BVI News

JUST IN: NDP, PVIM explore merger but talks seemingly break down

PVIM and NDP leaders Ronnie Skelton and Marlon Penn, respectively.

The National Democratic Party (NDP) and the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) have been having discussions about merging to contest upcoming general elections.

However, there now seems to be a breakdown in talks between the two political organisations. The PVIM was established roughly four years ago after a number of its members broke away from the NDP.

READ: My biggest regret is NDP’s split — Dr Smith

Highly-placed sources told our news centre that members of the NDP, including its leader Marlon Penn and Myron Walwyn, met with members of the PVIM that included Ronnie Skelton and Shaina Smith to continue talks on uniting both parties.

BVI News understands that the parties entertained the idea ‘for the sake of the territory’ to provide a viable alternative to the Virgin Islands Party which is being hit by multiple scandals since forming the government in 2019.

Sources revealed that after the meeting which was initiated by the NDP, the PVIM members agreed that the proposed merger was in the territory’s best interest. Reports to our news centre are that another meeting was planned for Monday of this week to discuss the details of the arrangement, including choosing the best candidates to contest the elections. However, the meeting did not happen.

It is reported that the PVIM instead had a meeting of its own and decided that the party no longer wanted to go through with the coalition. The party’s members reportedly expressed the view that they could win the election without merging with the NDP and it intends to launch its candidates soon.

BVI News will provide more details on this developing story as it becomes available.

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  1. Hmmm says:

    Well sah!!

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  2. Pat says:

    they will never merge NEVER let’s go VIP all the way

    Like 8
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  3. No,not 1 says:

    None of the PVIM Candidates will a X from me!

    Like 11
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  4. 1st district original says:

    I personally think as a “BVI ISLANDER”that its time the UK take over this s**t hole we calk home. I dont see any of this party system willing to stop this thiefing party ting. Them still handing out to them cronies. What’s happening in this district with a free community center for complaints and a private property absorbing district funds or our purse $$$???

    Like 27
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  5. Fact says:

    Marlon stop playing games. Who candidates everyone you say you have now running independent. SMDH

  6. @ Pat says:

    Do you resemble plankton from that famous kids show in appearance as well? You know the show…. ?Who lives in ? under the ?….

    Your intellect sure does resemble the character…

  7. Ron says:

    I am supporting the VIP under Premier Wheatly. Sorry but ain’t no way in hell on earth we on here right now that I will put this country back in the hands of expired tipsy power hungry individuals.

    We have a fair shot with the VIP and yes they deserve a opportunity to continue cleaning up the mess we here in. Not them poppy show!

    NDPVIM: Never Dem Poppyshow Visionless Imposter Pessimist!

    Like 5
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  8. What!!! says:

    No interest in the good of our country only who wanrs to be top dog.

    Like 13
  9. Wow says:

    So it’s about winning for the PVIM. I guess they looking for money. If PVIM cannot even unite as a party, they do not have the country’s best interest at heart. The answer is no.

    Like 15
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  10. Voter says:

    That’s the ***king problem. Everybody want power. It’s no longer in the interest of the territory. Me – NOT MY VOTE!!!

    Like 17
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  11. Well sa says:

    Bad idea not to merge.
    Selfishness. Power hungry. Showing that there is no change in your tought process. Come on man, put country above self.

    Like 15
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  12. Stalemate says:

    These two parties ndp and pvim take this country for a joke. They can’t get the parties together much less tryna run people business.

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  13. BVI says:

    PVIM problem is M—- Turnbull. NDP’s problems began and ended with M— Turnbull. He is a power hungry, confusion maker. All he cares about is himself. Those two Turnbull brothers are bad news. No love for country. All about themselves.

    Like 15
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  14. @Stalemate says:

    From what I read, NDP is who took the initiative to reunite but PVIM all about their chances of winning. When you have “puppy” show like mitch in anything, you bound to see immaturity at its best. I hope mitch get to eat some humble pie next election and to all the PVIM members who all up in their head about winning, all of you need humble pie too. Please go away if you have neither the intelligence nor the humility to unite. You are just new problems waiting to happen. A damn shame. I hope you can see the people was counting on this unity and without it, you ain’t going a damn where. Unbelievable.

    Like 11
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  15. GTFOH says:

    Next election would prove if we learnt anything from the past. Dr. Pickering while a decent human being should be rewarded for his over 20years as an elected representative by receiving the biggest landslide of his political career. No more recycling. We can’t have the same people that almost buried us pretend to be the ones that can dig us out the dirt.

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  16. Netflix says:

    PVIM is a power grabbing Skelton/Cline Party. Claude Skelton Cline will benefit yet again. This time his uncle will be in charge and his first cousin will be deputy.

    Like 10
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  17. Who put the country in this crisis says:

    Who put this country in this crisis VIP … Andrew out former premier and his yes man team . No way sl**ande going back there

    Like 10
  18. Not VIP says:

    Try VIP for 3 more years

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  19. Rubber Duck says:

    Re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  20. Crazy Joe says:

    All about who gets to own the cheese shop.

  21. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Ronnie can’t hide. Wasn’t he the part of cabinet during the construction of the Great Wall to nowhere and the grounded planes fiasco. All of these guys are jokers. I want to hear him tell us how we getting that money back and that he was sorry for his part and what he has learnt (if anything at all). This party business is going to be the end of us

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  22. LB says:

    Boy these VIP bloggers out in full force! Lmao!

    People need to stop leaking info and allow things to run their course. This story is inaccurate and does not tell the true story. This is a matter of ethics and standing on the principles of good governance. Not a darned thing to do with power. Ronnie same his team does not want to be muddied by some of what the NDP is proposing. This is not about who in what seat or who running.

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  23. @anonymous says:

    I agree with you Ron

  24. Street Reporter #1 says:

    This is a shameful if its true. I wonder what would be the Issue / s. Hope its not over leadership. Its Clear most of us think that Ronnie is the better choice. Marlon will make a good deputy, He will automatically take over from Ronnie after 4 yrs. The two of them come together and puck their team, from what I am hearing they are so many candidates wanting to run both parties, so selecting the next 11 will be a real tough decision, that’s the leader we looking for, then again some of those over ambitious, selfish want to be may realized that a Unified NDP and VIP will not be in their interest as they maybe left out of left off the slate, so they are behind the scenes doing everything to ensure that this unity doesn’t happen…Sad. Everyone talk about country first, but their actions are selfish… We have to watch and listen and demand more than talk. We need substance, action..

  25. Ginger says:

    You think we have it bad in the work places now. Let England take over and we will have a whole lot of surprises coming our way. We know what you have but not what we will get out of that. There was a saying ages ago that says England is a Bayish” (?) and I believe that. We had better be mindful of what we ask for because we may well get it like what happened with the COI. Remember The former premier asked for inquiry on particular matters (like he had the last and final word in the matter) and he got the surprise of his life.

  26. Laughing says:

    You fool. It’s about winning for everyone. Who runs to loose? Only Diego Penn!

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  27. Raleigh says:

    That’s what happens when you allow snakes to crawl into a room. They misinterpret things to make a story sound good.

  28. Mr T says:

    Everyone in government was part of some deal people don’t agree with, but I think the last four years was the worst we could have ever encountered. However, some of us like it because funds went to us personally for no reason.

    At least we have a wall that 70 people built. The plane was a bad investment. In trying to top that the government that came next gave so called farmers and fisherman way more. Some of the farmers bought goats afterwards with the money and the fishermen still have boats on order – lol

  29. Disgusting says:

    The PVIM will never get one vote from me. That Mitch Turnbull is a horrible person. He encouraged Ronnie to leave the NDP after they lost the NDP party elections – bad mind. Now he is fighting and trying to keep out the same Ronnie from the PVIM so that he could be leader and come Premier. My research revealed that he is the person fighting against the merger with the NDP because he will not be Premier or Deputy. Once they have that power hungry, fake pastor, ole shark with them I will not be supporting them. All of self and none of country.

  30. Well sa says:

    Myron Walwyn they scared of you my boy. You got my vote. Level headed,knowledgeable, approachable, gets the job done.All they call talk about is the WALL which incidentally is serving it’s intended purpose. Your track record speaks for itself.

  31. Umm says:

    Factually incorrect, the farmers and fisherman were not given way more than the 7.2 million dollars that went to the scammers from the USA. I think their total was like 2 mil, so the USA scammers got more than 3x the amount they got. Also at least legitimate farmers and fisherman received grants and the ones that weren’t legitimate at least they’re local and RVIPF and DPP wont have to go far to jail them for fraudulently taking the peoples money. Unlike with the scammers from the USA who will probably never be held accountable, and if they are, the cost is likely be near the 7.2 mil which in my humble opinion would only be throwing good money behind bad!

  32. WALWYN? says:

    Yes WALYN!
    The BVI fears QUALITY!

    WALYN is definately a dtrong contributor to the BVI.
    We want quality! Not friendship and familyship.

    We need yo DROP the party structure and choose who can represent us.

  33. Voice against corruption says:

    All I notice in this beautiful country is teif corruption wickedness against poor people, the rich is getting every contract , using the poor to do the hard work while being under paid . Every one is out there fighting for power in the government system, school, immigration, labour department, ministry of education, police department, custom,just to name a few. Because of greed and power hungry the beautiful BVI is sinking slowly but surely

  34. Voice against corruption says:

    I agree ?

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