BVI News

I’m mad! $1M ferry terminal contract should be for locals

Claude Skelton Cline

Political commentator and talk show host, Claude Skelton Cline has strongly criticised the government for contracting a foreign company to provide design and management services to rebuild the West End Ferry Terminal.

Premier Andrew Fahie recently announced that the $1,048,909 contract was awarded to German company, INROS Lackner SE. At the time of the announcement, Fahie said the million-dollar price tag did not include the construction costs; stating the Recovery & Development Agency (RDA) would put that out for tender at a later stage.

But while appearing on his Honestly Speaking radio show yesterday, Skelton Cline said every expert and expertise needed to develop the territory is already here.

“How is it possible for a German company to come into these Virgin Islands, bid on projects that locals bid on – [locals] with the skillset, with the experience, with the expertise [to] win, be awarded a million-dollar contract? The million dollars that need to stay here. The million dollars that need to revolve here. We’re the ones that need the money. We’re the ones that need the employment,” Cline said.

Skelton Cline, who is a former government consultant, rubbished the notion that the project was open to global bids due to Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) criteria. 

“Nonsense, I don’t wanna hear it,” the radio host said.

Doesn’t the BVI have designers and project managers?

He questioned how monies could continue to be sent out of the territory to construct something as simple as a ferry dock. 

“We don’t know how to build docks? We don’t have designers here? We don’t’ have project management here?” Skelton Cline questioned.

“This thing should be for locals only, especially at a time like this. And we should be unapologetic about declaring that and mandating that,” Skelton Cline stated.

He said he was upset about the whole ordeal; adding that the BVI needed to start believing in the competencies of its own people and stop letting banks and other organisations say why locals were not eligible to man projects in the territory.

“I’m mad. I’m mad as hell. And I don’t give a good hot chocolate who thinks what,” he said. “Our people deserve better than this!” 

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  1. WHAT DA F says:


    Like 22
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    • Huh! says:

      I thought Claude is from Detroit?
      He is mostly cross that he missed out on another consultancy. It is just this sort of reason that required that the RDA be set up to ensure that the Territory gets value for money and does not simply transfer funds to persons …

      Like 41
    • Gert Muller says:

      Finally something truthful from Claud. I agree he’s m**.

      Like 7
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  2. Reason says:

    Mr shut up you only think of you and you alone like you cares about other people

    Like 29
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  3. heckler says:

    You is a paid consultant and if the premier aint listening to you who will he listen to?

    Like 17
  4. lol says:

    The money is being hid in germany now

  5. Mad says:

    Does CSK own a company providing design and management services?

    Like 23
  6. L Ipton says:

    Really now…what’s about the many consultancies granted to him without results? The Germans will deliver!

    Like 30
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  7. Common sense says:

    Yes, well, the two first words of your heading is certainly correct.

    Like 10
  8. Lol says:

    Check the tenders CSC probably bid and didn’t win or wanted a no tender to go a member of the HOA.

    Like 10
  9. Anonymous says:

    The truth is CSC is absolutely right on this. Under all circumstances we/locals must be given the first preferrence.

    Afterall, the Germans will do so for their people. No matter how good, expert and experienced we are, we will never, ever get a contract of any kind, never mind a million dollar one from a german or any other European or American for that matter.Those are just the good ole facts.

    Crying shame we feed the mouths that belttle us, and leave our own empty and dry.

    Like 6
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    • @Anonymous says:

      The Germans will NOT do so for their own people – they are members of the EU, that means they have to share their markets freely with other EU members.

      The BVI has taken money from the Caribbean Development Bank. One of the clearest things in the loan agreement is that ALL CDB member countries are able to bid on any work that is tendered relating to that loan.

      Like 18
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      • Truth says:

        That is correct, Germany, as a CDB member has every right to bid on this contract and if they win the bid fairly then they should receive the contract. This is good governance.

    • Hey anonymous says:

      Under all circumstances, we locals must be given 1st preference? Look at what 1st preference has gotten the Territory thus far: budget over runs, over schedule, missing monies, cronyism, and shoddy workmanship that does not last. Who built the last WE ferry terminal? Why is it not still standing (Sure you can say Irma, but Irma did not destroy all buildings). Secondly, how many locally owned and staffed engineering designs firms with the necessary experience are there in the Territory? Not hearing too much from them on this issue. Lastly, where does it say locals won’t be bidding on the construction of the new design.

  10. smh says:

    Hmm… This opportunist getting ready to jump ship again or wha?

    Like 18
  11. WEW says:

    He’s MAD == unable to get a cut of the deal

    Like 23
  12. MBGA Man says:

    Our future under direct UK rule.

    Like 1
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  13. Engineer says:

    In the last 60 years the West End ferry dock has been destroyed, collapsed or swept away due to inadequate engineering, materials and construction. It’s time for reputable professional engineers to design a practical visitor friendly ferry dock that will survive and prosper through all the hurricanes for the next 60 years.

    Like 10
  14. pizzaman says:

    Its because of you! The way *** mismanaged pierpark contract is why they afraid of locals.

    Like 12
  15. lol says:

    Parna waiting on a backhand slap from the boss

  16. Disaster says:

    I am still mad about your unmerited contracts too. so go siddung. I am sure you wish you could manipulate RDA the way you did NDP and continue to do with VIP.

  17. A true pair says:

    Imagine what a show we could foist upon the world if we could team up Claude and Al Sharpton? Hip wader sales would be through the roof!! Go sit down

  18. V4 says:

    I’m sure there is a local BVI who may have the ability, problem is you would need to triple the budget for all the back handers

  19. Straight up t**ef says:

    WOW!!! This guy should be a comedian with the jokes coming out of his mouth !!!
    He’s “mad” ?!? Ya I bet he’s mad because he’s not gonna be able to s***l all that money just like he did with the pier park. He does not have the education, skill and worst of all he lacks any form of business ethics. It’s absurd that he thinks he should be considered to take on such an important piece of reconstruction. He has c******ion written all over his smug face.
    The quote given by the current government just for the plans seems beyond fishy. How can that price not include construction?! That must be some space age s**t !! I Wonder if it’s going to be just as fantastic as the “million dollar bridge” at beef island !!!

  20. concerned citizen says:

    When the local contractors start doing projects within the budget, time frame and giving a fully completed project then you can speak sir. Perfect example the road by Qwomar and going up the hill has been incomplete for months. A local contractor got the project.

  21. Germany! says:

    Just wait…the COI is going to find Germany is now in the kick back business! Claude just mad as h**l because they increased the normal kick back and lock he out!

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