BVI News

Most riders not complying night-time ban on bikes | RVIPF struggles to apprehend offenders

By Kamal Haynes, BVI News Staff

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has reported that the majority of motorcyclists in the BVI are not adhering to government’s temporary night-time ban which has been in effect since June 4.

Head of the Police Traffic Division, Sergeant (Sgt) Augustus Bruce told BVI News that the RVIPF has been unsuccessful in apprehending suspects breaching the said ‘5 pm to 5 am’ motorcycle curfew.

“To be honest, there are very few persons who are in compliance with that, because people are still out on the road on the motorcycles or scooters.”

Residents actions hindering the success of operations

Sgt Bruce also said measures taken by the RVIPF to capture motorcyclists in breach of the ban have been hindered partly because of the actions of some residents.

“As soon as you put an operation in place and once persons only see you on the road, the Facebook is being plastered with the presence of us (the RVIPF) on the road, and they make it much more difficult for us because then people start to use different areas, or they just stay silent for a while until we are off the road,” the traffic cop said.

“Because of the size, a lot of the scooters are getting away because they can easily maneuver through traffic even if you put a traffic stop. So, it’s not much of a success so far that we have gotten or accomplished during that time,” he added.

Motorcycles in breach of law will be seized

Sgt Bruce, however, warned that all motorcyclists found to be in breach of the territory’s traffic laws will have their bike seized in addition to being charged.

“As long as we stop you, we are going to report you for the breach of the curfew once you find yourself outside of the confinement of the law. You are not an essential worker and once you do not fall within the bracket, we are going to take the motorcycle because you are in breach of curfew,” Sgt Bruce stated.

He added: “Our intention is to seize the motorcycles, so when we stop you and you do not have a license or insurance, we are going to seize it until the proper documentation could be presented, and then you will be able to get back the motorcycle.”

Three-week ban extension due to negligent riders

In the meantime, the night-time ban on motorcycles has been extended until July 16, pending a further review.

Transportation Minister Kye Rymer said the extension — which is an additional three weeks from the original June 25 date — is because of some riders observed riding recklessly and not wearing helmets while traversing local roadways.

No leniency given to motorcyclists in breach of laws

Minister Rymer said he has communicated with the RVIPF to fully enforce the territory’s traffic laws to riders found in breach.

“Persons unwilling to adhere to the law that grants them the privilege of riding freely will not be given any quarter or leniency in the parts of the law that speak to the offences,” he stated.

Persons who are exempted from the 5 pm to 5am ban on motorcycles include essential workers, security guards employed by a private security service provider, Customs and Immigration officers, as well as persons traversing to and from work.

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  1. What!!! says:

    Everyone knows police can’t chase after bike riders but can’t they be caught on camera? Fed up with these stupid little boys on their noisy bikes.

    Like 29
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  2. just ban motors all together says:

    That they still not comply shows that they just don’t care.

    The only way forward is a complete ban on these motor bikes. Obviously you can’t take them away from the people. Just ban the import of them.

    Takes a while, but eventually we will not see them ever again.

    Like 26
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  3. Ning says:

    My God, you guys are clueless!

    It has nothing to do with people giving your ‘top secret’ scooter entrapment operations away! You can’t even catch people that go past your own East End police station. Last week, after 5pm, one person was doing a wheelie on an unlicensed scooter, with the rider wearing no helmet. and by the looks of it under the age of 16, right outside the station!

    Then you have there weekend parties up and down the new drag strip on Beef Island by the airport. They’re packed at the bottom corner in a big group on 4-wheelers and scooters, most unlicensed and most with no safety gear. YOU CAN’T MSS THEM!

    EVERYONE KNOWS BUT YOU GUYS! If you actually made an effort, especially at Beef Island where you have them absolutely trapped by a bridge which is the ONLY WAY ON AND OFF. You’d achieve something!

    But not you guys! They ride pass you while in your patrol vehicles and not a damn thing happens. Yet, your traffic wardens in town, wander around with their petty ticket books acting like royalty chasing cars with scratches on their paint!

    Like 48
    • Fresh Air says:

      In East End, there is teenage who has a bike with a very loud muffler. He usually hangs out on the court then rides in the area of the station. Step out of the station for some fresh air every now and then and you just might catch him and others.

  4. Zagred Smith says:

    And in other breaking news water is still wet

    Like 16
  5. Hot pursuit says:

    The only vehicle that will catch the BVI’s 125cc motorcycles/scooters after 5pm is a LARGER/FASTER motorcycle with a skilled driver. The RBVIPF should watch some episodes from that old TV show from the 60’s named CHIPS to learn how to pursue, stop, subdue and arrest offenders riding wimpy 125cc motorcycles. Oh yeah don’t put police signs on the police motorcycles and wear dark leather jacket, riding pants, heavy boots and helmet with NO police marking and no bright colors. Wear your RBVIPF badge and number on the shirt under the jacket.

    Like 9
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  6. Can't teach stupid says:

    Ban them

    Like 16
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  7. Sam says:

    Let Key Rymer Lock Them Up Is He Ban Them. BVI ISLANDER DON’T LIKE POLICE.

  8. 284 reverz says:

    Kye lets get the 600cc on the road please

    Like 6
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  9. Hard heads says:

    The only person that can fix this problem and come up with a solution is Mr. Winter. He knows about motor bikes from A-Z. But of course they are not willing to hear what he has to say due to the fact that they think he is going to take away their shine.

    Like 1
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    • Be quiet says:

      Mr winter and his cousin is one of the reasons bikes are banned so he can’t ever be the savior so relax

      Like 2
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  10. Ehhhh says:

    But i see a big decrease thou onky bout 6-7 bikes rather that than thousands

  11. Doh says:

    This article is a prime example of how police don’t want to do their effin job. And then they blame the public for not being able to do it? Are you kidding me?

    Get out of your car, get out from behind your desk, put down your phone and do some actual police work. Get on the road. We can see the bikes, so can you.


  12. Expatriate says:

    Drugs have to be transported so called bigmn food have to eat curfew makes no difference

  13. Police says:

    My dumbest thought just like I think we need a island with people living on it to plant food n raise animals only dedicated to that in case food stop come. I begining to think we need a island for drag racing n fast bikes off the main island. Let them stay on their own motor islands lol.

  14. Muy Hop says:

    When ayo gone stop lie?? Don’t say “MOST” cause only 2-3 bikes probably on road late night.

  15. Caribbean Girl says:

    What happened to two brand new bikes a private citizen donated to the police, when the force complained about inability to chase criminals on bikes. Use those! Never seen them on the road.

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