BVI News

‘Legal issues’ stalls National Tourism Plan

This ‘BVI’ sculpture is located at the Cyril B Romney Tortola Pier Park.

It would appear the BVI’s long-promised National Tourism Plan has been placed on perpetual hold with no further plans for it to continue.

Premier and Minister for Tourism Dr Natalio Wheatley had previously updated the territory on the matter saying the plans were stalled because of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report and its ensuing recommendations which were released some five months ago.

The Tourism Minister had promised another update on the matter but now says it is a legal issue that has put the plan on hold and has prevented it from moving forward with a United States-based firm that was tipped to draft the plan.

“We haven’t moved ahead with the contract as yet. As you know, that was a contract that we put on hold. In fact, I am not quite sure we had a contract but the decision that was made to go with that particular company on our National Tourism Plan was put on hold. It is a legal matter, and I don’t wish to comment on it any further,” Dr Wheatley said.

Back in 2020, former Premier and Minister with senior responsibility for tourism, Andrew Fahie, announced that the BVI would soon have a National Tourism Plan to govern the operations of that local industry. At the time, the plan was under review before the House of Assembly.

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  1. Salty Fish says:

    This is that ‘TOP SECRET’ plan, right?

    Like 15
  2. Really says:

    Its because of the great reset. Biden’s slogo build back better and restore the American soul which really means take all soul with that MRNA vaccine. For you to build back better you have to break everything down and start from scrap and it starts with getting rid of the 70% herd immunity. The soon to be king wrote the great reset book so wake up people

    Like 3
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  3. Ugh says:

    It doesnt need a US company to write it. We have amazing talent here that knows the Industry inside out. I would ask Sharon Flax Brutus & Keisha George to work on this.

    The tourist plan needs to concentrate in uplifting the smaller business and NOT pandering to LDB, ONB etc. They are leeches who suck from the BVI and give minimal back in return. They dont invest in BVI people, they use cheap labour and the amount given to charity is tiny compared to the huge income they make. Least the smaller resturants, hotels and activity business put more of their earnings into the economy.

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  4. ah boy says:

    The unity government got the entire BVI on HOLD

    Like 15
  5. @Really says:

    LMAO keep drinking the kool-aid and waiting on the great”reset”

    Like 3
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  6. Legal Issue? says:

    As in it’s illegal to hire someone you can’t afford to pay?

  7. Bing says:

    I can bet my last dollar this is another Head Coach debacle which is why it’s now a legal issue which he cannot speak on. Wow! I wonder how the voters of 2019 elections feel right now? Hatred and shortsightedness, look where it got us.

    Like 9
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  8. Jane says:

    This is symptomatic of anything government-related in BVI: its stalled, in a holding pattern. No leadership, no forward movement.

    Please can a general election be called so this Dead Shoes Walking Unity government be put out of their misery?

  9. Wow says:

    We are really sucking at this!

  10. @salty fish says:

    Lmaooo Yup G14 Classified.. so we don’t give up our competitive advantage bofl

  11. Anomalies says:

    legal issues or both?? Reads like BVI government contract drafters need to go back to law school for a refresher course.

  12. Mannn says:

    The head coach did some serious damage to this Territory and the people. What else is new, cause I know more is coming.

  13. Question says:

    What does tourist board actually do? And what stats do we have that to show the effectiveness of the work that they do?

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