BVI News

More than $20 million needed to fix water woes

Minister of Transportation, Works, & Utilities Kye Rymer.

Works Minister Kye Rymer told lawmakers that his ministry needs more than $20 million to execute a comprehensive overhaul of the water issues that have been badly affecting the territory.

“In order to fulfil and repair our age-old infrastructure, the ministry has identified that we need upwards of $20 million to be able to do a comprehensive redo of our water system. That would include replacement of pipes, replacement of equipment, adding meters, expanding our water network so that we can get more revenue.”

Rymer was also grilled over the government’s plans to create a schedule of water interruptions, given the inadequate water supply that has been experienced for over a decade.

Rymer explained that the territory’s water infrastructure is old and said it has already reached its life cycle expectancy. He further shared that it suffers constant and frequent unexpected breakages because of this.

“It is therefore impossible to anticipate when and where a break will happen to be able to advise the public,” Rymer stated.

Rymer said the government has been working with the GIS (Government Information System) to put out notices for planned interruption due to scheduled repairs, and even give notice as much as possible when those repairs result from an unexpected breakage.

The Works Minister said just $200,000 was received in the 2024 budget for purchasing material and reservoir repairs after he requested funding. No funding was given for equipment or staffing.

According to Rymer, the government must be intentional in,providing the necessary human and resources to address the problem comprehensively.

Rymer explained that the water supply in some communities was inadequate because of issues that sometimes occur simultaneously, such as power generation and limited electricity supply to run the water plants.

He said there was also the issue of the age and inadequate distribution of pipes that are insufficient to handle the demand, resulting in frequent breakages, pumps that breakdown, and a lack of dedicated and adequately sized transmission lines and adequately sized water pumps at critical locations to ensure storage points can be filled.

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  1. So says:

    As you have neither the capacity or the funds for this – break it up into five bite size pieces and execute one a year.
    As long as we have waited already, another five years won’t be much to ask. But FFS – actually do the work instead of just pontificating, grandstanding, glad-handing, contract signing and the failing to deliver any tangible results. Please and thank you.

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  2. Pandora says:

    Ok Cowboy, I do not deny that the infrastructure is outdated and was likely put in half assed anyway. But you will note that the same leaks crop up in the same place every time. Your guys go in and repair, leave the road in a mess for months, only to have that same ‘repair’ leak again in the same place every time!

    There is something VERY wrong with all this. Something so repetitive that is does define the definition of insanity in the best way!

    Same as the blogger above says – why not break the replacements down into phases so that everything can be managed and build in a cost-effective way? Makes total sense.

    Then again, our leadership for many decades cannot in any way be associated with common sense and doing what is right for the people and territory!

    Like 15
  3. idea says:

    Didn’t the Premier said last week that he has $30 million in un-used funds? Maybe you can put this money to good use if he is unable to do so.

    Like 10
  4. Home says:

    More than 20mil needed to fix our water problems in the bvi,lol kye ask your (boss) where did he put the 250k last yrs he spend on so stupid show that same money could’ve help to make up that 20 mil for our water problem here .but know ayo like to waste money on stupid things that really not important ,we really need to get this government out of office because by time these Ms finish with our tax money, and we who really worke there ass off will not able to get back what we worked hard for .

  5. Where is the Money Going? says:

    And, in twenty years from now waters woes will still be ongoing. Twenty million would have been allocated and then disappeared into an invisible hole.

    These elected officials are in peak allocation of funds season.

    Notice every week and day each one coming with his her own supposed initiative etc..

    By next election the issues plaguing this nation’s economic advancement, infrastructure, education, businesses eexpansion and mega industries allocations will srill be outstanding. That is clear.

    What is not clear is where are all the moneybeing alocated for all those supposed initiatives going?

  6. Lmao says:

    What is 20 mil for, the pipes only cost about 2 mil.

  7. Pot of Gold says:

    10 million a year paying rent for government departments to operate.

  8. Committee for Aqua sercurity in homes says:

    Rather a mouthful.It’ll be a lot easier just to make the cheque out to C.A.S.H

  9. vex says:

    How long have these people known this? They just budgeted on;y 200k for water improvements the other day. Now they need 200k these people are not serious just playing politics.

  10. Gofundme says:

    Biggest disappointment is Kye. He is now pensionable so he really don’t care one bit.

  11. Mr.nice guy? says:

    You are in the perfect position to hold the Finance Minister accountable and responsible for this mess. Your Ministry is the weakness link in this dilemma that this weakling Government has us in. This is not the Virgin Islands Party. You are a set of photo copies trying to be. You should step down and give the ministry to Luce because she might do better.

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