BVI News

Junior Minister launches back-to-school essay competition

Territorial At-Large Representative Sharie de Castro has launched a back-to-school essay competition which will award student winners with electronic devices.

De Castro said the competition was developed as an avenue to give children the opportunity to express their views on the current challenging situation faced in the territory as a result of COVID-19.

She said: “I wanted to come up with a way of engaging our young people to express themselves in a constructive way and at the end of it all reward their efforts with prizes that will benefit them, especially as learning becomes more dependent on technology.”

“Also, as an educator, with a keen interest in the academic advancement of our youth, I welcome the support of like-minded individuals, parents, educators, professors and the community at large to encourage students to participate in this initiative,” added de Castro who is also the Junior Minister for Tourism.

The junior minister said she anticipates reading the essays and understanding the views of the students. She also hinted at the possibility of some of the ideas presented within the essays contributing to future policymaking decisions during the pandemic.

Details of the competition

The competition will consist of three categories to include primary, secondary and tertiary.

For the primary students, they will have the option to choose between three topics — ‘My COVID-19 Experience’, ‘My Role In Keeping the BVI COVID-free’ and ‘The Impact of the Pandemic on my Family’.

Winners in grades 1 to 3 will receive an iPad mini, while grades 4 to 6 will receive an iPad 7th generation.

For secondary students, their topic is ‘BVI Tourism in a Global Pandemic’ and the winners of this category will be awarded Lenovo laptops.

Tertiary students will have to write about ‘The BVI Post-Pandemic’. The winners in this group will be awarded a MacBook Air computer.

Essays must be typed and submitted to [email protected] on or before September 25.

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  1. LoL says:

    What is she doing about Tourism? Her actual portfolio. Or is she the Jr Minister for Education?

    Like 12
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  2. puzzled says:

    She still alive?

  3. She says:

    She be the queen of the edumacarion. Lmao. Another u*****s government employee

  4. shabazz says:

    “one term”

  5. LOL says:

    The Jr Minister of Tourism and this is the s**t we get? The Territory is in shambles and these elected officials continue to f*** around!

    Like 10
  6. No disrespect says:

    No disrespect Jr Minister, but Tourism right now is critical and many businesses rely on it’s survival. We really don’t give a rats behind about this stupid essay. We need to hear the plans that you and your govt have in place for a safe and effective re-opening. Leave this to the Minister for education.

    Like 8
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  7. What?! The! H**l?? says:

    Ok an essay competition. She’s been quiet all these months now and this is what she came up with??!…Hon Sharie can you please present the plan for tourism or get with the Minister of Tourism and tell this country how you plan to get this sector back on its feet? Can you do that as the highest vote getter?? You are too quiet for a young black woman who many put their trust in to make an impact here in the territory.


  8. whats wrong with her? says:

    your job is tourism, not education.what ideas do you have to immediately boost tourism once we open back up.

  9. Smh says:

    She’s an utter waste in that government. Waste. Only qualified to read poems as speeches and launch essay competitions. All while her sector is collapsing right before our eyes. My heart breaks for our tourism industry workers. Same way an engineer is the minister of heath instead of public works and transport. Whole government upside down. Just waste. T-2.5 years… count down begins.

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