BVI News

Land Authority coming soon, Premier promises

Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley said a Land and Housing Authority body will soon be formed to address some of the the housing challenges within the territory.

Dr Wheatley gave that indication after Sixth District Representative, Myron Walwyn, questioned the Premier on the government’s strategy to tackle the escalating issue of homelessness and the difficulties faced by residents in affording housing rent in the territory.

Premier Wheatley acknowledged the complexity of the homelessness issue, which he said was exacerbated by the hurricanes of 2017 and further strained by rising construction costs and global inflation post the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite efforts through various ministries and non-governmental agencies to provide temporary housing and support, the Premier admitted that more comprehensive action was required.

In response to Walwyn’s enquiries, Premier Wheatley revealed that the establishment of a Land and Housing Authority is coming soon.

“That’s something that’s imminent,” the Premier said. “With the Crown Land Policy, it has been proposed that we have a land authority and it has been my proposal to bring to Cabinet the concept of expanding that Land Authority to a Land and Housing Authority and we have a policy which is right now in draft to propose just that.”

The proposal is expected to centralise the government’s efforts in addressing the territory’s housing problems effectively and possibly facilitate land distribution for housing to ensure the development of affordable homes.

In the meantime, the Premier also drew attention to persons who require social homes and commented that this is being worked on by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

“For instance, we made mention of what’s being referred to as an almshouse that’s going to be built in Long Look,” he explained. “That will be somewhat of a model that can be replicated throughout the territory for those individuals, for whatever reason who currently don’t have a home.”

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  1. Me says:

    Hope Vincent can come clean with this

  2. Here we go again says:

    More promises.Its a shame politicians can’t be held legally accountable for their ‘promises.’

  3. BVI Unseen Poor says:

    locals need affordable housing yesterday.

    The retired and aging need affordable living/housing immediately.

    As,the exorbitant and continuous cost of breathing and every thing else have beocme untenable.

    Only the high salaried and the rich can affrd to even eat properly in these times.

    Even an affordable “poor House” will help those in need.

    Because of the high cost of living, it has become a reality that some locals who were a part of the educated class, and career long civil servants,but could never afford a mortage,and who are now retired, are now needing a place to live out their sunset years as they transition into old age and beyond.

    They have become the the BVI unseen and unthought of poor. That should not be the case.

    • Deh Watcha says:

      @ BVI Unseen Poor

      It is indeed a sad reality. Even sadder is that many of these persons are shut out from the land mortgages as well. So some even cannot purchase (and being unable to build) pass on the land.

      Also don’t be to quick to think that persons making a “decent” salary have it any easier with acquiring mortgages. They Don’t.

      The whole structure of homeownership which was one of the cornerstones’ within the BVI sadly is crumbling. And both the real estate agents and banks have not helped this situation one bit.

  4. lol says:

    Another Statutory Board for what exactly? There is no way around it its expensive to build in the BVI. What are you plans? to build low cost Government slums? More empty promises.

  5. CGB Resident says:

    While they are at it they need to,address expediting the application for non belongers to acquire their land holders permit. Why does this process take mos????
    Banks need to expedite the process of bank loans. Why does this take several mos. It’s a challenge for expats to purchase property here.

  6. WEW says:

    More promises and pledges. Nothing will happen.

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