BVI News

Judge denies Fahie’s request for daughters to visit BVI

Disgraced former Premier, Andrew Fahie

Justice Kathleen Williams has refused the motion filed by former Premier Andrew Fahie’s attorney, Theresa Van Vliet, who sought relief on Fahie’s bond conditions to allow his daughters to visit the BVI to attend the funeral of a close relative.

Fahie, who is facing charges of drug smuggling and money laundering and has a trial scheduled for July 17, is currently restricted to the small two-bedroom apartment of his two daughters who attend school in Florida. The two sisters surrendered their passports and have limited movement in order to secure their father’s pretrial liberty.

Fahie’s attorney filed the motion on May 4, noting that the prosecution did not oppose her client’s request to vary his bail conditions to allow his daughters to travel. However, the motion was swiftly refused the following day through a paperless court order signed by Justice Williams.

According to the motion filed by Van Vliet, the court was being petitioned to modify Fahie’s bond conditions for the limited purpose of permitting his two daughters to travel to the British Virgin Islands for the celebration of life of their maternal grandfather.

Van Vliet noted that, in accordance with the travel restrictions of Fahie’s Bond Order, Fahie’s daughters surrendered both their United States and BVI passports to Pretrial Services and have not traveled overseas since. She told the court that the daughters would have traveled to the BVI for the funeral service on May 27 and would not have remained in the territory past one week if approval had been granted. Fahie’s daughters were also expected to spend some time with their mother if they had been approved.

Fahie’s latest motion comes days after a new Assistant US Attorney, Kevin Gerarde, was assigned to his case and weeks after a previously granted motion to modify his bond conditions gave him the ability to travel to his attorney’s office and have more frequent dental visits.

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  1. That’s all says:

    I am not rejoicing over Fahie’s situation but we must always remember that when we are digging a grave for others we should dig one for ourselves as well.

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  2. Hmmm says:

    Our Prayers are with them.

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  3. Ahhh says:

    That should give you an idea of what parents and relatives feel when their children are gunned down because of many reasons .
    If you was not where you are right now, dont know what life would have been like at the moment in the BVI

    Like 37
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  4. Seems unfair says:

    that the judge is holding Fahie’s daughters in detention of sorts. After all he is the one accused of wrongdoings; not his daughters.

    I gather the thinking is to use his daughters as a security that he would not flee, something I personally don’t think he would do even if he could. After all, where would he run to? Tortola? Bahamas? Mexico? And how? I don’t think so.

    IMO, holding his daughters hostage if you may would not prevent him from fleeing if he was determined to do. But there again I don’t see him doing that as he knows it would only make things worse for him and his family.

    This entire ordeal is a mess one that has precautionary tale: Before you act, think not only of ones self if you are thinking at all. Think about your family and the ones who love and care for you as well before you act.

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  5. Youth says:

    God is in control. Our condolences to the family.

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  6. Well well says:

    The mother, the banker on the loose? I wonder if they waiting for her to touch US soil. Follow the money trail. Who was his contact/s for the shell companies. Was his advisor in charge of shipments?

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  7. Judge Judy says:

    Now that is unfortunate for the daughters. Show lack of compassion especially to those who did nothing illegal to the judicial system. However, grandpa is gone and Fahie release is based on him being with the daughters so looking at both side judge is 49/51 fair. Mom is still alive so the 1 is for the lack of compassion on the mother.

    I would have looked at it differently where I would have allowed them to go but Fahie under the condition that Fahie return to the federal prison for the duration they would have been out of the Mainland but Judge Katherine is not Judge Judy.

    Mothers have compassion on children. So I have to be critical on Justice Williams judgement decision here.

    I guess If it was in US territory, further consideration would have been given but in life you must have compassion especially for those who upholds the law.

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  8. Unfortunate says:

    But don’t knock feds. Daddy fkd up girls. You can go but daddy go away long long then.

    Like 24
  9. About the children says:

    Seems a bit excessive for the children to be deprived of their human right to family life by honoring their deceased close relative unless they have been charged with a crime. They seem to be serving the same bail conditions as their father. Why? What are they not telling us? If the prosecution had no objections, why is the judge being heavy handed. Judge already opened the floodgates by relaxing the father’s bail conditions to begin with. What do they think would happen next. Even if the girls left and never returned, so what? Who wants to live with their father 24/7 at that age. Especially under the circumstances. Po dem.

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  10. FAMILY1st says:

    Prayers for this family. ?? His mistakes are affecting his family and that must be hard for him to acknowledge right now.

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  11. Lol judge judy says:

    Bvinews yuh large! Judge Judy an ting? ??

  12. Expat says:

    I am sorry I have to write this. I am not god and I shouldn’t judge anyone but when he made the decision to lockdown the islands and wasn’t allowing mothers to return back to their kids he didn’t know it would one day happened to his own children too. Mother’s were locked out fathers had try their best to be there for their kids during the lockdown when those kids mother’s were not being allowed to return. Kids couldn’t get a good home Cook mummy’s meal all during the lockdown. Kids couldn’t get to spend quality time with mummy when lockdown was implemented just because someone is powerful and can make decisions without thinking about others.

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  13. Compromise says:

    1) Let Fahie’s daughter return to the BVI for the funeral. They stay in the BVI and do not return to school in Florida.

    2) Fahie’s bail is revoked and he returns to prison before, during and after the 17 July trial.


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  14. Bail condition says:

    A bail condition is a bail condition. Bvi so accustomed of having own way that to the point that when procedures are followed, we cry wolf. There are jurisdictions that comply and not impressed with who you are and who you know, unlike us in bvi

    The other alternative is yes, they can travel but Andrew will have to return to custody. Choose one.

    The lovely young ladies are not being held hostage. Their father out of prison depends on staying with both daughters. If it is getting too tough, they can ask for him to go back to prison so they can be set free.

    It is what it is. In BVI youall would have done call the judge or chief justice. Buy here you are in a place where you don’t have a say.

    Until the hearing and sentencing, the girls have to pay the price.

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  15. Drugstore says:

    How ironic the head coach in the west and the head coach in the east have banker wolfs. Praying mockery out of God. Time longer than twine. Some of these parents and family members know wha going on.

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  16. @Bail Condition says:

    You saying what others already said in the blog.

    Damn you don’t read?

    Like 7
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  17. Earinging says:

    But I hearing and has heard that his and daughters living location has changed so their actual location is unknown to the mass.
    Some say that this is a sign that he talkin’
    Madam Judge know the details that have caused reason for decision. She wise. We blind.

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  18. HUH? says:

    They allowed her to come home.

  19. Solution says:

    Ship body to Florida and have a funeral there conveniently.

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  20. WiseOwl says:

    Like others have mentioned: if they want to return to the BVI, then Daddy goes back into custody. Quite simple really, unless of course it isn’t so simple and there is more to this than first appears. I was always intrigued by the Le ban ese Hez bol lah connection mentioned in the DEA’s report: first paragraph of part 5 “Probable Cause”. It is some great reading!

    Like 11
  21. Hmmm says:

    Did she go back?

  22. Senior Clump says:

    Suck it up fat boi, put on your big boi undies and accept you effed up and it’s going to affect your circle. No running from it and the theatrics you’d get away with leaving the BVI public awestruck at your gaming the system – ca’an happen in amerikkka pardna…they ain’t going nowhere until your R O D E O is final!

    You go be fine….

    Like 11
  23. @Expats says:

    What nonsense you are you saying? Majority of countries were shut down during COVID. Many families were separated. England was shut down till the summer of 2021!!! Nobody was allowed to travel unless they received special approval. So to bringing this up is irrelevant. It’s really not the same type of situation.
    Having said that when committing crime people do need to consider their families as they end up facing consequences too if they are caught.

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  24. @about the children says:

    He did same for other people children. My son was crying for me to return when the borders were closed. I went away for medical purposed not offered here. I could not return in time because I didn’t finished the treatment before the borders were closed. What is good for the goose is very well good for the gander. more than 10 months my young children had to live without me and it was during the lockdown when that could have been used as family time.

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  25. Chopper One says:

    It was Devine intervention. He had to be stopped, he was raping this island and it’s people for his own personal interests. This is what greed does to you when you never have enough.On one side of his mouth he talks about God and on the other side he’s in bed with the voodoo man. He brought it all on himself.

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  26. Stop asking favors says:

    Best strategy is to put it all on the case and your defense! Now you on the back foot, still things can turn around by you proving your innocence.

    Wish you the best, the book says the truth sets us free.

  27. @ Bail Condition says:

    THis is the comment i been waiting to read! too accustom to slackness, the bail conditions are contingent on the daughter’s presence, they signed the paperwork, they are his custodians and are responsible for him while he is on bail. Im pretty sure this was advised to them on signing. sorry to say, it is what it is

    Like 29
  28. i beg to differ says:

    Truly is the BVI family members often turn a blind eye.

    1. They either tried to much and given up on the matter/situation

    2. They know of the matter/situation but allow because it brings financial benefits to family/business.

    To me these are the two major issues facing of society today. Thus the reason you see women, that never really got charge and such with these things.

    A lot will be facing the same time as their man/baby dad. Instant messaging never truly get ease from the internet.

    Technology and it’s advancement is truly a blessing but also a curse to mankind

  29. Hmm says:

    Very good judge don’t let her lil a** come here,they are … we don’t want you’ll back here they hands …!!

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  30. @@expats says:

    you wouldn’t agreed with me but if you were in my situation you would have wrote differently. Remember he was allowing only locals to return. How quickly you forget that. So it was only lockdown here for expats not to return????

    Like 7
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  31. Nonsense says:

    If he wanted his daughters to travel he would agree to be reprimanded during the time. There is a reason for the strict vail condition. Your comment is base on what you think he will do but you cannot be certain.

  32. @ CHAPTER ONE says:


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  33. @thats all says:

    He was digging a hole for the whole territory and for all cocaine addicts who would have bought the product he was planning to let in ir pass through.

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  34. Speaking from the heart says:

    This is truly sad. I won’t wish this on anyone’s family.

    Like 5
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  35. Sit. Pray & Relax.. says:

    All these motions and requests are not necessary. The Family will understand. Stop putting the spotlight on you and your family boss. U need to relax. Pray. Think. Save your money and be humble.. Cut the damn deal and get some freedom for your family and less time in jail for yourself. Get the damxxn thing over..If you had cut that deal you would have already spent 0ne yr and a half from your 3 yr sentence. In Prison 9 months is a year.. Wise up. Stop being stubborn and selfish…

    Like 8
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  36. Truth says:

    You never know what awaits your tomorrow. Sorry, the girls have to endure this crap. Daddy F**k up. Condolences to the family.

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  37. @ nknsense says:

    ** remand .

  38. @Expat says:

    You make a strong point. You can’t stress this enough:

    When committing crimes people do need to STRONGLY consider their families as they end up facing consequences too if they are caught.

  39. Jah know says:

    Fahie would rather be on bail rather than go in a cell and let his innocent daughters be free. He wants to be on bail and still want to go against his bail requirements.

  40. BuzzBvi says:

    Wonder what messages he needs to get through to buddies in the BVI? He needs to stop using his family and the people of the BVI.

  41. @seems unfair says:

    He and them sign to it. He can also revoke the condition and they come to the BVI and he sleep in jail.

  42. @expat says:

    Who is the head coach in the East. I miss this one.

  43. @ Speaking from the heart says:

    I agree it is a sad situation. Maternal grandfather? Didn’t he depart this life some months ago… he isn’t burried yet?

  44. Jim says:

    First god left the bvi years ago

    And coach was going to use *** to be mules to forward messages to the eff tards still here smuggling.

    So no

    So thank you judge for stopping his highness from doing more harm

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  45. Amazing says:

    Its amazing that all through the millions of deaths around the world there are still people with these warped way of thinking. Don’t worry in another 5years there is going to be another world crisis if world war III doesn’t happen before then and its going to be worst.

  46. Bvi the best says:

    That should give you an idea that dealing in drugs affects several generations.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile Scott Hapgood came to Anguilla in the caribbean killed a young man ans remains free in the us . Even now suing the resort. The world is a cycle.

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  48. head couch says:

    this is unfair i am innocent and so are my daughters we were set up by the u.k

  49. Amigo says:

    One track mind thinking his daughters long after he gone,will be rich and nose up in the air flaunting their wealth thinking they better than. Meanwhile other families mourning the loss of their children to drugs.
    … in fact,will be in our history books as part of the lowest in the history of these VI.

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  50. LilyAnn says:

    U praying for a God Praising Cocaine runner !?!!?! Oh ok ….don’t mix God in yall rubbish

  51. Expat@@expat says:

    I have no idea who is east end head coach. I didn’t say anything about any coachs in my post.

  52. Real says:

    how many times he laughing it up counting millions of drug money while the people of the bvi suffer and how many people died from drug crimes via his crimes

    let him rot

  53. Rex FeRaL says:

    That Judge is being unreasonable, very unreasonable heifer. Those women are not on trial.

  54. Telling the truth says:

    I think it is so ridiculous these girls have to bear the consequences.

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  55. LISA says:

    The sins of the father visit the children.

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