BVI News

Increased reports of businesses threatening unvaccinated workers

As the territory experiences a major surge in COVID-19 cases, reports have surfaced about some businesses threatening to sack employees who opt not to get vaccinated.

Employees of a local hardware store on Tortola as well as those from a prominent restaurant and bar in Road Town are among latest workers to have reported receiving such threats.

The government is now being urged to intervene and this call has now come from former legislator, Myron Walwyn.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Walwyn said although he strongly encourages persons getting vaccinated, he also recognises and respects their right not to take the vaccine.

“Compulsory vaccination, without more, can amount to an unjustifiable interference with the right to respect for one’s private life which is protected in the Human Right’s Chapter of the Virgin Islands Constitutional Order 2007,” the former legislator wrote.

“This whole issue is a complicated area of law at this time and I would strongly advise the government to ask employers to cease and desist from the practice of threatening job security if employees opt not to take the vaccine. Let us continue to encourage and use other civilised methods of persuasion that do not take away the power of choice from individuals,” Walwyn added.

He continued: “I also advise the government to seek a legal opinion on the matter of compulsory vaccination and not simply relegate it to a labour issue. Its implications go far beyond labour. Human Rights include the right to refuse and to dissent as well.”

Gov’t still exploring the issue?

Back in late May, Premier Andrew Fahie described the issue of businesses laying off anti-vaxxer employees as a “heavy legal matter”. Fahie further said Labour Minister Vincent Wheatly is exploring the issue in tandem with Attorney General, Dawn Smith.

At the time, Premier Fahie declined to comment further but said the ruling is still out on what to tell businesses. He then said a statement on the legal findings related to this matter should be expected in a few weeks.

Since then, there are no known public statements from the Fahie administration addressing the issue.

Resort accused of laying off anti-vaxxer worker

A former Oil Nut Bay (ONB) worker, Gerand Vanterpool, alleged in a recent ZBVI interview that he was temporarily laid off at the resort because he failed to take the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The former housekeeper said this was after receiving a letter in March 2021 from the management of ONB imploring him to take the vaccine by March 30 or face being dismissed.

Failing to comply, Vanterpool said he was laid off for 90 days without pay and received no assistance from the Labour Ministry. The former ONB worker said he was told the layoff was his choice because he didn’t take the vaccine.

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  1. Kingdom says:

    I used to do alot of business with vi block but they crossed the line this week. I will no longer do business with them, One Mart nor any other establishment like Oil nut bay who violate the rights and beliefs of others. All unvaccinated people need to boycott One mart, vi block, Oil nut bay and every other establishment that is pressuring their unvaccinated employees to be vaccinated. Do not give them our money. Let only vaccinated people patronize them.

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    • To Kingdom says:

      Trust me, it just might get to that point where they WILL ONLY WANT vaccinated people to enter their business. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with the unvaccinated cause if ALL of us wear our masks, wash hands and social distance, then virus wouldn’t spread so easily.

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      • Foolishness and Stupidness says:

        I will be making extra trips to One Mart, VI Block and Oil Nut Bay to show support for the stand that they are taking.
        I hope that they are also requiring customers visiting their premises to prove that they are vaccinated.
        I am vaccinated and therefore not too worried that I will get very ill if I pick up the vaccine, but I don’t want to be exposed to persons who have not been vaccinated. They are not welcome in my premises.

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    • Rofl says:

      Yes, please let unvaccinated people boycott these places so the rest of us are kept safe. The people that can’t be vaccinated for real reasons can be safe there too

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      • Warner Brother says:

        For the record. Unvaccinated are only a risk to themselves if any. How in heaven’s name are they a risk to the vaccinated? You all need to stop the crap.

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        • really says:

          If you are not vaccinated the chances of transmission are far higher. Vaccines are great and offer around 90% protection. I would prefer not to test that last 10%. You are a risk to the vaccinated because pretty soon you will have made us shut down the economy again. Filled up our hospital because of your ignorance, so when we need care for other reasons it won’t be available.

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        • Heaven's Name says:

          Have you not been paying attention to the global pandemic and what the world’s health organizations are learning about Covid,it’s variants and the vaccines? It has been proven that unvaccinated people are not just more susceptible to catching the virus but have the ability to spread the virus far greater than a vaccinated person who comes into contact with the virus.In simple terms think about the occasions when you’ve had a terrible cold, coughing and sneezing like crazy, feverish and sick on the couch with a blanket and box of kleenex compared to when you have mild , passing sniffles and your immune system wards off the cold. One of you is more contagious than the other. Well Covid travels through droplets aerosols into the air. A sick unvaccinated person is going to put out far more virus than an asymptomatic vaccinated person. The unvaccinated pose a risk to everyone no matter if they are vaccinated (breakthrough cases for the most immune compromised), or if they are persons who cannot receive the vaccine due to young age or health issues. So a double vaccinated person can still easily carry the virus home to their children. Children! Who, currently cannot get the vaccine. You put them at risk. Lastly, viruses are intelligent survivors. They mutate to stay alive. If everyone were to vaccinate the survivability of the virus would be vastly reduced and it could potentially be eradicated. But with pockets of unvaccinated persons that are more probable to gather in groups unmasked and unwilling to follow any safety advice will give the virus not only breeding ground, but the ability to mutate into new and stronger/different variants that current vaccines may not be able to fight against, or with lesser efficacy. There could very well be a BVI variant one day.So, yes, unvaccinated persons are problematic for themselves, the community, the economy and the country, and potentially the global community if cases were to be traveled outside of the territory.

    • @kingdom says:

      We don’t need your business

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    • re: kingdom says:

      you are a drop in the bucket ?. more people will be vaccinated eventually. You fighting a losing battle but keep the faith.

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    • @Kingdom says:

      You do that. I would rather you kept away from me anyway!

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    • =( says:

      Who are gonna patronise all of these businesses if we will be all in lockdown? You and me will have no jobs eventually. You will have no money to give. Because there will be no commerce going on. We can all do our share by taking the vaccine. It will not prevent the spread but it will prevent us from getting critically ill when contracted with the virus.

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    • To Kingdom says:

      I so agree with you. They should refuse entry to unvaccinated patrons once they take the stance to ban their unvaccinated staff

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    • Vaccinated says:

      The unvaccinated had their choice about the vaccine which is their right but I have the choice not to shop or frequent those places where they work. What gives their right precedent over mine?

      Like 25
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      • smh says:

        If yall so confident that the vaccine doing what it should then why are ‘vaccinated’ people still feeling so threatened by the unvaccinated… You vaccinated you should be good if you get it you not gonna get sick… according to who yall believe in.

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        • really says:

          When the ignorant unvaccinated fill up our hospital where do we go for healthcare. When unvaccinated (who transmit the virus far faster than the small number of vaccinated who do contract COVID) lead to rapid spread and we have to shut down our economy, are you going to pay the wages? You have had long enough to learn about this. The fact you and others like you still don’t get it means the territory is in trouble.

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    • ok says:

      so you wont be going to De Loose Mongoose either or Anegada Beach Club as they sent all their unvaccinated employees home to get vaccinated! There are many more so you might not have any where to lime or buy produce or hardware

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    • Anti-vex says:

      Presumably then you would you feel it was fine for vaccinated people to boycott businesses that had unvaccinated staff

    • Rubber Duck says:

      Ok but it works both ways. Vaccinated people can boycott places where staff are not vaccinated. And as someone pointed out it’s probable the vaccinated have the money.

      One place I would avoid is rip off churches where the unvaccinated are singing hymns and spitting out germs.

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    • So be it says:

      The travel elsewhere and do your business

    • This I gotta see says:

      So, where will you get your groceries from??? LOL, yall will still go shop there so stop talk about boycott….y all never protested when lots of crap was going down. (All talk, no action)

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    • Concern says:

      All countries need to achieve a level of herd immunity to prevent more outbreaks. This is only achieved by 75% or more of the population being vaccinated. Or it maybe can be achieved with the virus running rampant throughout the population killing a lot of people. Millions of people have taken the vaccine including world leaders. Do your community a favor and take the vaccine.

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    • Tongue Fu says:

      Agreed! I will no longer do business with VI Block. Need more info on One Mart.

      If you can send home the un-vacccinated then you should not take money from the unvaccinated.

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  2. Secret Bear says:

    I have very little sympathy anymore for those in this situation. This is capitalism and private businesses can do as they like to ensure they won’t be harmed by being forced to shut down when their employees get sick.

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  3. Froggy says:

    If a person has genuine religious or medical reasons for not wanting to take the vaccine, I would be inclined to supportive. But the half idiots, including religious leaders, who are pedaling outrageous and dangerous conspiracy theories about the vaccine don’t have right demanding that they be treated the same as a fully vaccinated person at a place of work or anywhere else for that matter. I am in support of any employer who insists on having only vaccinated persons in their employ. By doing so they are protecting their businesses, themselves, other employees and their families and by extension this country. Trust the science, get VACCINATED.

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    • BVI Business says:

      100% correct!

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    • Caution beats cure. says:

      It is hardly about outrageous and dangerous conspiracy theories, but about people being afraid of putting a product inside of them that is not fully developed and tested that could kill them just as the virus could. It’s that simple.

      This what everyone, including business owners, government officials and others who are adamant about being vccinated must take equally into considertion, not just their agenda.

      Because of its infancy in development, and the secrecy behind the alarming illnesses and deaths associated with it, is why many are still reluctant to put it in their bodies.

      One can play Russian roulette and not be killed. But the next one that squeezes the trigger and bam, he dead.

      Some to most have been convinced, and now think it their business to convince others to put that gun to thier heads.

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      • due says:

        Were consuming GMO food..vaccinated meat..your full of stuff you don’t even want to think about.Let it go.Your mom vaccine you already..none are 100%..just saying..bless up

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      • Doh says:

        Don’t be an ID10t

        It’s been proven to work

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  4. Understand says:

    The government has no right to intervene, look for a job elsewhere if you don’t want to adhere to the work stipulations of a privately owned business. These businesses have the right to ensure the safety of their customers and themselves. If you do not want to take the vaccine that is your right but it is also the right of that privately owned business owner or owners to inform you to find a new job. This is why the BVI is in a mess of a situation right now.

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  5. Naz¡ Hatelar says:

    Guess, soon they will want only vaccinated people to enter their business. And they can be like Adolf and have the unvaccinated wear a stamp or some sort of identification mark

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  6. Unconventional leadership says:

    The government need to make and take a stand on this matter. If the attorney general not clear as to what the law is then she needs to say so and ask the governor to ask the mother country. I am in total agreement of not supporting businesses who accept the patronage of the unvaccinated yet fire their unvaccinated workers. Stand up for your people Myron.

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    • @unconventional leadership says:

      Looks like the AG could have gone to Myron for advice. Anyone who knows law understands the fundamentals of human rights 101, without deep research and without deep consideration. Myron is on point.

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  7. Irresponsible says:

    Not to get vaccinated – stop spinning conspiracy theories

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    • @ Irresponsible says:

      Donkey do you see how many adverse effects has happened since taking the vaccine?

      Play Russian Roulette with your life not the rest of the population

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      • 1EYE says:

        I see the millions of ppl who died b4 there was a vaccine and a small # of ppl who had allergic reactions to it as they do with all vaccines. 6 weeks to be fully vaccinated btw it’s not a jab and go reckless like we were doing. Now the virus is here we’ll see which groups of ppl survive in the greatest amount due to the covid, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated.

        Like 11
      • Real Simple says:

        Um. Look at the adverse effects of being unvaccinated and contracting COVID. Some folks might be experimenting with the vaccine but you are experimenting with that.

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  8. To OneMart says:

    Just read the following from OneMart where I have frequented and would be going elsewhere from now on:

    “Also, persons who have religious reasons for remaining unvaccinated are required to submit supporting documentation from your religious institution for consideration“

    In case your living under a rock, not every person is affiliated with a RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION!!!! God is our covering not a church or institution!!!!

    It is also noted that you want your staff to submit a confidential medical report on any ailments that would prevent them from being vaccinated and THAT IS A GROSS VIOLATION OF PRIVACY!!!!!


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    • Ues says:

      …and God have man the knowledge to create a vaccine ..

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    • Fo tru says:

      The only thing that is in control right now are evil cats. They hypnotize our men who then cheat on their women. Sorcery and witchcraft are at play as are youth are intoxicated by their yearnings. We must put a stop to devil wickedness and make sure we fill the potholes or they will destroy us all.

      God wills it

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  9. Hello says:

    There are more of us with them than against them. I feel much safer shopping or doing business with an establishment whose workers are vaccinated. So you non-vaxxers, carry on. You guys can go open up your own supermarkets and hardware stores. The world will continue to move without you. Simple.

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  10. Big AL says:

    With all the simple bull s**t that is going on it’s depressing to be a member of this society. Thousands of people are dying worldwide from this disease and we still have a question about taking a vaccine that can save our lives or minimize how sick we get if we get the virus. Most of the people dying now are the unvaccinated. So if an employer feels that getting vaccinated will protect staff and customers, and there are employees who don’t want to take the vaccine they have their rights, and the employers have their rights to say you can’t work in my company. Wtf is the argument about. Who don’t want to comply with an employer’s safety protocols GO FIND A JOB somewhere else.

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  11. Vaccinated says:

    When I came to work here I had to prove I had my tetanus, diptheria, polio, TB and other vaccines as well as having a medical to prove I had not other diseases. I could not work here unless I ahd them. So why do work permit holders have prove their vaccine record if the locals dont feel the same about covid 19 vaccine? With covid vaccine this country and other countries are going to expect me to prove I have had the vaccine. Apart from the people with medical conditions I don’t understand why the people have not had the vaccine – unless there are so many illegal people is this country?

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  12. Future says:

    It seems that most of those that say the employer has rights fail to realize that the Human Right Charter was made for a reason. If we allow the force of vaccination for positions that have other means of protecting others then we have not learned from our past. Without having a valid distinct decision as to requiring a vaccine then an employer can state almost anything is for the safety of others. Many countries, including the US and UK, have moved away from mandatory vaccinations and they have had more deaths than the VI. Why don’t we look at why? Texas stop requiring masks in April and their cases continued to reduce, even at only 33% of the population being vaccinated. Human Rights are there for a reason.

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  13. Vaccine says:

    All unvaccinated must be sent home immediately, they are a threat to community, I am not ready to meet any unvaccinated in any business place

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    • Hmm says:

      But why are unvaccinated a threat to vaccinated? You all have the magic stick so you cannot get COVID easily or die from it.

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    • Machine says:

      The time in coming when you and others like you will regret to ever taking the vaccine,this is only the beginning

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    • HOW! says:

      It concerns me greatly the even though both the manufacturers of the vaccine and governing bodies advise that VACCINATED PPL CATCH AND SPREAD THE VIRUS, we have so many ppl on here calling for legislation and firing.

      Vaccinated ppl, you can get ppl sick too? You can put ppl in danger if you don’t follow social distancing protocols.THAT IS THE SCIENCE!

      Why yall behaving so?

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  14. MJ says:

    Just legislate. Public health overrides personal choice. Always has. Anyway you still have a choice; eat there or leave. Work there or leave. Your choice or be fired.

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    • Observer says:

      @ MJ- The proponents for Human Rights, here, need to educate the people of the relevant Legislation. Let’s get a copy of the BVI Constitution 2007 and do the research.

  15. Guest says:

    As long as it was not in the initial contract you signed it cannot be mandated by your office…..

  16. Panicking and not thinking says:

    I’m really disturbed by some of the comments here. I am pro-vaccine but I believe that people should have a right to decide whether or not to vaccinate.
    I have 2 close relatives (nurses) who have been working on covid wards for over a year (different hospitals). One is fully vaccinated, one refused to take the vaccine (even though that might change since because her job is now being threatened).
    The 1 who is unvaccinated has a close friend/colleague who was 1 of the first health professionals in their city to be vaccinated. At first she continued to follow all safety protocols but as confidence in the vaccines grew, she threw caution to the wind and relaxed. She caught Covid and was so sick, she had to be admitted to ICU and lost a significant amt of weight. Some people might say that she would’ve died if she wasn’t vaccinated and that might be true.
    The 1 who is unvaccinated never relaxed her safety measures and never caught covid. (She is tested often).
    My other relative who is fully vaccinated maintained the safety protocols and never caught Covid either.
    This shows that the important thing is not whether someone is vaccinated but maintaining safety measures. This is the message that needs to go out NOT to intimidate and threaten people into taking a vaccine they don’t want. No matter what anyone says, there are legitimate reasons to be hesitant about the Covid vaccines. It took me a long time to decide to take that jab.

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  17. soon says:

    you will drive people to vandalize the businesses with this mindset. This can go both ways.

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  18. hmmmm says:

    For a lot of u all information the person who die today was fully vaccinated, is like everyone trying blame each other, let’s go back to the began of june remember when the clown health minister said fully vaccinated tourist can enter the bvi with out testing or quarantine, i think that was pure bull crap cause fully vaccinated person can carry the virus also, health minister hope ur are happy with that bone head call on fully vaccinated tourist,a lot of people feel like cause they are vaccinated they’re safe, just keep on building up ur immune system. fully vaccinated can also catch covid, fully vaccinated or unvaccinated go get tested if you feeling sick

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    • @hmmmmm says:

      Using your words – your comment is :”bullcrap”. Apparently the person that died today was NOT vaccinated.

  19. Island peep says:

    A company has a responsibility to provide a safe working environment to its staff. Unvaccinated staff are a risk to vaccinated staff, their families (including children who are not vaccinated) and people with medical conditions that make vaccination inadvisable for them. Remaining unvaccinated is being selfish in the extreme. Lorna Smith was right – if you wish to remain unvaccinated, then be prepared to live isolated from the rest of society and without a job. Facts. You reap what you sow.

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    • You says:

      You don’t make any sense whatsoever. Go and research who you are currently owned by. Do you really think that vaccine had anything to do with preventing covid? Do you know the ingredients inside of the vaccine? Have you checked all the people that died from the vaccine or ended up being disabled after?

      If you are vaccinated why worry about others? Aren’t you safe from covid?

  20. Sad says:

    This entire article is so funny. It’s funny that people are so blinded by a manmade virus that has nothing to do with the coronavirus. The persons in charge of the vaccine is trying to depopulate the earth while they sit back and watch the great plandemic. Open your eyes people! Look how many people died from the vaccine or disabled from it! But they cover the story with persons died from Covid 19. This is an agenda go and do your research and stop letting people manipulate you. The war is not against those with or without vaccine but it’s a crime against humanity!

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