BVI News

Local educators to be trained how to assist asthmatic students

Educators in the British Virgin Islands will soon be able to assist students who suffer asthma attacks while at school.

This is the aim of the ‘A Breath of Fresh Air: helping teachers deal with students with asthma’ training workshop for both public and private schools.

The elective training sessions will be held on February 14 at the Ward Building’s Student Services Conference Room at 9 am and 1 pm.

A Government-commissioned release quoted Gracia Wheatley-Smith, Chief of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, outlining a number of benefits to the workshop.

She said teachers will become familiarized with the symptoms of chronic lung disease, they would be able to identify some of the common triggers and utilize an asthma plan.

Upon completion, the teachers will also know how to administer an inhaler to asthmatic students. They will further be trained to use and administer other instruments such as the peak flow meter and the spacer, Wheatley-Smith added.

The Chief of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals also explained that before professional help arrives to assist the patient, successful administration is crucial.

The training workshop is a collaboration between the Ministries of Health and Social Development, Education and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Pharmaceutical Procurement Service. Teachers interested in being part of the training can register at the Ministry of Education.

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  1. Yes says:

    This is great!!

  2. Parent says:

    That’s a good thing.

  3. Ausar says:

    Quite important strategies for assisting victims.

    The Education minister should also look into the burning of wastes at Pockwood to see how such substances could trigger attacks..

    Helping students with asthmas should also include CPR training. Quite vital for survival in case of mishaps!

    Like 6
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  4. @Ausar says:

    Good comment, totally in agreement with you.

  5. Guess what? says:

    We are a very small nation of less than 30,000. We must free ourselves from the grips of American Medical and pharmaceutical war Lords. Asthma is primarily a celiac disease i.e. gluten intollerance. Drugs cannot cure it but can only manage for a number of years. But Naturopatic science has advanced so well to get us solution for Asthma. Simply increase the ORAC point to 100,000.00 per day. Combine this with essential Omega 3, 6 and 9, Omega 3 & 6 balanced in ratio 1:1 and must have been produced in an air tight environment. Gluten foods must be avoided and the villi must be repaired with digestive enzymes. I you need further help to get rid of your ashtma, you can contact me at [email protected]


    how to assist persons with allergic reactions as well is important. teachers should also be trained to use the EpiPen. Peanuts should be banned form schools

    • State Side says:

      Every State in the US is required to have a full time School nurse in each School. At the beginning of the School year, every parent have to fill out a Emergency contact card provided by the School. On the card you are to provide any food or other Allergies your child/children has or if they are on any type of médications.

    • I concur says:

      It appears that the BVI Government is far behind in terms of awareness. This allergy can kill a person with in minutes. Parents who don’t have children with this allergy are nonchalant and don’t understand what all the fuss is about but if you were in the shoes of someone who has to worry every day about whether their child’s life will be cut short because of a nut at school it’s unbearable
      Ban it in our schools like other parts of the world do please
      Call Cedar school
      Or Ciboney
      Only the private schools taking precautions??

    • Waitaminute says:

      Teachers being offered the opportunity? They have option to say no? In schools with a nurse I understand but if the school doesn’t have one and kids have asthma, allergies and sinusitis plus may get in accidents etc teachers need to be fully prepared. Teachers get sick too so having co-workers who can assist in
      An emergency is a plus too. School supposed to be a safe environment.
      Where is the preparation plan Hon Myron Walwyn?

  7. Lodger says:

    Better late than never, I suppose.

  8. Sister island teacher says:

    We far from doctors and hospitals
    Include us too please
    In fact make it compulsory for us as some teachers may decline the offer and the students need our help
    Everybody knows it except maybe the District reps and Minister of Education .. medical service in all 3 sister islands need improvement now

  9. Exhausted says:

    I think this is a start. Training for asthmatic attacks is wonderful but like one or two persons wrote above what about those with allergies ?? This nut allergy is extremely serious and there are others too .. soy, shellfish and others. Are these foods a part of the curriculum cause if not keep them out of our schools as they are very common allergens. The smell alone make some people sick. I witnessed someone just last week getting sick just from someone cracking and eating nuts a foot away from her. You all stop playing

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