BVI News

Man, grandmother charged after alleged $15K bribe offer to drop court case

Henley (Facebook photo)

A 59-year-old retired hotel employee and the father of her grandson have been brought before the Magistrate’s Court after allegedly trying to bribe a complainant with a sum in excess of $10,000 to discontinue a court complaint against him.

Charged with perverting the course of justice are Virgin Gorda residents, Tifern Henley and his grandmother Deverell Connor.

They were not required to plead when they appeared before Magistrate Ayanna Baptiste DaBreo on Wednesday since the matter for which they are charged is indictable. This means it is triable before a judge and jury at the High Court.

The alleged offence reportedly occurred between March 12 to April 5 this year.

The court heard that Henley — who has another matter before the court — was served with a court order which prevents him from going within 200 feet of the complainant in question and her children.

The court order also forbade him from communicating with her directly or indirectly. Henley’s bail was recently revoked when he was found in breach of those conditions so he is now on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison.


The court heard that at 3 pm March 12 this year, the complainant’s mother was at her workplace when she received a note from an unknown man.
After reading the note, she realized that it was from Henley who wrote asking for forgiveness and for the complainant’s mother to urge her daughter to discontinue the matter that was ongoing before the court.

It is alleged that the complainant’s mother received a call from Henley days later. He allegedly inquired whether she had spoken to the complainant whether she will discontinue the matter.

Another incident

The court heard that about 8:40 am when the complainant arrived at her workplace on April 5, she was handed a message from Connor with accompanying contact information. When she called the number, it is alleged that Connor pleaded with her to drop the charges and offered her money to do so.

A report was made to the police and investigations commenced. On April 24, Connor was arrested. During a subsequent police interview, she allegedly said she offered the complainant between $15,000 to $20,000 to drop the case against her grandson, Henley.

Connor also reportedly said that Henley was the mastermind behind the plan. As a result, a removal warrant was served at the prison for Henley. He was later brought to the Road Town Police Station and interviewed. He reportedly denied the allegations before the court.


Bail was denied for Henley. However, his co-accused was granted $50,000 signed bail. Part of her bail conditions is to have no contact with the complainant and report to the Virgin Gorda Police Station every Wednesday between 6 am to 6 pm.

Their matter was adjourned to September 11.

Defence attorney Patrick Thompson is representing Henley while Michael Maduro represents Connor.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Somebody put something on this man he always in Court.

    Like 14
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  2. D''n says:

    The BVI is turning out some real gangsters for sure.

    Like 23
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  3. Too Wong foo says:

    Lol wonder if he was dressed in a wig and a dress when they found him….what a joke. Miss,I agree with You, go ahead with the case and look out for the safety of you and yours.

    Like 16
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    • Yeah girl says:

      I have to give you props for not taking the bribe. It is time for you to do you and what is best for you. There is going to be the naysayers but guess what, they can go F**k off because at the end of the day, you got to look out for number 1.

      Like 12
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  4. But guess what... says:

    I am not afraid of the true gangsters in the BVI because they let you know who they are and what the F**k they are about. I am afraid of people like these two.

    Like 17
  5. Hmmm says:

    Is that his grandmother or the girl’s – Just wondering?

  6. Peter Pan says:

    If it was me I was taking the money these are some tough times we living in and any amount would definitely help.

    Like 6
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    • @peter Pan says:

      Yea take the money, then next time he can feel justified when he beats the crap out of you,then you’ll just take more money. Moron.

      Like 18
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  7. One eye fowl cock says:

    Now imagine all that big d*@k going to waste in balo daaa

    Like 1
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  8. @Peter Pan says:

    IT is not always about the money it is about the princerpal. That is called blackmail.

    Like 11
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  9. Jokes says:


    Like 10
  10. Wow Wow says:

    “When she called the number, it is alleged that Connor pleaded with her to drop the charges and offered her money to do so.”

    I am glad that Almighty God does not sleep.

  11. Mama Boy Child says:

    The MOST rudest and arrogant and baddest children, whether underaged or adult, are those spoiled by parents and grandparents.

    Never get wrapped up with MAMA male children. They never grow up – they remain as boys believing the world owes them and believing that they could always get away with their wrongs.

    They always remain mama-boy-child.

    Like 18
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    • @Mama Boy Child says:

      These boy children feel nothing wrong with their behaviour cause mama right there holding their hand promoting the foolishness with one excuse after the next for their boy children.

      Like 21
    • You said it says:

      I was with a Mama boy and I had to let him go. Leave those Mama boys alone, they refuse to grow up and they always calling Mama for everything. You can love your son and be there for him but,they have to grow up.

      Like 19
  12. Not Just Outright Bribes says:

    Proverbs 17: 8 – Some people think a bribe works like magic; they believe it can do anything.

    Beware of subtle bribes too – the motives behind a wicked man who on face value claiming he giving you advice for your benefit but in actuality it’s for his self serving interest.

    Like 11
  13. wow says:

    he is not her grandson smh…..she is two of his kids grandmother they have no relation.

  14. Lol says:

    Gangster Granny…

    Like 8
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  15. How says:

    He has a 59 year old Grandmother?

    Like 3
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    • Sherlock says:

      Good Observation my dear Watson. My calculation based on the grandma’s young age of 59 would mean that his mother would have to be around let’s say 39 (impossible) but then Tiffern who I know, is no younger than 33.

  16. I'll say says:

    Those mothers and grandmothers will always cover and go to bat for their sons and grandsons. The sons can do no wrong.My ex use to cheat real bad and so one day I ask her to please talk to her son, her answer to me was I have to deal with it because there is nothing wrong with a man cheating.That is what men do.

    Like 13
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    • Run says:

      They would quicker find a way to say you cause it.

      Run fast and far

      Like 11
    • Ranger says:

      My wife cheats on me. We play scrabble and I swear every time Iget a drink the tiles are put back in the bag and she gets new ones. EVERY. TIME.
      That’s the real shame about this case. So depressing. I’ve spoken with her mother but she’s dyslexic and says she can’t help. Actually she said “Im dislcsic. Cant hulp.”

  17. ???? says:

    That boy is a typical jerk for realz. He need to grow up and stop running to mommy or grandmommy to fix his problems.

  18. Tyler says:

    I was just trying to bring my Madea’s Act in the BVI dam they caught me

  19. Never Fails says:

    Mothers and grandmothers will always put their hands in the fire for their sons and grandsons.They are easy on the boys and hard on the girls. Let those boys grow up and be responsible for their own actions.

  20. Ambassador says:

    I think this article needs written over just a bit. I’m confused with some things, is Connor Henleys grandmother or is she the grandmother of his son?

  21. Story not clear says:

    Im not following. Who is who’s grandmother? The story is conflicting.

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