BVI News

‘I was the sacrificial lamb’ — Willock on resignation


By Fitsroy Randall, BVI News Staff

“I was the sacrificial lamb,” Speaker of the House Julian Willock said when asked about his resignation from the House of Assembly earlier today.

Willock told BVI News he will have a press conference, hopefully by the end of the week, where everything will be revealed.

When pressed about who he was being sacrificed for, Willock said he would not betray the confidence of Acting Premier, Dr Natalio Wheatley and the conversation they had earlier today.

“He means well. He has been put in a precarious position, running the country, dealing with the British with the negotiations, having the Finance Ministry and dealing with his ministry. So, he has his plate full, and I will not betray his trust,” Willock said.

“What the public needs to know is that throughout my public service career and even now as the Speaker, no one can point to any misconduct, misappropriation of funds, no one can point to any corruption, no one can point to anything that the Speaker has done wrong. Yes, there were some anxieties over the injunction and the judge’s report but if you follow the chronological order of what happened there, then at the end of that I will be vindicated,” he added.

I was left no choice

Willock said he chose not to make the process contentious as he was only given two options — either resign or have the House move a motion against him.

“I was left with no choice. It appears there is no natural justice in this country. It appears you could just be a target for not doing anything. I have never betrayed my oath of honour, there must be some sort of natural justice in this country. You must resign if you do something wrong. I did nothing wrong,” the Speaker said.

“I won’t betray my conversation with the Acting Premier, but I know the real reason why. I have a lot of respect for him, and I will not betray our private conversation on the real reason why I was asked to resign,” Willock reiterated.

He further said the territory has been through a lot over the last two weeks and he did not want to add to the drama.

“I don’t want to dramatise the country anymore. Following the arrests of the Premier and those serious charges and allegations, the dropping of the COI report, I think the country has been through too much drama and stress, and it is not about me. I love my country and I think about my country and to avoid all of that, I agreed to do the honourable thing which is to submit my resignation,” he said.

Willock said he did not want to get in anyone’s way as he is not obsessed with power and as such, he will pre-empt his resignation by turning over his government-issued vehicle and phone and will be clearing his office for the next proposed Speaker.

He added that if most of the members of the House have lost confidence in him, then as Speaker, he will abide by the majority and step aside.

“I hope that everybody will be honest with themselves and this situation. I don’t mind sacrificing for my country but again, I want to make it clear that no one can accuse me of any illegal activities, locally, regionally, or anywhere. I will not betray the conversation with other members, but I have talked to other members,” Willock said.

The Speaker also made it clear that he has not officially resigned as the Speaker until he has submitted his resignation in writing.

“The constitution and the standing order state that the resignation of any members of the House of Assembly must be penned under your own hand, and I could get up and make all the announcement I want. Once that statement is not taken constitutionally speaking, I am still the Speaker,” Willock said.

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  1. BuzzBvi says:

    Sacrificial Wolf.

    Like 60
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    • Victim says:

      He can pretend and act like he never did wrong during his employment with the government, but I know that’s not true. And its only because I dont want to stir up old wounds and trauma from the past, I never said anything. Trust me people, he is no saint and in the presence of God I say that.

      Like 51
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    • Waiting on the next one says:

      Stuffed chicken aka mr.popcorn….tired of he now

      Like 18
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      Under the new covenant, not only did Jesus become our High Priest but He also became our sacrificial lamb. He entered the Holiest of Holies for us and made Himself the sacrifice on our behalf.


      Like 32
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    • Who Don’t Hear Does Feel says:

      Posted years ago

      @ H

      May 2, 2019 at 4:53 PM
      Exactly …JW told MV take it to Court. A matter of fact JW initially said he was going to take it to Court himself then despite advisement to swear MV in; refused, then told District 8 Rep in HOA that MV could take it to Court because he considered the matter closed and had nothing further to discuss on it.

      JW The Emperor’s New Clothes should teach you a lesson.

      Like 4 Dislike 1


      April 3, 2019 at 5:45 PM
      Read the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. Time longer than twine and he’ll hang his own self.

      Like 6 Dislike 1

      Like 20
    • Jim says:

      The rats leaving a sinking ship

    • Theif says:

      You must resign if you do something wrong. I did nothing wrong,” the Speaker said.shortly after he resigned! Hmm….

    • Bing says:

      There are some seriously sociopathic people in politics.

    • sammy says:

      I will comment here because somehow only pro-Willock comments ( which are very few ) are published in the comments on the yellow online news .

      You were ousted for your egotistical , outspoken , arrogant personality. Get over yourself.

      Like 13
  2. No! says:

    You were an arrogant nit! A lamb worth sacrificing. Serve you right. Pay your bill ordered by the court or go to jail. Also, don’t forget to turn in the keys to your ride. Im tired paying for you.

    Like 71
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  3. Strups says:

    Take back the Government Vehicle please.

    Like 59
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    • Cleaner says:

      Have his GV sanitized, deep cleaned and out to use for the Asian Donovan home!!! Glad to se the backside of this jack***. Now investigate his K**mit looking self for E***e Security and all his nefa***us contracts with Government!!

      Waiting for the hammer to drop even more harder on this concrete nail l**se

  4. Dramatise? says:

    Good riddance. You done do enough TRAUMATIZING of the Territory and it’s people with all u dramatizing in this position and over there by chicken yellow. I’m excited for the future of our country.

    Like 47
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  5. Good says:

    Better you than the entire country. Thank you for your service. Now, buhbye Felicia.

    Like 29
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  6. Take that to the JUDGE says:

    Is cause you were moving like you run the place wilcox…(NEW SPEAKER VOICE)

    Like 20
  7. WTF says:

    Resign, or be fired. We dont care about the reasons. JUST GO.

    Like 34
  8. Reaper says:

    Why don’t all of HOA do the decent thing and stand down one lamb isn’t going to cut it!

    Like 42
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    • LB says:

      This! They all day there and went along with AF, the old lady, the tall ex-convict, his sister, CSC, Mr Wigs, the landscaper, and all the rest. They all need to resign and disappear from public life. All those Board members

      Like 23
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  9. Right step says:

    I think I like this new acting-premier already. I guess that means there will be no payment of JW legal bills from taxpayer funds, and that the stupid committee idea AAF came up with is history?

    Now, the deputy speaker should be informed that should he seek any new government contracts, then he too would need to resign. As a matter of fact I think the existing contracts should be reviewed and voided where possible.

    Like 23
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    • @ Right Step says:

      The Ag. Premier is not the one making the decisions.

      These recommendations for resignation comes out of the meeting with the UK Rep yesterday.

      Like 26
  10. Baaaa says:

    now take off your sheep wig. you are not a lamb you are a p*g in a lamb suit

    Like 31
  11. Sacrificial Lamb? says:

    More like an old billy goat gruff.

    Like 18
  12. Citizen says:

    Now pay your legal bill!!

    Like 19
  13. He said he would not betray says:

    But yet coming out in public saying you are the sacrificial lamb. That statement by itself, you done betray your party by saying that.

    It’s not everything the public needs to know as it happen

    But thank you for your service. I do hope you pay your bill before the year is finish

    Like 24
  14. Jones says:

    Pay your bill and disappear from public life – we dont want you around anymore

    Like 21
  15. EGG says:

    this is crazy the man did nothing but the UK done take over the bvi when they can get in our house of assembly and demand what happens

    Like 1
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  16. Unknown says:

    We believe AF already paid the speaker’s legal bill from one of those over inflated contracts, like the one for the Airconditioner that was $300k over the next bidder

    Like 14
  17. Uk Citizen says:

    We believe AF already paid the speaker’s legal bill from one of those over inflated contracts, like the one for the Airconditioner that was $300k over the next bidder

  18. Character says:

    The last 2 paragraphs tell us all about character. He is going to string this out for as long as he can. Maybe even try to wiggle his way back.

  19. hoo says:

    Learn to humble when you have a little power.

  20. Seasalt says:

    What a relief!!!!!
    It’s such a relief not having you in this honorable house. You were the most disgraceful individual to occupy this seat. You looked down on people while you held this office like there would never be an end to your elevated world. Peace is beginning to reign in the Territory.

    Like 17
  21. Actually says:

    The good people of this territory were the sacrificial lamb. Our politicians have been enriching themselves dishonestly all while touting our Lord’s good name. We have had enough and finally something is being done about the years and years and years of “serious dishonesty” to quote the COI.

    Like 14
  22. Rd v says:

    Scatos chicken prices gone up

  23. Woow says:

    Prayers have been answered *cheers loudly*

  24. Only the beginning says:

    Stay on island while the rest of your HOA buddies drop off the stage this week. The BVI constitution is in the process of being suspended so the debtor ex-speaker won’t be able to hide behind that document any more. Your sacrifices have just begun so expect to lose your freedom and most of your wealth, companies, chattels and other possessions this year.

  25. Please vote says:

    If you want the esteemed to stay fired. Hit like
    If you want him to get back his job hit dislike

    Like 16
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  26. Wow says:

    So is the media is just going to ignore the fact that on live radio today a certain person admitted to trying to rig the government with people she hand selected and personally interviewed to determine if their vision for running the government would align with hers theirs after drafting a list of suitable persons by her determination in a paper.
    Guaranteed she has already called dibs on several chairman positions.
    This is not progress.

    Like 5
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    • Secret Bear says:

      I listened to that stupid show for 2 hours today and couldn’t find the segment everyone is talking about. WHERE IS IT?

  27. VINO says:



  28. The truth!! says:

    This is why we need the UK intervention at the highest level. Clearly Britain ordered Willock’s dismissal for obvious reasons. That’s why he was forced to resign. We all know he’s a lu**tic. But the Government of the day not only didn’t have the balls to remove him. The members of this esteemed body, ALL OF THEM, forced this lu**tic on the entire population and ignored the people’s outrage all for the sake of politics. We had enough of that!!

  29. MVW says:

    This is the second time he was fired from government……TEK DAH!!!!!!!!!

  30. forgotten says:

    willock and history – love one another and always repeat

  31. My take says:

    Willock is bright and a local he should be the next deputy governor

    Dislike 12
  32. Voter says:

    Good riddance

  33. Ist district original says:

    This is the same individual when I went to participate in the protest against him at save the seed for the same court fees. He told pastor Cline to close the gate on us for no entry. He stepped out MY VEHICAL, WEARING GUCCI SHOE WHAT MY TAX MONEY PAID FOR AND NOW CRYING ABOUT DEMOCRACY. GU SIDDUNG. WE HAVE FINALLY MADE YOU AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT TRUE DEMOCRACY LOOKS AND FEEL LIKE. PLEASE RETURN TO HOG CITY!

  34. U failed us Mr. Speaker. says:

    Ur not alone. Hope The Hon. Premier has the courage to clean up his own caucus…The COI already gave him the heads up of who they are…This unity thing, U ain’t so like it…But if that’s the way, use Marlon only as your deputy and change the Port folios up. Give Marlon Ports..

  35. Lodger says:

    Has everyone forgotten how he had to be dragged to court over the work permit scandal for reporters at the then fledgling VINO?

  36. BVI people says:

    To all who are affiliated with AF and his drug dealings, better keep your feet off all US Soil.

    You should know by now, that they are watching and waiting to collect you next.

  37. UGLY says:

    This man is so hard on the eyes! Hopefully his face will soon be a thing of the past and we don’t have to keep seeing him on the news!

  38. Oh please says:

    It’s about time, they say nothing happens before it time?to the left to the left

  39. Rawlston Pompey says:


    When a man comes to the media and says that he was made:


    (ii) …Given one of two options:

    (a) ‘…Resign: or

    (b) …Face a Resolution for removal,’ he aint ‘
    …No kind a man.’ at all.

    He speaks with ‘FORK TONGUE.’

    A Leader shall ‘WATCH’ him with ‘…HAWK-EYES.’

  40. LOL says:

    You ain’t no lamb Sir. More like a t**key!

  41. Irma Chisit says:

    Shakespeare, Hamlet play.

  42. Well sah says:

    These comments bwoy. Lol. My popcorn finish.

  43. Innocent says:

    By it’s nature a sacrificial lamb is innocent.

    You are not that.

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