BVI News

Major water waste along dual carriageway

BVI News captured this photo on Tuesday, October 30.

Litres of water were seen shooting from the ground in the Port Purcell area of Tortola today, October 30.

The water appeared to be spouting at a relatively high pressure on to the main road and vehicles travelling easterly along the James Walter Francis Highway are being affected.

Motorists can be seen performing simple evasive maneuvres to steer their vehicles clear of the water, which has begun to cause a small flood.

It is not clear what caused the major water-waste but when BVI News visited the area, a metallic lid resembling a manhole cover was seen lying next to the source of the waste.

It is not clear whether the water is from a sewer line or an underground water line.

It is also not clear when the issue began but, up to press time, the issue was still unresolved.

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  1. McBurger says:

    Where’s the all knowing and all seeing Macburger? Too much pressure and not enough brain power going around MCW and the departments under Macburger. Time for a change.

    • Fact says:

      That was a valve intentionally opened to ease pressure off the line in order to repair one further in Purcell.

    • @McBurger says:

      Since you seem to believe you have a head full of brains, why you don’t apply? But from your comment one can conclude that it is full of doo doo and jealousy. You stink of it. If you get the position, for sure it will be sewage flowing rather than water. Tek a seat.

  2. I spy with my little eye says:

    When I drove past this spot I observed water and sewerage workers were opening the fire-hydrant.That is the source of all the water.

  3. Think about it says:

    Sewage lines usually run by gravity and are not pressurized. It takes pressure to have a key like that, making it probable that its water rather than sewage.

  4. Django says:

    Of course it isn’t sewage. It isn’t brown. You could drink that with no problem.

  5. Mr Shovels says:

    Meanwhile I still don’t have street water since Irma smh…

  6. BVI Diaspora/Enclave says:

    @Think About it, your gravity assertion is generally true. However, not all sewer transmission lines are gravity flow. For example force mains are pressurized. In addition, the sewage system contains lift stations and .pump stations.

  7. Smhhh says:

    When yall news site clueless, anything becomes news.

    If I am correct, I am sure when water and sewerage fixing a pipe anywhere, they open water pipes to release the pressure from the area they working on so that more damage is not done.

    If the water pressure is not released when doing works in a area, it creates a bigger problem. They were in close vicinity working and the water and sewerage team is who opened those water things.

    Yall news site need to research a lil better than just running with news.

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