BVI News

I’m not divisive and have never heard that I was — Willock

Speaker Julian Willock

Former Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock said he was never aware that some sections of the community view him as a ‘divisive’ figure.

During a recent interview with online media outlet CaribUpdate Channel, Willock was asked how he would respond to BVI residents who view him as such. Willock responded by saying he is the opposite.

“Sometimes when you have to say what is the reality on the ground, it may be interpreted as divisive. I have never heard that (I was divisive). My whole mantle and disposition has been to bring people together whether you’re white, black, from the Caribbean, from here or indigenous. My disposition has been to bring people together and I will continue to bring people together,” Willock stated.

“But bringing people together must be based on principles and fair play and must be based on a situation where everyone — no matter if you’re the former Speaker, Governor, Premier, teacher or mechanic — everyone must feel like they are treated equally and I will not shy away from that,” Willock argued.

During that same interview, Willock revealed he is considering contesting the next general election in the BVI. If he decides to run for office, Willock said he will champion the extension of the runway at Terrance B Lettsome International Airport so the territory can accommodate large aircraft and boost visitor arrivals.

“The runway needs to be expanded which will go a far way in helping our tourism sector and also our airlift, where we can have direct flights from New York, London, Miami, etc. So that is one of the things I will be championing,” Willock said.

“Again, if I decide to run, another thing that I’ll be championing is that we need to come up with realistic ideas about revenue. The government is not a bottomless pit in terms of funds. We have to come up with creative ways to raise revenue so we can sustain our public service, our schools, social development, etc,” Willock added.

Willock has been the centre of many controversies in local politics.

He was recently unceremoniously removed from his post as House Speaker after the conclusion of the Commission of Inquiry (COI). 

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley confirmed that Willock was removed because most members of the government held no level of confidence in him.

Before that, Willock had appeared before the COI and later filed an injunction against three attorneys. He later withdrew after failing to get the required permission of the Attorney General (AG) to proceed with the matter.

That matter became controversial after the court ruled that Willock was personally responsible for his court fees and not BVI taxpayers.

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  1. ?? says:

    Cow dung and lies on the one side and on the other, if he believes that for real, he is tone deaf, blind, dumb and completely self-centred. Every reason on all sides to not take him seriously as a candidate for the new this country so desperately needs.

    Like 47
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  2. AH GUESS says:


    Like 24
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  3. Lol says:

    A total narc***ist. What you expect him to say ?

    Like 35
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  4. Rubber Duck says:

    True, we all believe that you are a national embarrassment.

    Like 29
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  5. Well sah says:

    Is this inflated eg*t*st serious?

    Like 24
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  6. Why says:

    Why is this news?

    Like 16
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  7. And Straight as a arrow says:

    Lets not forget that LOL LOL LOL

    Like 12
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  8. YES TO UK says:

    Julian Willock for one thing drop the speaker crap before your name. The BVI and world saw you from every angle, you are not someone we want representing us in any way. You are rude have no respect for anyone, on top of that you are very self-centred you are very much so a very divisive person. Give up the race now before you find out from many who you really are in case you don’t know who you are.

    Like 31
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  9. His legal fees says:

    must be paid in full and any interest that has accrued since 2020 BEFORE he does anything connected with the BVI government.

    Like 16
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  10. Badness it name says:

    Guess you weren’t listening

    Like 8
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  11. WHAT??? says:


    Like 15
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  12. BVI says:

    We got your back

    Like 2
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  13. Np says:

    Just pompous

    Like 20
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  14. lol says:

    A mason ever says his wall is twisted or a fisherman ever say his fish are stink?

    Like 10
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  15. Rubber Duck says:

    The wise people of the BVi not even paying attention to these phony comments from the same two people over and over plus the governor’s office.

    Willock will be ok, he has itegrity, he is smart and he will fight for us that is why we VOTING FOR HIM


    Like 2
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  16. ... says:

    up to yet no one can tell us why the man was removed from his job. He will go down in history as one of the best speakers and that is a fact!

    Like 3
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  17. Move on says:

    You all can’t see that something wrong with this man upstairs. He is totally delusional.

    Like 24
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  18. Roll eyes says:

    Anybody who votes for wiggy cannot be serious about the BVi

    Like 24
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  19. @... says:

    You more delusional than him. Best Speaker ever my foot. Try researching the history of Speakers and I guarantee that you would find none as divisive, arogant, selfcentered, pompus, mannersless and cocky as this JA.

    Like 26
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    Like 14
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  21. ccc says:

    He going win the election so ez you watch

    Like 1
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  22. Guest says:

    Dude don’t listen, so how he would have heard.

    Like 9
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  23. Anonymous says:

    @Rubber Duck, There isn’t enough idiots like you to vote him in so please tell him he is wasting his time talking crap. Even before the house was in order he cost the government a lot of money and he didn’t stop there.

    Like 6
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  24. Cos says:

    Cos he owns this online platform …..

    Like 2
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  25. WEW says:

    A narci**istic sociop**h rac*st

    Like 7
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  26. Cross says:

    This earthly being is one of total repulsion.
    Mind body spirit ,every fiber, they are harmoniously repulsive.

    Like 7
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  27. joke says:

    who is we? lol

    Like 3
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  28. Me says:

    Is this the same guy that use to be speaker of HOA?I don’t recognise him without the mop.People pls.don’t degrade yourselves to put this ego.centric man to be no leader/lawmaker of this sinking country.

    Like 5
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  29. Again says:

    Before you come here talking bulls**t tell us why you was removed from speaker??

    Like 7
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  30. I vote says:

    He can help lbgq ppl have a voice finally of he becomes premiere ?,Walwyn and him could make the change…be strong lbgq leaders..first in the Caribbean..I think.?

  31. Jackn says:

    Up to yet no one can tell us why our prince was removed as speaker but he has my three votes

    Like 3
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  32. Vex says:

    You may write me down in history
    With your bitter, twisted lies,
    You may trod me in the very dirt
    But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
    Julian Willock there are a majority of us who believe in you and will be supporting you at the polls as rise you must !!

    Like 3
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  33. Hmm says:

    Rise and t*ef?

  34. Soo says:

    Even if no one said so to his face…hard to believe that he didn’t read the blogs on his website.

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