BVI News

Independent Airport Police Service to be established, BVIAA seeking applicants for job

The police post at the TB Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island.

Residents and visitors travelling through the territory’s airports can expect higher levels of security at those facilities as plans are in motion to establish an Airport Police Service.

“The Airport Police, which will be introduced shortly, will provide a better-structured environment and enhance security at our airports,” Premier Andrew Fahie said during his budget address in the House of Assembly recently.

The BVI Airports Authority (BVIAA) is now soliciting applications from suitably qualified individuals for the positions of Airport Constable, Airport Superintendent and Airport Inspector.

As part of the screening process, eligible applicants will be required to pass a drug screening and polygraph test prior to employment. According to a job notice from the BVIAA, successful applicants will also be subject to random drug and polygraph tests throughout the length of their employment.

Policing at the territory’s main airport on Beef Island

BVI News understands that, in the past, there were police officers assigned and stationed at the TB Lettsome International Airport. However, this is no longer the case.

Insider airport sources told our news centre that a senior police officer from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is currently occupying office space at the said airport but ‘only as a formality in case there is a need for immediate police intervention’.

BVI News further understands that members of the RVIPF make occasional visits to the Beef Island-based airport to conduct random baggage checks and to ensure that ‘things are in order’.

That airport falls under the jurisdiction of the East End Police Station which also conducts daily patrols.

The security arrangements at the airports on Virgin Gorda and Anegada are not immediately clear to BVI News. Our news centre was, however, told that there are roughly 15 security officers currently employed at the TB Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island.

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  1. Ha says:

    Waste of time and resources!

    Like 32
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  2. SMH says:

    Oh that’s wonderful, sounds like another airport fee to me. Pretty soon it’ll be cheaper to buy your own plane. Nothing better than paying hardly trained people with no real police authority to stand around with a radio. Between body guards and now “Private Police / Security Guards” the BVI is sounding like an unruly place that will soon need it’s own soldiers.

    Like 39
    • LOL!!!!!! says:

      LMAO! @ buy your own plane! Funny but truth. Why the h**l would the Airport need their own Police force?

      Like 31
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      • O’Neil says:

        What’s the status of our $7.2milluon investigation?
        What’s the status of the police investigation into the school wall?
        What’s the status of the whistleblower legislation that can address public officials misbehaving?

        Like 9
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        • @O'Neil says:

          The question shoud be, what is, or what will be the status of the budget(s) allocated, approved and spent for that pseudo police project, or will they be redirected into the unknown?

          Moreover, all are not one party loyals.. Many vote individuals from many parties, because they fear corruption and also believe that varying views, personalities, expertise and knowledge are better than a monolythic political unit. For example, many voted for individuals from at least four different parties. Frase, Skelton, Doc, Wheatley for example.

          To the issue however, was the NDP or some of its members corrupt? Is the VIP or some of it menbers corrupt? Perhaps, you know the answer to that, i certainly do not.

          However, BVI people know the truth, but like the good robots that you are, they keep voting for the same people who’ve kept them in perpetual poverty since 1950, the ending of slavery, and the beginning of political parties, the dominant one being the VIP.

          They are just like the woman who refuses to leave an abusive partner because “she loves him”.

          Hence, matters not whether accountability can now be mustered from yesterdays’ misgivings. What should matter now is that systems be put in place that if such wrongs did occur, that mechanism are so thoroughly intact that no Premier, Minister, subordinate, or other multitude of ways and means that are available to steal, switch and move money about can no longer be done.

          Indeed, it was iterated by candidates now duly elected that “those before me did it so i am going in for the same reasons, to look out for me.”

          Since they were so open with it, just wish they would look out for me to and all the poor and abused working professionals while they are it. But that will never happen of course.

          Lastly, it is believed that the public is witnessing many of those systems of money movement occuring before their eyes weekly. Some in the form of headlines, while most, well mere speculation some will say.

          Like 9
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  3. My childhood friends says:

    Someone trying to give their friend a big pay check, that’s all, just look at who going to be getting this contract that will turn into a regular paycheck for the workers and a lump sum for the bosss

    Like 32
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  4. I FROM HERE says:

    Wait for it! Another VIP Cronny will run this Airport Police Force!

    Trust me it will cost more than what the Premier is presently paying for personal bodyguards which is $86,000 a month!

    VIP getting close to that $7.2m that NDP throw away.

    Like 34
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  5. strupes says:

    sheer assishness

    Like 28
  6. Mr Bigs says:

    We will not be fooled. We give you one (1) year to start doing things right or we march on your administration.

    Like 37
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    • Headless Chicken says:

      All talk, no substance, you won’t march on jack $hit!

      Like 7
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      • @headless chicken says:

        There is a reason why a question mark is shape like a key ? (source code.) The question should be, how it will be done if mr bigs keep taking us for fools? You get a pass this time.

  7. Plate will soon be full says:

    And he doing this right in our face with no shame. This man has a conning way of giving sticks and taking all the carrots. Wellsah, four years of this and we done for sure, with no one to pick up the pieces of recovery.

    Like 23
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    • yeap says:

      @plate soon full. He is very boldface, he and his cronies. Wait, more to come…hold on to y’ll seats.

      Like 20
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    • Rubber Duck says:

      To do what exactly? I see no trouble at the airport.

      Job will be to stand around looking important

      Only relatives of politicians need apply.

  8. Lawdy! says:

    What did we get ourselves into with this set. Father God help us!

    Like 26
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  9. Finally! says:

    This man shenanigans are being called out.

    Like 19
  10. oh yeah says:

    I will bet the same security company that is protecting him will get this one. I hear the plug will soon be pulled on that fiasco. The governor trained his own police to do the job.

    Like 10
  11. Blue Fin says:

    People of the beautiful Virgin Islands quit destroying yourselves! There are many countries around the world that have a police department just for certain areas. Municipalities. There are airport policemen trained just as good or better than regular police. It’s people lives we talking about. It’s real police they hiring too. You all eat and chew each other without command. There is provision in the law here for airport police. That’s why it is possible to do so. They both fall under the governor’s control. Gosh!

    Like 3
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    • Empty airport says:

      Waste of time and money. Most times that airport is like a nature reserve- quiet and peaceful with a handful of people.

      Like 8
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  12. Mr. XXX says:


    Like 4
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  13. Oh Mr.Bigs says:

    It is time to call in Jenny Craig. The tighs is beginning to rub together.

  14. Boo says:

    budget this money for the police and ensure they cover the Airport

  15. FEO GOMEZ says:

    The polygraph is no problem but I need to smoke weed to forget how grossly under paid I will be to perform an important function. Because I need a job.

    • Overdue says:

      All you guys who taking bullshirt need to shut to h**l up all others airports have lawenforcement officers in jplace we can’t wait until something happen and seam to me no government can not please you jackass with out tails so you guys need to shut your dam a** up.

  16. Waited too nlong2 says:

    All you guys who taking bulls**t need too shut to h**l up every other airports in the world have lawenforcement we can’t set down and wait till something happen to put measure in place things change every day as far as i see no government can please are you because all of you who runing yo mouth is a bunch of jackass with out tails.

  17. Wow says:

    It shows that the commissioner of police don’t know his powers. It is his role to secure the boarders of the BVI, but instead he will side for there to be another police department in the territory.

    Now the the moo moo who is occupying the police post up there in my opinion can’t be an active police who could intervene in anything when he is up there in plain clothes and going to work and leaving work what time he feels like.

    Now with the exception of the U.S, law enforcement falls under three categories; customs immigration and police. Why would you need a second police department when it is easier to increase the police budget and allow for security at the airport.

    It is foolishness and it is the height of madness.

  18. FEO GOMEZ says:

    So do you have to be a cop presently to apply? Or a citizen can apply?

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