BVI News

Maduro-Caines produces pocketbook of accomplishments to quiet ‘haters’

In a move to silence critics questioning her representation, National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate for the Sixth Electoral District Alvera Maduro-Caines has produced a pocketbook of her accomplishments in the past two terms in office.

Maduro-Caines unveiled the pocketbook during her campaign launch in Purcell Estate on Thursday night.

“Tonight you will receive a pocketbook full of projects. Now, before the haters start to say this is a pocketbook because there are so little projects, I actually want you to fit it in your pocket so that you can carry it around like a weapon of information,” she said.

“Those names: Peter, Paul, Jane and even John who said I have done nothing, we can show them what the community has done together and even a snapshot of things that we will do together in the future.”

The book, she explained, depicts her undertakings in social and infrastructural projects.

She said among her accomplishments is the constructing and/or reinforcing several walls because of the hilly topography of the district. She further stated her support to schools and families throughout the district.

Four-year plans

In the meantime, Maduro-Caines said if elected back into office, she will rebuild every road in her district.

She said talks with the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) to open a branch in her district would also be finalised if she is re-elected.

Among her other plans are for beautification programmes and a district business bureau that would bridge the gap between established entrepreneurs and budding business owners. She said the fresh businessmen and women would be assisted in every area to ensure that they are successful in their area of focus.

“I did as good as I could, and the goals for the next four years may seem lofty, but with God all things are possible,” she said.

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  1. Mick Mars says:

    “As good as you could?” Or was it “You did as much as you were allowed?”

    We voted for you, ‘woman with the little bag’ because of what you wanted to do, but let’s be honest, they had you as a place holder and it showed. While I don’t doubt you wanted to do more, it’s clear that your party will only allow you to do as much to keep appearances, that’s it.

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  2. oh boy says:

    People please don’t be fooled. It took her 8 years to fix or to dirty free bottom road so how long is it going to take her to fix much less build other roads.

    Now my people just take a look at the Purcel Estate Community Center. When this Women became the representative of District 6 she met a good Community Center building. Look at it now. My God look at the Fishing Complex in Baugher’s Bay. Eight years and still nothing to show in District 6 but is Pocket Book of Projects. Look at the drain in Free Bottom that they rush and built before the last election, not a drop of water ever run through it or is passing through it. Go and look at it my people.

    I don’t live in District 6 but I can see. Just look at Johnson’s Ghut. Can you imagine if Omar Wallace Hodge did not widen that Road what would it be looking like today and they were talking negative about it.
    Any way why am I wasting my time? The Dam Pocket Book is empty just like she and the whole NDP Government. (National Doze Of Poison)that is what NDP stands for.

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  3. ndp heckler says:

    I think john is more competent and qualified.

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    • Bdo says:

      John don’t speak to a soul other than his family what makes you think he will represent any of you after election? He is about self.

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      • bdo reply says:

        seems like you’re looking a friend instead of someone to represent the district and make it better.

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      • Sound cloud says:

        And Alvera do? I live and I am a voter in district 6 and many times I’ve bumped into Alvera and not even … Had I been one of her friends, I bet you I would have gotten a hail or good morning before I even open my mouth.You people are something else!

        I dont know John Samuel other than seeing him while driving and listening to the rallies. He seem like a go getter and if he can get the job done through his team then so be it. John is getting my district vote. I am saying NO to NDP they have done too much harm to the BVI. The new leader is a dictator. We all suffering some more than others. We need a BVI when it was under the late H.L Stoutt.

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  4. District 6 says:

    Alvera I love you but your time is up. Thanks and good bye.

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    • Reply says:

      LOL. So much for the love. That was cold. You just threw her out of the house. Poor Alvera; I feel for her. You didn’t have to mash her up so.

      Could she get at least get a little love for putting her little pocketbook of accomplishment together? 🙂

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    • Time for people to go says:

      Ok if you are not doing what your project you promising every election it’s time for you to go Fahie.

      Like 1
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  5. WOW says:

    It is clear that this l— isn’t the sharpest knife in the draw but she did her time. Let us in district six move on with a person that can represent us locally and abroad.

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  6. Yes says:

    Awesome representative that love and has been a slave for people in and out of her district

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  7. fed up says:

    District 6th was turned from a neighborhood to a hood with gangsters and gangs under this lady’s watch. In fact it is encouraged by her party leader who give the boyz 40 dollar tabs to buy rum and other things

    Like 45
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    • JOKES says:

      You’re a Samuel I***t. 6th district was always a bummy district before Caines step in. Just because she’s close with the boys, y’all labeling her? Just show me how Samuel will change the neighborhood??

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  8. Blah says:

    I got 2 manifestos that prove that your party failed to deliver on over 90% of their promises especially the ones that would have benefitted the people the most and directly. Everything that is promised by the NDP should be taken with a grain of salt. The constituents did not ask for a manifesto.The NDP was not forced to publish a manifesto. Nobody altered the information that was in the manifestos so why promise things put it in print then fail to deliver in 8 years.

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  9. Truth says:

    The NDP has no confidence in this woman. They don’t even want to give her a position and wouldn’t have if the people of the 6th didn’t scream out. So why is she still defending them? Well I had enough of this circus and this time I will NOT be voting for her. This is no time for games.

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  10. Meli says:

    Hon Caines, when the roads were paved just last week, didnt you say how you had to harass the Minister C&W for years to get the roads done? So how now can you promise to rebuild every road in your district?

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  11. My two cents says:

    We all agree that this lady is a nice lady but at the same time we all can agree that she does not have the skills nor academic ability to champion and address the needs of district six and the entire Virgin Islands. She is a person I like but I cannot vote for her again. This country needs competent leaders now.

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    • AGREE says:

      WELL SAID.

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    • Oops says:

      Sooo you voted for her? Once or twice? And is only now you know she does not have the skills or academic ability to champion and address the needs of D6? Is this John? Oh dear! Smh! Maybe the question should be why are you so bitter? What did she refused to do or omit to do? I know it’s just politics but soon it’ll be over and YOU will smile with this lady, shake her hand as if you got love for her. Smh!

  12. Give Jack His Jacket says:

    Tongue and teeth does at times fall out. By far, Mr Samuel is more qualified and thus able to better represent the district. No disrespect to the little lady with the bag, (just joking). Besides his government wouldn’t/couldn’t treat him as a Place-Holder . You could clap for that as well or take it to the bank. Lets give the man his jacket. The lady is i’m sure a very nice person; helping out where she can; giving some free food here and there.

    big question: Despite how good a politician is or has been to a voter/s, including passing out the brown and white envelopes; even the bush cutting contracts; can it truly be considered Ungrateful to choose the better qualified, experienced and prepared contestant over the less qualified/prepared; especially at this crucial Bulldozed experience of our beautiful/wonderful BVI that has been so good to us? I beg to Differ….and its called Country above self. Let that sink in.

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  13. Truth be told.. says:

    Politics is Serious business; and definitely wouldn’t be good politics if decisions are made based on emotions and love and Favors and especially Bribes.
    Our Responsibility, each of us individually is to leave this place a better place when its our time to Depart. We should be praised, thought of nicely of as being good that we came and made our contribution. In all we do, Country above self. Let’s make our Decisions based on the greater good of our beloved country.

    Like 19
  14. Road Dog says:

    “In the meantime, Maduro-Caines said if elected back into office, she will rebuild every road in her district.” When you fling a rock at a pack of dogs, the one that get hit holllows pi….ang. You know the sound. Well, the rock hit Road Dog. This statement by Hon Maduro-Caines is heavy and deep. Is the Hon Maduro-Caines promising that if she is re-elected she will redesign and reconstruct every lane mile of road in D-6 with functional drainage?

    So can we expect that every lane mile of road will be excavated down to the subgrade. The subgrade stabilized, the base constructed with high quality material and the top layer/riding surface laid with high quality asphalt (right temperature/ingredient mix). By the way, why candidate(s) running with a party get on the stump and bellow I will do this and do that? Should they not be parroting the party’s platform messages? Will each rep have a budget of his/her own to fulfill all these promises or he/she will have to work within the party to get things done?

    Anyway, lets get ah done, for my poor car is crying rivers of tears to give her break, for her front end, suspension, tires, brakes ……etc needs a respite from the severely deteriorated roads. They are so bad that now I have to enroll in a pot hole dodging class. This is one Olympic team I do not want to mek. Serious ting, the government needs to stop picking meh pocket and den gime poor service.

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  15. Actions speak louder... says:

    Now let’s be real. We the people have seen how the NDP sidelined and treated this woman for 8 years. Yet she is sticking around with them for a further term. As school children say “da mek sense”.

    She has not accomplished much even when her government was in power. But obviously majority of the people in the 6th don’t care about this which makes you wonder.

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  16. VI political says:

    What has VIP said on their trail that is convincing that they will be able to execute these social plans. Half the times I have not heard any plans. From you many comments I think you are being sexist. I could be wrong. NDP was lead by one person and some of the works was accomplished. It will now be lead by another and because of the much hate love we feel nothing will be accomplished. I think you all are listening to these launches with deaf ears. Nothing saying vote NDP all the way, but some of these candidates are empty vessels. Things do not happen overnight and I think that is VIP take on the issues at hand.

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  17. Yea says:

    The VIP bloggers are out in force but remember this, online news, one man, 20 or more comments. In the poll station, it’s 1 man, 1 vote. Carry on.

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  18. Haha says:

    It is not Alvera’s fault. You wouldnt call a plumber to fix your car even if he is the best and nicest plumber in the world. Politics isn’t a beauty contest or popularity contest. It isn’t about who did you a favor. Politics is not just about one individual. Your decision affects the entire district and entire territory as well. When you are being selfish, foolish or careless your actions creates a ripple effect that leads to mismanagement, overspending, financial loss, poor infrastructure, Black listing etc. It’s ok to be loyal and give someone a chance but after 8 years you should know clearly when it’s time to do what’s best for the territory.

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  19. Hello says:

    Why do hard with this young lady. Remember, she was the one who admitted that she was not a politician. Nevertheless unlike most of the naysayers she stepped up and did the best with what she had which is courage.
    Please, get off her back and step forward to help the cause.

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  20. @Haha says:

    Well said.

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  21. A man says:

    Z0ne6 is the biggest dump in the territory. T1me4ch@nge

    Like 18
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  22. Strups says:

    She is all talk ! She never did s**t in the 6 .Is only now election coming up she trying fix the roads . You want a next fours years to waste my time ? I’ll pass

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  23. JOKES says:

    LOL….When I got a WhatsApp yesterday (I think by mistake), I can tell its just ONE woman and her household, JOHN and his friends who are here UNDER MULTIPLE NAMES trying their best to discredit this woman. Comments/Blog WON’T beat the woman with the bag!!!! With Samuel he proud self!

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  24. NDP Supporter says:

    Say what You all want, NDP, is LIT. We got something for all you haters in a few weeks. You all got all this S**t to say about NDP,you all running scared. Thanks haters for a good chuckle.Have a good day haters.

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  25. ndp says:

    Don’t mine the noise. These people are so negative and if put in your position they might not be able to get the job done at all.You do good, they talk, you do bad, they talk. Can never please these ungrateful set of people. I am saying they are just jealous and scared that their party might not win. So instead they turn to bashing the ones that looks the strongest. If you think your party will win. You will not be on any new site trying to bash anyone or wasting your time and energy. You all would be confident and strong. Looks like you all do not believe in you all team. NDP all the way. GO SIT DOWN!!!

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  26. Disappointed says:

    I am so disappointed in John. I expected alot better. Grow up and you and your stupid team stop bashing the woman!!!!!!

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  27. Real talk says:

    It is truth what is so hard that the VIP cannot stick to issues. You canidate in the —— district or his follwers scandalising a prominent business man name through social media, you have your at large canidate and her commitee putting up billbords facing a business man property which is a co-founder of another party using children as pawn to see the state of high school, you have your canidate from the — lying on radio pubically about taking praise for building the courts in his district and flying backboards from miami when in fact this government gave the contract to a local contractor from that district to resurface the courts and a local builder to bill the backboards, you all have whatsapp going around saying how the former governor asking the uk to lock up myron and mark.suppose that former governor launch an investigation asking us to prove such? You all out their have your supporters putting cartoon characters on other party members head. Yes you can say this is polictics but when you taking people names with misleading information how is the outer world looking at us. The sad thing is none of the VIP canidates from the top Hon. Andrews Fahie has not to date cone the public to denounce any of these therefore is silience is in agreement.

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  28. Think deep says:

    Ungratefulness is a sin. If she so bad why the VIP camp when the NDP was fragmented wanted her to run on their ticket?

    If John is such a person that want to represent the people of district six where was he after hurricane Irma, Maria and the floods? If John want to represent the people where is his track record on how many lives he has impacted in that district, can anyone especially the youths say that John has made an impact in my life by improving my education, mentorship programs to teach young men and women in captain in the shipping. In the shipping industry have he once in his lifetime spare head any initative on boat safety the imporatance of having vessels licenced at the shipping registry?

    Have he one day encourage the said young men on the streets in his district the importance of education and being independant, owning their own business or come around talking to them or finding out how their lives are being impacted on a daily basis?

    When you want to represent people it is not always about infrastructure the most important is building people up.

    Before Hurricanes yoy had an improve basket ball court, community center, paved roads, improve garbagge bin by free bottom, johnson ghut road improvement, bell vue basket ball court improvement, a fishing complex. It only took in a twink of an eye two Hurricanes to show us just as we build them up I took them down. What is man God giveth and he certainly take it.

    John can come and offer all this lovely building projects but remeber it just take a twink of an eye by one sudden diaster of mother nature to wipe it clean away.

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    • REALLy says:

      Has this woman has DONE NOTHING for her district beside feed some person and continue to feed them? Giving or helping individuals are not the district. Let’s stop voting for people because they are popular vote for the people that are willing to change. Refurbished court was not enough for the eight years, planting plants in purcell was not enough for the eight years… STOP TAKING FOOD AND VOTE RIGHT

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  29. Z6ne says:

    Don’t mind the talk lady with the bag z6ne got her expecially Purcell leave her alone she ain’t going know where so you all haters ayo heart going to eat out when this same lady with the bag win back her district on 25 of February on my birthday, where was Samuel after hurricane irma? As far as I can remember the only person we was seeing is that same lady with the bag is never see Samuel walk from house to house checking and making sure everything was OK, ayo going to watch this lady keep shining to the top…..yes lady with the bag let go Purcell got your back we ain’t minding the talk

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  30. District 6 says:

    Hmmm! Is there a clarification of District 6? Because some of you saying where was John after the storms? Ok, on terms of politics, he was not your District Rep. Your District Rep. might have walk through Baughers Bay, Free Bottom and Purcell, but what about Jean Hill, Fish Bay, Belle Vue, Butu Mt? As a District Rep. she should fight for the people who elected her to do that, not be a puppet on a string for NDP. As an individual you are very well liked, but as a Rep. unfortunately your efforts have proven fruitless in the under mentioned areas of the 6th District. And I rebuke the 6th being referred to as a dump!

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  31. REALLy says:

    Has this woman has DONE NOTHING for her district beside feed some person and continue to feed them? Giving or helping individuals are not the district. Let’s stop voting for people because they are popular vote for the people that are willing to change. Refurbished court was not enough for the eight years, planting plants in purcell was not enough for the eight years… STOP TAKING FOOD AND VOTE RIGHT

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  32. Ausar says:

    “Really”, can you point out WHICH district appears to have been serviced-and I mean, properly- under the current administration; I have seen NONE for the years that I’ve travelled there.

    Poorly built roads, poor lighting, sewerage problems in EVERY district, shoddy looking sidewalks, dirt and rubble on the sidewalks….Help me out ..somebody..with the answers!

    Alvera is not the problem. She is only a victim of the symptomatic abuse of consistent neglect plagueing this territory!

    Will the REAL fixers of this country STAND AND BE RECOGNIZED so that we, the voters, will know who to vote for on election day…

  33. Please says:

    Can we get the garbage dumpsters emptied more often in the district? Something seems to have gone wrong here. We never had all the dumpsters overflowing like they have been lately.

  34. Eagle eye says:

    would love to read one of those books because i ain’t see nothing being done and I watching everyday.oh they just paving roads now to look votes.

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