BVI News

I’m giving the gov’t one year to get it right — Rosan

Cindy Rosan

Political commentator Cindy Rosan has stated that she is willing to stage a protest against the current government if their performance doesn’t improve after a year in office.

Rosan made the comment on the Tola Radio while advancing a discussion on the will of elected leaders to make real changes that residents want to see in the territory.

“They’re thinking about themselves, their careers and how much money they make. They don’t really care about the will of the people,” Rosan posited. “I’m going to give them a year and if I don’t see any real changes, I don’t care who comes behind me, I’m going to take to the streets. I’m going to make a big stink for the next three years.”

In light of all the infrastructural upgrades that are needed and the high cost of living that continue to frustrate residents, Rosan questioned the purpose of Opposition members of the House of Assembly, saying they are only allowed to ask “pre-prepared questions” of government members who simply read the answers from a sheet of paper.

“What really is the job of the Opposition? Is it just to throw questions across to the government? Then the ministers come inside the House and they literally read – only one or two of them don’t read word-for-word the answer they are presenting. All of it is just a lot of garbage and not really the answers that the people are looking to hear,” Rosan said.

Rosan has always been a staunch critic of political figures in the BVI and has previously led a march against the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Act, 2021 or the “Greedy Bill” which sparked much controversy in the community before it was amended by leaders recently.

Though Rosan is often criticised by some sections of the community for being too outspoken, Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn recently commended her for the protest she led against the legislation, which took millions away from the public purse to line the pockets of retired elected leaders.


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  1. *Roll Eyes* says:

    Oh just shut it! You were complicit in helping this very government secure a win when THE PEOPLE wanted change.

    Stop giving this ‘political commentator’ a platform. She has her own media house, let that keep the nonsense contained.

    Like 33
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  2. My 2 cents says:

    After all these years of talking and protesting the crazy bat could not get Perline elected, or the vip out of office. Her broke ra** just ended up with bills, and lawyers to pay!

    Stay in your lane Cindy you have zero credibility and integrity where is the money they give you for demion?

    Like 25
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  3. Government is now really worried says:

    Sindee is considered by most of the population to be a serious political commentator and she has previously demonstrated that she is very capable of arranging a three or sometimes even a four person march/protest against all sorts of things.
    I suspect that her recent threat to hold another protest in a years time is all the Government needs to hear to ensure that it provides perfect service to the public from now on.

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  4. Penn says:

    I wid U

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  5. The Commissioner says:

    Ms Rosan, I am surprised that you are willing to give them a year. The writing is on the wall that nothing has changed. As a matter of fact things appear to be getting worse. This is not what we voted for and why can’t they just do the decent thing and resign now…that goes for all thirteen!! please and thanks.

    Like 22
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    Resigning ? that will be like suicide for those wannabe * ARISTOCRATS * they are too arrogant to show that kind of respect / which they don’t even have for themselves ( as another blogger mentioned ) plus the people will get a chance to tell them to their faces what time it is and we all know when YEARS of being lied
    to / ripped off / manipulated etc builds up ,and they get chance to let it all hang out ( like explode )on their arsz / so they will turn into

    Like 2
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  7. Help help help says:

    Vincent you must do more for mental health Cindy needs help boss

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  8. Rose and Scammy says:

    And how long before you return the moneys from your well orchestrated most recent scam,the infamous Go fund who?.
    A pathetic disgraceful piece of wannabe but isn’t and can never be. You mek your updeislun folks look worse than what they are reputed to be,digging the knife deeper in their reputation with your dishonesty. Get some pride for chrissakes,zip those lips and go hide your face.

  9. Action says:

    Any country that possess the calibre of leadership bvi has will forever be in serious problems. Think of another country anywhere in the world where a person can be voted head of government with 400 votes.

    Name a leader any leader who leads a country who is consistently the most hated, reviled person in the country. The country is in deep do-do and here he is off again. Next two weeks there will be a dog fight in Singapore there you would find the leader of the worst run country in the world.

    Good one Cindee the time is now. There is no hope in sight. I hope when the history of this nation is written may the historians have amnesia. Please don’t let the future generation know the tola ever had a default premier.

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  10. LOL says:

    Anybody studying Cindy? How much time does she give herself to get it right? Ms. Rosan relax yourself please, your 15 mins has long been up.

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  11. Sin deed says:

    “I’m giving the Gov’t one year…”
    Who and what is this ting a flapping she mouth buddy`
    Well sah,, what these BVI ah cum to?

    Woman,mind you manners and find some common sense and go find your company.

    Leave my BVIslands and its Governing bodies alone. Nobody send callyou.The last thing it needs is your kind spewing gaseous froth. A real dishonorable and dishonest broke red lipped pistarcle.

    Like 4
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  12. Vg says:

    I listened to lunatic sl**man commenting on our water situation in VG it gave me creeps to hear this boi speaks.A kindergartner could’ve done better my Gosh.

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  13. Good Idea says:

    Maybe you can use the money that you and Dameon allegedly stole to stage it!

    Feels fitting for around here….protest a corrupt government with your own corruption.

    Like 7
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  14. @*Roll Eyes* says:

    Her own media house is a cell phone (does she have a business licence)when it is not seized by the police!

    Like 7
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  15. Cindy guaranteed that Perline lost says:

    I am not sure that Perline had much chance of being elected, but the fact that Sindee endorsed her would have ensured that people would vote for whoever stood against her.

    Like 8
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  16. Lodger says:

    Questions in the house are always pre-asked so that ministers can get the answers from their civil servants. There should then be followups from the asker. Just watch UK PMQS on Wednesdays at 12 noon UK time to see how it is done.

  17. Piddle says:

    Cindy stfu with your crazy @$$. Who the h**l are you to be talking about giving Govt 1 year? Who appointed you judge and jury?

    Like 6
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  18. Thank you to *Roll Eyes* says:

    Isn’t this the same snake handler who talk Lorna into joining clown and friends instead of helping the NDP, PVIM and Fraser to form a coalition government??? WOMAN TEK SEVERAL SEATS…!!! ZERO RELEVANCE. You made your choice. Keep up the same darn energy you had back then and stop acting like your hands are clean in all this. Allegedly went as far as leaking all sort of story in the media hours after election to screw with the public’s minds while she knew Lorna and her orange bag was already heading into the enemy’s camp to sign up as deputy ring leader of the circus …, taking picture in the background. The public need to protest against this all-over-the-place individual. Her hands …

    Like 4
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  19. Count me in. says:

    I am with you Cindy. The height of incompetence, no compassion, selfishness and greed. Simple, Simple, Issues they can’t fix, water, electricity, tourism, minimum wage ( Just increase the tax free amt from $10,000 to $18,000.)these simple issues just need some common sense and some love for the people..

    Like 6
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  20. Mental patient says:


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  21. With the white from trellis says:

    The moo moo need a job she beg too much

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  22. @Cindy guaranteed that Perline lost says:

    Stop spewing stupidness from your lips. Cindy endorsed others who won too. Tell sowande deduct the fly ins, payouts and late minute registrations on Tuesday evening after election office registration had closed and our representative would have been Perline.

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  23. Pascal says:

    What happen singer man ain’t laying enough pipe after the buss chest she give her husband ?

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  24. Step Down says:

    One thing other governments in the Caribbean, UK and USA do is step down, even if they are not found guilty at the time. They remove themselves and let investigations occur. Premier step down for Lorna and MCW step down for Mather. We beg aryo please step down.

    Like 3
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  25. Hey My 2 cents says:

    For someone who only had 3 months or less to prepare the lady did pretty good. That is commendable.

    Like 1
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  26. smh says:

    Why wait a year? Waiting for thngs to get even worse. BVI People are not going to protest anything. The are just too complacent. No problem solving skills. The BVI is so lost never to regain it’s glory.

  27. Eldread says:

    Same thing was said of noel loydd he crazy

  28. sturpss says:

    Why she dont go put a timer on her ex co-host to give back them people their money… The sad reality is that England gonna take over at the end of the deadline for the reforms while our government stay there complaining about the timeframe and bawling to the UN instead of doing what they got to do.

  29. @Pascal says:

    Where you get the scoop from? Haha that one make me laugh.

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