BVI News

Ministers unofficially announced, restructure of gov’t reported

Unofficial reports to BVI News are that Premier Andrew Fahie has selected his Cabinet.

These reports have Premier Fahie himself assuming the Ministry of Finance portfolio, similar to his predecessor Dr D Orlando Smith.

As things stand now, tourism responsibilities fall under the Office of the Premier. As such, At-Large representative Shereen Flax-Charles has been handed the Junior Minister of Tourism role.

Information to our news centre, however, suggests that some restructuring has happened in relation to the four remaining ministerial portfolios.

BVI News has been told that the Fahie administration has joined health and telecommunications responsibilities to form the Ministry of Telecommunications, Health & Welfare. At-Large representative Carvin Malone has been reported as the minister of that portfolio.

Agriculture has reportedly been relocated to the education portfolio to form the Ministry of Education, Culture, Agriculture, Fisheries, Sports & Youth Affairs. Seventh District Representative and educator Dr Natalio Wheatley has been named as the minister responsible for that portfolio. A junior ministerial role for that portfolio has also been created for At-Large representative Sharie de Castro, BVI News understands.

Fifth District Representative and former head of the Department of Motor Vehicles Kye Rymer has been reported as the Minister of Transportation, Works & Utilities.

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour & Immigration is to be headed by Ninth District Representative and former Sister Islands Coordinator Vincent Wheatley.

Meanwhile, At-Large representative Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith has reportedly been appointed Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly.

The Virgin Islands Party government is yet to make an official announcement on the above mentioned ministerial portfolios and who will head them.


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  1. Wellsaw says:

    Why would they give Vincent Labor and Immigration oh my goodness another Kedrick in the making I guest all that help the people of VG got after the hurricane now its payback time it is alleged.

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    • leave the man alone says:

      Give them a chance. Arlene Smith SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY.

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    • Twisted Mind says:

      If it’s in regards to help sustain and maintain our natural Resources then sure

      If it’s finding ways to actually used/work with the billionaire boys for the actual first time for country and people good and not for just oneself then fine. As far as I’ve seen I don’t always agree with bronson but ‘he’s not the issue let’s work together and fix the issues. Like it or the Johnson dem have belongers status.

    • Jerry says:

      Shereen is there to keep him in check. My only concern with her is that everything will go to VG.

      Don’t be fooled, its not a coincidence that her niece got Vincent old job. That little girl is known to give everything to her family businesses. Remember VG festival activities? Ok then

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  2. Step up says:

    Ok, the choices have been made. Now, it’s time for the chosen to step up and do their jobs well. I hope Sher_ _n humbles herself cause she can be a little too uptight at times.

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  3. Hot head says:

    Hope Flaxy learn to change her attitude cause she will have lots of people approaching her in office and on the streets

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    • Terror says:

      Its VG she from!! They all have a “hot head” but they get the job done.

      Which VG woman you see would actually put up with foolishness and not speak up?

      • To terror says:

        The people did not elect her to be a hot head…they elected her to represent them and help to improve things around the territory. Some of you feel because someone born here or there,they’re untitled to act like hogs and reign terror in others. She is to hold her position and be humble

  4. Shorty says:

    Hahaha…. If this is the forward ever party BVI up a creek. The proposed restructuring makes absolutely no sense what so ever. If it’s not broken don’t change it. If they wanted to structure the best solution was to merge some departments and reshuffle others. Not do a whole 360 of renaming and adding where they don’t even connect. 1. Minstry of Education (ONLY) place culture under tourist board marketing our cultural brand along with our tourism product. Keep youth affiars under education but the ministry name would be Minstry of education. Move prison from under education to Governor’s office completely or create a ministry of justice. Ministry of Health & Social Development stays the same. Just merge some of the smaller units or departments under one umbrella (gender affairs, public heath, environmental health creating sub-lets under one name). Communications and works stays the same. Merge immigration, custorms and labor as one department (HM Customs/immigration and workforce). Create a ministry of Justice (prison, police, social services, ddp, immigration, customs, courts.. .they are all interlinked and already have to cross work for the various duties). agriculture and fishers should merge as one. public works and water and sewerage should merge. Maximise the already bloated public service through its human resources that will work will be done more efficiently and effectively.

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    • @Shorty says:

      Thank you!!! It doesn’t make any sense at all. I am starting to think i might have made a mistake last Monday.

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    • Hooray says:

      Listen I would like your comment 1000 times if I could. They are all over place. Could you imagine the work cut out for the Permanent Secretaries assigned to these departments. Apples and Oranges. I guess we need consultants to help the PS’s do their job.

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    • Just saying says:

      It is clear most people do not understand what a Labour Department functions should be. Merging Immigration and Customs it not a bad idea, but not Labour. Labour should be a department looking out for the interest of workers. They should be gathering statistics on the territory works force, not just those on work permits. What are the mean salary for certain positions, what jobs are in demand, what are in the decline, etc. They should be insuring fair working conditions and ensuring employers treat employees according to the Labour Code. They should be looking at creating an unemployment benefits scheme (so many people had no form of income when their place of employment was destroyed after the hurricanes of 2017). It should be about workforce development and training programs. They need trained Labour Relations Officers and Statistic persons. If Labour Department functioned the way it should,it would reduce imported labour. Work permits is what needs to go under immigration.

      Like 12
      • Shorty says:

        I fully understand how Labour Department functions, but in the BVI it doesn’t function the way it should. I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly it is crucial for government to maximise their human resources and evaluate the functions of every department. Labour Department can do so much more but at present they are just a glorified department for work permits.

  5. BS says:

    In this day and age, it should not have a Ministry of telecommunications, but a ministry of ICT,and the first move should be to remove Guy from CEO of the TRC!

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  6. :) says:

    Where is NDP. They were passionately begging for our votes via every way possible now they lose they are hiding. The same way you campaigned is the same way you should thank your supporters. Get off of Facebook and get in front of the cameras like PVIM did, answer a few questions and ride off in the sunset.

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  7. Anonymous says:

    Was not the Hon. Premier voice the loudest in opposition to the ministry of Finance being under the portfolio of the Premier Dr Dr. D. O. Smith.?

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  8. RealPol says:

    The Ministry of education, culture, agriculture, fisheries, sports and youth affairs is too busy and a poor alignment of related services. Agriculture, fisheries and natural resources should go together. Why is telecommunications under the health and welfare? Telecommunications should be combined with utilities, works and transportation; sports can be added to health and welfare. Related functions should be aligned together to the maximum extent practical under the same ministry.The functions quality,and output will be greater.

    Like 27
  9. nevi says:

    OBVIOUS .. anything with
    Sports & Youth Affairs
    should go to Neville .

    Like 12
    • @Nevi says:

      Do u see Sheep name down for anything besides the Deputy Speaker??? That young man worked so hard to get elected along with his team and Andrew did not see favour in him to appoint him as a Minister. He teck and give Sowande and Carvin ALL the positions. From what I am gathering they only USED Sheep and Sharie to get elected. If I was them I would leave that over Green pasture.( The grass is not always green only when u get near and see the dry patches.) We need to petition for Sheep to get something…..Please a beg

      Like 4
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      • Shorty says:

        Maybe you should ask if Sheep wanted any position. From what i understand he did not want any ministry. I don’t get that position but if that is his wish so be it i guess.

  10. Folly says:

    The action man is the one who appointed him. VIP had him acting for many many years.

  11. sheer assishness says:

    Put sheep over sports and youth affairs….Shawonde has too much on his plate so long look will be neglected once again

    Like 11
  12. vip heckler says:

    Same thing the NDP did, not a woman in sight

  13. ISP says:

    I hope some of these rumours about the restructuring of ministries, are not true. For example, joining education and agriculture will be a nightmare for that minister as those 2 areas demand a lot of attention. That minister will be overworked.

    Like 10
  14. BVI NEWS says:


  15. Political Observer (PO) says:

    This ministerial workload/functions need some adjustments. Understand the need to balance workload among ministers but related functions should go together and closely aligned. For example, the functions under Hon Natalio Wheatley (D-7) needs adjustment: : Education, Culture, Sports, Youth Affairs, Agriculture and Fisheries; that is a top heavy workload. Agriculture and Fisheries under Education? What is the thought process here?

    Education is a critical function in the territory’s continued growth, development and sustainability and needs proper planning, programming, executing, budgeting …….etc. Education plays a key role in diversifying the economy, especially constructing a knowledge-based economy.

    Several other functions seems like disconnects. For example, Telecommunications under Health and Welfare. Telecommunications can be grouped as a utility and should be lumped with Transportation, Work, and Utilities portfolio. Another functional disconnect is Natural Resources with Immigration and Labour. Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources should be grouped together.

    True, in some instances, there will not be perfect matches but the matching should be maximized. Thinking out loud: Health, Welfare and Sport; Immigration, Labour and Youth Affairs; Public Works, Utilities and Engineering (Junior Minister) ; Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources; and Finance and Tourism ( Junior Minister).

    Like 14
    • Socrates says:

      Are you suggesting:
      1. Minister of Finance and Tourism——Premier Fahie/ Shereen Flax
      2. Minister of Education and Culture——Natalio Wheatley
      3. Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports—-Carvin Malone
      4. Minister of Immigration, Labour and Youth Affairs
      5. Minister of Public Utilities, Utilities and Engineering—-Kye Rhymer /Junior Minister.
      6. Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources?

      How will Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources fit in the ministerial port foil, since there are only five ministries? Will the government request a 6th ministry? Will the 6th ministry be Tourism, 1/2 of the economic twin pillar?

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      • PO says:

        The Premier’s group (Finance and Tourism) has a Junior Minister so Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources can be a direct report to the Premier. The VI may not become self sufficient in food production but it should optimize agriculture and fishing to reduce the food import bill, as well as enhance food security. Further, the Premier should have a warm fuzzy for natural resources, especially the non-renewable resources, ie, land and should keep it close to ensure it’s effectively managed.

  16. Anonymous says:

    You cannot have a personality in charge of labour who cozys up to wypipo, because we will never get any wages increase becase of. Not that this government will give one anyway.

  17. Cisco says:

    A few years ago, the Ministry of Health & Welfare was renamed the Ministry of Health & Social Development, why are we reverting instead of moving forward?

  18. GodBPraised says:

    No matter what decisions are made, you can’t please everyone. The Hon Premier has made his choices; let’s move on by God’s good grace.

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  19. 9TH DISTRICT says:


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  20. Haha says:

    The new government has been chosen and the Premier and his team I’m sure discussed the portfolios and worked together to decide who was best suited for the various positions. Please hold off on the pessimism and at least allow them the chance to be in office for a week before criticisizing and complaining.

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  21. Dont care says:

    Please to bring Frazer back on the VIP Team

    • RealPol says:

      Having turned his back on VIP, does Fraser want to come back under the VIP umbrella? At one point, Fraser didn’t know who Fahie was. Fraser miscalculated his popularity. Thinking that he would be a magnet for followers, he ran off and form his own party, Progressive United. In the recent election, he won the D-3 seat. However, the combined total of voters of the other candidates was greater than Fraser’s. The vote splitting probaly save him.

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