BVI News

If we can carry news to COI, we can sit on a jury — Premier

Premier Andrew Fahie. (Photo from Fahie’s Facebook page)

Premier Andrew Fahie is disputing the notion that the BVI’s jury pool may be too small because of the territory’s tiny size and tight-knit community.

One of the concerns previously raised is about the BVI’s existing policy that only Belongers living in the territory for 10 years or more are eligible to become jurors.

And although two leading authorities in the local criminal-justice system – the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Commissioner of Police – recently told the Commission of Inquiry they share this concern, the notion seems to bear no weight for the Premier. 

Speaking in the House of Assembly (HOA) recently, Premier Fahie said: “If we’re good enough to carry news to have a COI — and make sure that we carry information other than news or whatever we carry to have it — we’re supposed to be good enough to sit in the courthouse in the jury box and still determine if people are guilty or innocent.”

“We cannot have our people having that kind of fortitude (of making complaints to the COI) and then telling me if it comes to certain cases, that because of our close-knit [nature] in the BVI, that we cannot have jurors from the BVI to be jurors on the case,” the Premier said.

Ethnic makeup of COI imbalanced

And while referring to the laws that govern a COI in the BVI, the Premier said any selection of persons appointed to conduct a COI should allow for ‘balance’. He said this selection of persons should comprise of people with different ethnic backgrounds and be more culturally aware of persons inside and outside of the territory.

Currently, the team of persons conducting the ongoing COI are all or mostly Britons.

“If our people are good enough to bring information to any sitting person that can do an inquiry … then our people are saying that we are good enough to help police ourselves,” the Premier argued.

The territory’s leader said this is preferred over having a few persons who may not be viewing matters through a particular ethnic lens, and are bringing guilty verdicts every time.

Someone’s cultural view of an issue, Premier Fahie posited, can easily allow them to make decisions that can negatively affect others because of their connotation of how the other person’s culture operates.

COI Act needs update

Meanwhile, Premier Fahie further noted that some aspects of the law surrounding the COI need to be questioned while other elements need to be made more current.

“We don’t like to touch certain things that create certain waves in certain quarters, but we have to make sure that any law that is used now, passes the litmus test of being democratic in the 21st century,” the Premier argued.

The Premier further suggested that a crucial element of good governance also involves a balanced, modern-day partnership where either party in the relationship is able to examine the other – i.e. if the government has concerns about the governor, the a COI should be able to look into this as well.

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  1. Chief news carrier says:

    You would know about carry news. You carried false news on the previous government to former governors calling for a commission of inquiry on things that you knew what you were saying was not so. Now the inquiry is here and you are the one in all the hot water. When you’re digging grave for people you should dig two.

    Like 105
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    • unconscionable says:

      This is pathetic. We are rudderless, bereft of thought, or vision.
      Instead of clear thinking about how to move forward with the virus, plan for incoming variants, safeguard the economy, a strategy … we get more whining about the COI and UK.
      Fact: we will need booster vaccines, updated vaccines for new variants, for some time.. from the UK! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
      Change the record. Or move over.

      Like 10
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    • To Chief news carrier says:

      What a lie. You know you are lying. It is a pity that the same person can blog again and again under different names chatting foolishness.

    • lordy says:

      Should have been the only comment.Well said.

  2. Roll eyes says:

    Just look at that wutlessness.

    Like 47
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  3. Reason says:

    Why boasted thy self oh evil men playing smart and not being clever who so ever digeth a pit shall fall in it shall buried in it

    Like 40
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    • Indigenous Anegadian says:

      Hold tight, cause the goodness of Jah Rastafari idorith foriver! So you’re saying if they are the big tree, then we’re the small ax?

      Like 8
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  4. He says:

    He scared of his upcoming criminal trial. Not to worry F** Albert. It’ll be elsewhere. Not in the BVI.

    Like 45
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  5. First District Representative says:

    Wah..waaahhhh weeeh (I’m crying)! COI this. Wahh!!! COI that.. .. SOB…COI everything.

    Like 42
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  6. Juror says:

    Bench trials for corrupt politicians please.

    Like 43
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  7. Belonger says:

    Why are you complaining about the COI? You can’t have your cake and eat it. If my memory serves me right you were the one who called for a COI back in 2018. You forgot??

    Like 63
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  8. LOL says:

    He could talk about carrying news? You would swear he was the Deputy Governor when NDP was last in power how many times he was down by the White House. I really hope that this man isn’t to the point where he is fooling himself with the foolishness he speaks.

    Like 49
  9. problem says:

    the COI got information from all residents in the BVI not just belongers , he really is a joke.

    Like 34
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  10. awa says:

    Andrew Fahie said before he has nothing to worry about well from his actions we can all see he is very worried. A few weeks ago Julian Willock said he turned down the Lawyers application from the UK to represent the COI in the BVI that was a bad move because it’s going to happen no matter who doesn’t want it, Andrew what about your lawyer from the UK? Do you have anything left of the Five million cap or is it Ten million now? Are they going to be able to represent you? Or did Willock said no to that since he said no to the COI lawyers? Let the Games begin.

    Like 30
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  11. heckler says:

    If you and your gang were doing the right thing nobody wont have to be carrying news.

    Like 33
  12. Deadline says:

    When November comes the BVI will have seen the worst of COVID, and the hurricane season will have gone. By then, the BVI needs to be the most attractive tourist destination in the Caribbean, this will not happen with this f*ol at the helm.

    Like 24
    • @Deadline says:

      November 2025? Plus the scientists are screaming about alarming global warming so who knows about the Hurricane Seasons to come. Anyways, Ive seen the COI cover the past and sitting Govt. Certain Heads of Dept as well. Its not only the current ones.

  13. Rubber Duck says:

    Does he really have any clue what he is rambling about?

    His only bleat is that all accusations are based on racism.

    Like 28
  14. Unconventional leadership says:

    Here we go again. Never ending dialogue about something we can not change. The governor did what he thought was necessary and gone fro

    Like 24
  15. de***ved mind says:

    Either he thinks the public is stupid or he is somewhat del***onal. This man is the principal news carrier. And the news he carried to the Governors was completely false and designed for him to gain political power. There is a special place in h**l for people like this man. And what is worse he don’t have no shame whatsoever. Look at what leadership in the BVI has come to. Ralph warned about him and look his words are coming through.

    Like 39
  16. Deh Watcha says:

    Who voted VIP all the way buddy? Welllll sah.

    Like 21
  17. Really! says:

    How professional…… a guilty conscience need no accuser.

    Like 27
  18. Low life says:

    I have no more adjectives or expletives left to describe Andrew Fahie. I have never seen a human this low before. I’m sorry.

    Like 28
  19. Common sense says:

    Ethnic imbalance, is this man serious. Your entire government is black, all your government employed teachers are black, and, all your government employees are black. There certainly is an ethnic imbalance and it’s of your own making. Hopefully, following the outcome of the COI this will all change and the BVI will start to benefit from better education, healthcare and many other services desperately needed by the population as a whole. The BVI’s future depends on opening up the territory rather than continuing with the current incestuous policy that’s brought it where it is today.

    Like 30
  20. Cannot Make This $hit Up! says:

    So much for that sober DISHONEST campaign eh F*t Albert!!! Carrying news cyan dun to the previous Governor. I await while the CoI slow roast this political h*g! Oink, oink straight to Balo!

    Like 17
  21. Resident says:

    What is really clear from the CoI is that despite having some high quality civil servants like the Attorney General, the DPP, the Auditor General and the Registrar of Interests; and having some rules to go by, the BVI cannot police itself. The rules were comprehensively ignored even when they were pointed out. This seems to have allowed massive wastage, or worse, of public funds. This is especially bad when so much remains to be done to after Irma, like getting functional schools going. Covid is bad, but very little was done post Irma BEFORE Covid, either because there were insufficient funds OR because the BVI would not accept the supervision to take the British loan guarantee finance that was on offer. The CoI has made quite clear why the BVI Government did not wish to be supervised as to how it spent any money raised on the back of UK loan guarantees. The BVI electorate should be ashamed of itself to have allowed the advantages it had between 1990 and 2017 to be thrown away.

    Like 23
  22. take that says:

    Has Andrew fahie tried to destroy the character of many people in this country with untruths that he repeat constantly? Andrew carried news constantly to Gus. Poor Gus did not know who he was dealing with until Andrew got in power and then start to use the same * on him. Whatever Andrew gets from this COI he jolly well deserves. God doesn’t sleep. I am still laughing at his back peddling full speed when Riwat asked him to tell them about the corruption that he was talking about. He nearly poop in the chair when they asked him that. LOL.

    Like 30
  23. Goat says:

    We all are being played.Fahie is a politician.He knows the game very well.

    Like 11
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    • Detective says:

      Sherlock Holmes: “When you take away the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”.

      Based on what we have seen and heard since election, it is impossible for this government to deny the probability of corruption.

  24. You are warned says:

    Save the BVI. Get rid of Andrew Fahie. This is a warning!

    Like 9
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  25. Bvi68 says:

    I was not only the Fahie (VIP) government but also the Smith (NDP) party that emptied coffers of $$$$ into their own pockets and their friends & families. The COI has opened some tightly sealed doors and truth is being shared with the population. There’s is still much, much more to come.

    Like 11
  26. bvi says:

    Andrew Fahie days are number, his time surly come

    Like 11
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  27. Meh Son says:

    I use to respect this man once. Then he got power and his true character showed.

    Like 9
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  28. Hahahaha. I like that says:

    Fahie hitting them hard..But is it news they carrying or useful info they giving?

    Like 3
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  29. Culture says:

    “Someone’s cultural view of an issue, Premier Fahie posited, can easily allow them to make decisions that can negatively affect others because of their connotation of how the other person’s culture operates.”
    So the British should understand that it’s perfectly normal and acceptable for Black Politicians to line their pockets and the pockets of their cronies, at the expense of their people and the territory. Keep calm and carry on!

  30. oh oh says:

    @Meh son. I know the feeling. just help me row the boat with shame

  31. Truth says:

    “If you want to test a man’s character give him power” Abraham Lincoln

  32. Dam right says:

    Fahie is on point. You same fools who are blogging over and over against Fahie are the few who trying to put us into slavery. What the COI & UK is trying to do overall is wrong.

    Like 1
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  33. @Dam right says:

    Well others should have known that when they were carrying information to them for their own gain. The COI is only wrong when they are beating at your door? When they are next door or across the street it is alright? We must be stupid or something.

    I beg Politicians, all Politicians, please, please in 2021 and beyond, with social media out there picking up your every word, stop and think before you speak. Please stop and think before opening mouth and inserting foot.

  34. Forbidden Truth says:

    “Currently, the team of persons conducting the ongoing COI are all or mostly Britons” AND WHITE..

  35. Lol says:

    The BVI will remain a laughing stock whilst this toad retains any power!

  36. concerned citizen says:

    Premier Fahie said: “If we’re good enough to carry news to have a COI — and make sure that we carry information other than news or whatever we carry to have it — we’re supposed to be good enough to sit in the courthouse in the jury box and still determine if people are guilty or innocent.”

    “We cannot have our people having that kind of fortitude (of making complaints to the COI) and then telling me if it comes to certain cases, that because of our close-knit [nature] in the BVI, that we cannot have jurors from the BVI to be jurors on the case,” the Premier said.

    He is the same one went to the past Governor. now they come he talking p**s. He is the sellout, but it backfired at him.

  37. lordy says:

    Should have been the only comment.Well said.

  38. Well says:

    The day of reckoning coming.Can’t wait to see these crooks suck salt.COI..please set an example that won’t be forgotten.The Turk’s and C..premiere mouth hot again..has forgotten the lesson already.

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