BVI News

I won’t overwhelm myself with multiple portfolios — Premier

VIP government legislators (exception for Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull on the extreme left).

Premier Andrew Fahie has expressed that he intends to move more critical areas from the Office of the Governor into the control of local government but won’t overwhelm himself by personally overseeing those portfolios.

During the January 5 sitting of the House of Assembly, Third District Representative Julian Fraser cautioned Premier Andrew Fahie against moving the Disaster Management portfolio from the Office of the Governor to the Office of the Premier.

Fraser reasoned that the Premier would overwhelm himself as his office currently oversees multiple critical portfolios.

However, before that sitting of the House ended, Premier Fahie suggested that he doesn’t intend to take control of most of the portfolios that are being transferred to local government.

“Everything that has been transferred so far or that will be transferred — 95 percent of them are not going under the Premier’s Office. So I won’t be strained out or stressed out. They’re going under different ministries … because I have confidence in my colleagues to get it done,” Premier Fahie said.

He didn’t say which Ministry the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) would now fall under.

Prefer to partner with Opposition

Premier Fahie also made it clear that he would prefer to co-chair the National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) with the Opposition Leader instead of the governor. 

He also suggested that DDM will be expanded to create more jobs and attract international funding once it is moved to local government.

“By taking DDM and attaching climate change to it and different areas, then we create more jobs and we allow for more funding to come to the territory that of course will be fully, fully monitored,” Premier Fahie explained.

In order for disaster management to be moved to local government, The Disaster Management Bill has to be approved by elected representatives. They are currently going through this process and all will be allowed to vote on the bill once it passes through committee stage.

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  1. vip heckler says:

    The main fact is that the “one man gang” wants to control all the portfolios that deal with money

    Like 27
    • Esteemed says:

      Is Jonah back yet? When does he leave for good?

      Like 1
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    • Disaster says:

      If we have another disaster, the UK certainly won’t be giving the ‘one man gang’ any money. The portfolio needs to stay with someone the Brits, the US and UN trust.


      These politicians been itching to take over everything. But what is the result. After Irma they all run and hide. It was the UK that save our behinds. We still got no water. We still got no roads to speak of. Prospect Reef still a ruin. But no the Premier want to take over everything. let he go ahead nuh. He will find out soon enough.

  2. Pancakes says:

    This f**l is living in denial
    What he need to do is remove himself from government office
    This man is only looking at all the illegal ways to make money
    Example,,, casino, legalized marijuana, adding on unnecessary fee to work permit holders (mind you this island depend on permit money)
    In this crisis he breaking good roads and make the over
    He building apartment houses (only he and god know the reason for that)
    Ppl out here suffering
    Locals refusing his financial help (that speak for itself)
    There are more important things to do when you are a premier especially in this crisis
    This island is using this virus to make money
    Landlords raise there rent just like that and most of the apartments doesn’t work the price, grocery price went up for no reason, backs running ppl down for loan payments
    Nobody giving anyone a break here in the bvi
    Ppl still waiting for there social security money
    And the list goes on

    Like 24
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  3. Fahie says:

    Is going to be impeached soon! The mess he put this country in is unbelievable..

    Like 15
  4. Annoyed! says:

    More and more smoke screens. Mr. Premier and your colleagues, people are concerned about living from day to day. We are concerned about jobs. We are concerned about our children and their future. We are not concerned about this pissing match between yourself and the governor. Get up and do some real work and stop the distracting tactics and by work I don’t mean bleeding the treasury to give handouts. Real tangible things to secure and grow the economy. You asked for a job. You got it. Now it’s time to do it!

    Like 28
  5. Open door says:

    Open door to even more corruption, us belongers should not allow this. This man was sent from the d***l

    Like 15
  6. Who he fooling says:

    The man is a b***y, gr***y and power hungry: he wants it all for his ”little clique” to lord over the bvi- CSK and CO. Just wait boss: we all waiting for the next election. It will be a miracle if you get a second term with all the victimization and public service interference going on

    Like 16
  7. Ki**** Jar says:

    Premier Fahie is a d******r and having all these portfolio only get him to dig deeper in the ki*** jar. How can one man be in control of everything. We the people of the BVI need to wake up and take a stand.

  8. ROME says:

    Emperor Holy Roman Empire Ruler of all he surveys

  9. Lollllllll says:

    The blogging of you people is so disgusting. I have no party affiliation but would say to my fellow BVIslanders when we as BVI people speak and disrespect each other so badly why are you surprised when others do the same. Criticize and comment with respect. Set an example for the younger ones.

    Like 2
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  10. Rubber Duck says:

    When all power gravitates to one person it is called a dictatorship.

    Better that we have power shared and someone to watch over and balance would be fuhrers.

  11. Esteemed says:

    Is Jonah back yet? When does he leave for good?

  12. What a grate ting says:

    It is obvious you feels self conscious of your micro manage one imanshiw . You can’t fool the coin rut with your double talk

  13. Them Less says:

    Oh, he realize the s**tshow he’s creating. I blame those other Ministers in Cabinet. Not one of them to say STOP IT! Why were they elected? To be the Premier’s stool pigeons??

    Grow some balls Ministers!

  14. No kidding says:

    You could have pull that fast one on the old folks . Not this new generation. Wake up Microoooo Management you say !! VIP is a practical and perfect example to teach this at HLSCC Microoooo Management 101 examples class fill in the blanks 1. ————-/———

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