Fewer than 70 students enrolled at VI’s Tech School
The Virgin Islands School of Technical Studies is grappling with significantly low student enrolment, with fewer than 70 students currently enrolled, officials have told the Standing Finance Committee (SFC).
This issue was raised during the SFC’s meeting late last year, where acting Chief Education Officer (CEO) of the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, Orlandette Crabbe, addressed ongoing challenges faced by the institution.
The school, which offers technical and vocational education, has struggled to attract students due to a stigma surrounding technical education.
Education Minister Sharie deCastro said there were significant challenges in the system surrounding technical education, and students have not shown interest in the field due to the stigma attached to technical education. The minister said her ministry is working to have discussions, workshops, and interactions to dispel the connotation around technical education and help students bridge the gap between career paths. She is currently investing in apprenticeship programmes.
Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn questioned whether the school should be closed and whether the money would be used to relocate the campus from its current location. deCastro disagreed and indicated that the ministry is seeking to build a government-owned building for the school.
Meanwhile, Crabbe told the SFC that the school had also been impacted by low pass rates and dwindling participation numbers, with many students opting to return to traditional secondary schools. She noted that a review of the school’s effectiveness had been conducted due to low performance, dwindling participation numbers, and a very low pass rate. Concerns were raised regarding the low performance in both CSEC subjects and other areas. Adjustments were reportedly made for the current school year to enhance the school’s performance.
Despite these challenges, the ministry is working towards ensuring the school remains operational and has no immediate plans to close it, officials were told. The ministry earmarked $500,000 towards the design phase for a new campus for the school.
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In the 1950’s, going to art school was not an option for a fifteen year old eleven-plus failure in the impoverished North of England. Instead, I had to serve a seven year engineering apprenticeship.
In retrospect, my lifetime’s work as a painter and sculptor has benefitted from those years at the workbench. Michelangelo was as much an inventive engineer as he was an artist. Creativity is common to both.
My video “Realising Your Creative Potential” is relevant for BVI students considering their career options. https://youtu.be/5K7MM16Kc_E
Medium sized oblong concrete box again , done & agreed pocket $499,995 profit.
But yet we are forcing companies to employ people simply because they’re local. No push for our young people to take up technical and vocational careers, we fail them terribly then throw them into the workforce where they’re unable to function. I guess this is Government’s fault as well?
Sharie is only obsessed with STEM and appearances, nothing else. The Tech/Voc aspect of education takes real hard work and we all know she is not up to the task, hence the results. Hon. Walwyn did such a great job getting this institution in place and now look at it.
I personally think it’s a great school. Maybe they should offer more of the technical courses at the school.
Marine Mechanical Engineering
Basics of being a boat captain
The Cosmetology, Culinary and auto mechanics programs are really great programs but not everyone will be interested in doing just those programs. Build a building strictly for technical subjects and watch our youths soar into their destinies.
Not everyone would like to be lawyers, doctors and accountants. some people have been blessed with natural talent and they just need an avenue to be able to nurture that talent into something great.
Real life field trip examples about what the end results of these careers can lead to . Many of the business leaders in the Territory started with these vocational trades , Clarence Thomas – plumbing – now look at he business he has built and his Sons has carried on, Sorrentino a mechanic and now internatioal motors- Alphonso – came to work as a mechanic for Sorrentino and built his own business , Construction – many successful businesses – bring the fields/vocations to life and inject some excitement. Speedy and Smiths great example of going from Boat Captains to sucessful businesses.. and I could go on.
These people started with firstly with personal ambition and drive grated from instilled work ethic.
is exclusive to them only? That virtue dosent exist anymore? what are you trying to say? That work ethic cant be instilled in someone?
Please add the basic programme of office assistant for the females to include receptionist duties to include customer service, etiquette, filing; basic bookkeeping skills to include purchasing, and practicals on quickbooks for 3 months or 1 term. Of course, apprenticeship in the workplace would be helpful.
This is the answer to that problem. Really and truly that school offers the most 4 certificates. Some of the best children graduated from there. Management was the problem more technical streams are needed only 3 are offered. You have a different management its a plus for the students, but unfortunately the students dont want that. Please add more technical subjects.
Which careers they would like to pursue! If students aren’t interested in those vocations on offer, perhaps the specialisations can be adjusted to reflect the jobs they want.
Sharie was travelling the world and in every photo, now she gone MIA (Missing in Action)! As they say she obsessed with STEM and refuse to hear anything else. Stop watching other people success and trying to implement in here.
Sit and analyze our needs and culture and craft learning resources to cater to it. We don’t no damn robotics class!
The best you all can do is call down sharie de Castro . The school was started with no vision. Where there is no vision the people perish. Blame who start it, not who’s trying to fix it.
Please bring in persons who went through the same VISTS program to give motivational speeches about their own successes due to enrollment and the obstacles overcame to reach those successes in the workplace and in their lives.
Do not re-join this programme back to the grounds of the Elmore Stoutt High School. This technical programme must stay separate! It is worthwhile!
About 30% of belongers work (if you can call it that) for the government. Comfy jobs with a/c that doesn’t require much for $ 2K/month. Why should anyone learn a vocation that will be hot and sweaty, and which will require you to actually be productive seems to be the mentality.
Couple of Belonger contrators of my acquaintance have scoffed when I have suggested they hire local youngsters as apprentices when lamenting the absent of workers. Their answer is they want the cheque without the work.
Another failed at large rep and Minister.
A double failure.
Since Myron left the Ministry of Education education has gone to the dogs. Literally. Who want to to be honest will acknowledge it for what it is.
Our own people are too f**king dangerous in this place!! The Technical School was DELIBERATELY LEFT for dead because it’s looked at by the current Minister and her puppets as a MYRON WALWYN PROJECT! These dangerous people have no reason to bein our systems and especially dealing with the kids. How long has Sharie been an educator? How long has she been Minister? How long has Crabbe been an educator? A Principal? The Cheif Education Officer? You are telling me they did NOTHING to resolve the issues except make excuses about pass rates etc.? If no attention is placed on the institution why are you surprised that kids wanted to go back to traditional school? This smells stink and it’s shameful!! Based on the information contained in this article it appears the institution was not given any resources to improve and/or carry out its mandate but rather wilfully left to struggle, suffer to prove a point. The next step would be to close the school and give the impression that it’s a failure of the Myron/NDP Government. This is the same thing they did by dismantling the YES program and creating the RATED program, aka cut bush for money program. How these f**kers sleep at night is beyond me but the man above is never asleep, just wait.
Check the history of the VIP especially since the NDP came on the scene. Everything that the NDP has started the VIP has allowed to fall apart.
This is the same party that had a leader, who made a joke and a mockery of Gun Creeks redevelopment. Talking about jack spanias and bumble bees being the only flights (even given number of flights).
They scrapped the business bureau initially started by the NDP and could not get it going ever again.
They complained on and scrapped spooners for the old people yet never came with an alternate.
They scrapped the HS design saying it had too much glass. So a total redesign was needed to reduce the glass on the outer walls.
They scrapped the fisheries bldg.
They scrapped the technical school.
They scrapped Althea Scatliffe School.
They currently scrapping the Admin Bldg.
They only things they push are raises and things that guarantee them a kickback and photo-ops.
This is how they operate.
You right on spot!! A lot of BS they be talking! And all of them run from the classroom just to harass others and feel in power. They don’t empower a soul they just love to be in power especially that crabbe!
Hon. Myron Walwyn or someone else with his drive and vigor to move education forward need to be the next Minister, if there is anything left after deCastro. It seems like most people are afraid to tackle this topic because she is a young educated local, but she has done a pi** poor job as Minister, I am sorry. She takes everything personal and wants to dismantle everything Walwyn did during his tenure. Remember they had a lot of talk about removing the additional year of High School? Ask her why it hasn’t been removed and why they backed down so quietly with no further updates given.
The MWM fans that are always talking F@&$! Hope you’re benefiting well for trying to make him look good.
Rather sit under a tree with fatty blunt
So, how are the students passing in secondary school if they aren’t able to pass tech classes? Technical schools are huge in other parts of the world and student don’t have a problem passing. If they aren’t, they aren’t passing secondary school classes either. Interesting…
There is no stigma attached that they cannot overcome through proper education to the public and promotion of the programmes. The little match box of a school needs to be redesigned and revitalised first of all. Then they need to do better in promoting these programs to the public. Improve the social media page to showcase what students are doing. Team up with businesses to have students transition into the world of work. Offer incentives and scholarships to students who aspire for fields in the technical areas. Team up with international schools and businesses to offer international certifications and opportunities for students. Stop blaming the stigma. You can do more. This is coming from a technical teacher in a private school.
What’s concerning is there is at least 82 students enroll at VISTS. Not 70.
There was 100% pass mark for the last graduation June 2024.
So I need to understand who is giving fake or false information? The Minister, The ministry/Department the school or the CEO.????
How about making it a full polytechnic school starting at 7th grade? It’s one of the best educational concepts in any country, for example in the Dominican Republic there are waiting lists for such schools as the students are often given the best chance at successful stem roles, notably Engineering, etc…
Well, you forced Mr. Potter out and handed it over to a crony. The well running dry and now you missing the water. Saddle up, yall in for a rude awakening.
Seems like the wrong people in the wrong places who don’t conduct regular assessments for improvement and don’t understand the needs of students.