wicked to wipe their feet on?!

    WE have to prove WEare better than this my people, not only to our “leaders” but anyone who believes they can take advantage of us!

    Like 18
  19. Time for says:

    1) Congregation to abandon him

    2) Tearing down his wicked church block by block

    3) Tearing down his proceeds of crime home block by block.

    4) Return to Detroit after expelled from the BVI

    Like 17
  20. Comedy at its best says:

    You article started with clergyman and former consultant. Next time please could you address same as former clergyman. For the second time this person is on the defensive. First it was giving evidence at the coi and now. I am still trying to find a reasonable decent word to call this person so I would use the descriptive word former clergyman. You are not brilliant enough with words to defend what I indefensible. There is really nothing you can say to defend your ungodly, immoral, selfish, unchristian act. By their fruits you shall be known. Now forever walk with your head to the ground. The person most embarrassed in this whole scary horror episode is Mrs.

    Like 10
  21. smh says:

    How can he defend himself even if he was “compelled” to do so? Only defense is that its the government is who was stupid enough to hire him in the first place.

    Like 11
  22. The TRUTH says:

    You should have been in jail with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrik

  23. blatant cr**ked man says:

    We only know God when it is convenient. This dude bleed the country for years starting with Judge Mattis scam. Andrew was the one who brought this guy to caucus when he was education minister. I am sure God warned him from back then to refrain from evil. The money was sweet and to make it more legal he moved back to BVI from Detroit so he can me able to jump to every opportunity and run down the road instead of having to catch a plane every time. It was always a set up between he and Andrew to drain the public funds by hook or by crook. Only thing is that the 2 of them were on the same level of greedy so the one who now dealing with the courts was not getting his agreed cut from the other greedy one. This dude house roof was allegedly the same as the cruise pier. Mister, God does not bless crookedness and he will expose your evil in his own time. so you don’t have to ask him to deal with it. As a minister in the church, he will beat you with extra whips too because you are a crooked church teef trying to do it legally. Did you hand over all that money to God? leave him out your mess. You had time to ask for forgiveness and stop while you were ahead, but no, you so wicked and wax so cold that you wanted more and more and up to now, still aint get enough. You sell yourself to the highest bidder and when push shoving, you take whatever is laid on the table for you to grab. Now go to he**

    Like 12
  24. Davie says:

    My God will fight for the poor not defend criminals

  25. Busy Bee says:

    $365,000 to basically act as a shill and a cheerleader for the VI, pumping the party and the government’s actions on the radio and in media just like this…
    If you can find it, that’s a great occupation!
    But for me, I want my tax dollars returned please, I’m highly dissatisfied with the product received.

    Like 13
  26. Huh says:

    Shut that silly hole in your face! Talking shyte. Claude is damaged goods all around. No sensible party will take him on.

  27. Resident says:

    fraud cline

    Like 11
  28. The BVI is our Home says:

    At least Kwame Kilpatrik took his punishment like a man and by now is well-known by the Taxpayers and not to allow him anywhere nearTax-payers money again. Wake up Bvi, (born here or born there)☀️9

  29. The BVI is our Home says:

    At least Kwame Kilpatrik took his punishment like a man and by now is well-known by the Taxpayers and not to allow him anywhere nearTax-payers money again. Wake up Bvi, (born here or born there)☀️

  30. To Mister Man says:

    If thou be a genuine Man of God, then I hope your conscience (if you have one) allows you to do the right thing and PAY BACK into the Treasury the funds belonging to the BVI taxpayers that you did not work for – every penny of it.

  31. Hello says:

    I don’t understand why this criminal is not behind bars.
    Anyone else stealing that kind of money would long been arrested.

  32. West says:

    The BVI has a NO franchise policy but he running a US Pizza one. We will hurt you where it hurts to get back we the people’s money. We bouy cutting your businesses so that you then become the laughing stock!

    Like 6
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    is saying )> lord yo gotta help the da brother outta Dis

  34. hnm says:

    That lack.of emotion ok it’s called not having a concious.After you gled the D and came “back”home changing names to get still started the rackhet with public funds again?If the Brits weren’t here he would still being doing his unholy C$$p

  35. dndn says:

    plus interest plus damages

  36. Conch fritters says:

    You are wrapped up
    In too much undeliverable to accept the dough . Shameful for a Pastor / man of the cloth

  37. The Truth says:

    Has been a c*n m*n since the day he was born. A pathological l**r who doesn’t even recognize what a sc**bag he is. He needs serious mental health help.

  38. BVIlander says:

    The sad truth is we need to ask where were the persons who are paid by the country to administer these contracts? CSC cannot bear all the blame as he did not pay himself, another person or persons must also be held responsible. Govt workers getting away without prosecution but CSC did not go into the treasure with gun, he was given the country’s money by the responsible civil servants and they must be held responsible and charged as well.

  39. Not defending him but.. says:

    I don’t know if some of you all know but he is not from Detroit…If he was living in St. Vincent for example would you all tell him to go back to St. Vincent?

  40. BuzzBvi says:

    WEST meet EAST. No Franchise? You been to the aiport??, Dollar, Enterprise, Alamo, Hertz, Avis. No doubt soon to come KFC, McDonalds, Wendys, Stabucks. You say no Franchise policy??

  41. True dat says:

    Most narcissists don’t feel any need to defend themselves either

  42. Waaaaah says:

    “I have no need to defend myself “.
    Says the man that goes on to defend himself.

  43. For all i know says:

    We all reap what we sow, and what’s in the dark will eventually come to light. This is according to the Bible in which he say he believes in. But the book also said, you shall judge them by their fruits/labor. And clearly the public isn’t happy about his the fruits he produce. I wonder if he even planted a seed to begin with.

    You have to talk in terms he would understand.

  44. what about says:

    Termineix?????????How did Nagico man get THAT!

  45. WE WERE WARNED says:


  46. exactly says:

    stealing the money intended for youth still makes me boil, buried and look at the youth roaming the street. Church groups, YEP, track clubs could do a lot with $500k. Stealing from children

  47. Still getting rich says:

    We must demand to know how much taxpayers money was paid to New LifeBaptist/STS/Clines or related party for rent or any other disbursement since September 2018.

  48. Really says:

    A conman

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