BVI News

MOU signed to give territorial rescue team specialised training, $261K in equipment

Governor Augustus Jaspert

Governor Augustus Jaspert has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will see the British Virgin Islands (BVI) benefitting from specialized training and equipment worth $261,106 from the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The training and equipment will be provided to the 24-member Territorial Search & Rescue Team (TSART) which includes officers from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, Her Majesty’s Customs, the BVI Fire & Rescue Services, and the BVI Airport Fire Service.

During the signing ceremony on Wednesday, January 29, Governor Jaspert said the United Kingdom and the BVI government are both committed to enhancing the territory’s emergency preparedness measures.

“This support is just not money coming in that is a one-off. It provides kits, yes, but it also provides training and capacity building. This increases our capabilities to respond locally to those emergencies that require specialised skills,” Governor Jaspert stated.

“One of my main responsibilities is ensuring the security of all the citizens in our territory and search and rescue, whether it is on land or at sea, remains a vital component of that,” he added.

Apart from the training and specialised equipment which will increase the BVI’s ability to respond to land or sea emergencies, the MOU will further facilitate TSART members with having access to trauma kits, personal safety equipment and other items needed during search and rescue operations.

This agreement is expected to put the BVI in good standing to be recertified by the Emergency Management Accreditation Programme later in 2020.

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  1. Wonderful says:

    Great start!!! Now the Foreign Office needs to send in the Royal Marines, incarcerate the crooked politicians, abolish Belongership, place an interim government in place that will govern on behalf of the people and for the people. Not the politicians, ruling families and all their cronies.

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    • Guy Hill says:


    • @Wonderful says:

      Slave mentality still exist in you. People like you think the Governor and his gang in the UK have no sin and are your savior. What a PITY!

      Like 3
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    • @Wonderful says:

      We know, but they are not welcome back to our paradise in the manner you are suggesting to commandeer our resources, make us third and fourth class citizens in our own land, segregate us and treat us less than they treat their filth. Not accepable!

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      • Not yours says:

        The Territory of the BVI is not yours. You are squatters that have been given the ability to create your own governance and way of life. You have FAILED!!! Thus, it is time to remove those in power and create a land where all are equal with equal say. This mean black, white, yellow, purple and blue. No Belongership to keep the unjust status quo which keeps the corrupt in power and never gives an opportunity to anyone else. If you think you will become a third or fourth class citizen then it’s only in your racist mind. You see having whites in the government is a horrible thought on your part because you are racist

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        • @ Not Yours says:

          Says who? I claim the blood, sweat, tears, the brutality and unfathomable four hundred years of horrors my ancestors endured and spent on this land as my right. Therefore, through them, we have the right to claim every square inch. If they are ours, then pays us.

          Give us our reparations and we will leave them and go back to our ancestral lands from which we were stolen, kidnapped and herded like cattle into a bottomless pit of unfathomable suffering.

          Squatters? You are of total incomprehensible madness. If were are squatters, who do they belong to? Who gave us permission to squat on them? Did you purchase them with your passport? How did UK come in possession of them? Through legal means? Answer all of those truthfully then try again.

          • @@ Not Yours says:

            The black man is always looking to be supported. Hand outs, food stamps, housing subsidizes, etc. Never the thought of educating himself or creating a family unit. In other words maybe the baby daddy should stay home. No morals as every woman is an opportunity. Reparations? Really? Is your present standard of living better than the average African in Africa who doesn’t even have a glass of clean water? That is your reparations. The black man is the only race on the planet that makes no effort to help his brethren in need whether it be the man living next door or on the African continent. Stop your spewing of your ancestors struggles. Your relatives sold each other into slavery. Ask them for reparations.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Get out of here with that colonial mentality. Do we not have human, personal and soveriegn rights to self determination?

    The audacity of such thoughts! This is the 21st century, not the 11th, 12th or 13th. Further, colonialsm and neocolonialsm is a relic of history. Its vestiges, though still in place will not determine the final rights and soveriegnty of a people forever.

    Like 16
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  3. hello says:

    why are no medical personnel mentioned as a part of this team and will they be included in the training?

  4. @Anom says:

    If you weren’t squatters on the land I would agree. However you have no more right to this land than anyone else and thus no right to self rule on land that is not yours.

    Like 10
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  5. @@Anom says:

    Says who? I claim the blood, sweat, tears, the brutality and unfathomable four hundred years of horrors my ancestors endured and spent on this land as my right. Therefore, through them, we have the right to claim every square inch. If they are ours, then pays us.

    Give us our reparations and we will leave them and go back to our ancestral lands from which we were stolen, kidnapped and herded like cattle into a bottomless pit of unfathomable suffering.

    So gou long with you uninformed self.

    Like 5
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  6. @@@ Not yours, says:

    Again you have proven that you are of limited intelligence, knowledge of world history and pregnant with hatred for the Black man. However, sad piece humanity you are.

    Such is clearlr indicated by your last set of ranting statements of lies, falsehoods and uncut hatred.

    People like you, who are no doubt living among us, need to fished out and be dealth with accordingly. But, you are such a coward, you will only spout your hate filled filth behind a name not yours, while you liger in mental filth in your sleeper cell waiting for the opportunity to do evil.

    Get help sir/madam, your racial disease is destroying you. You do not even ave the ability or intelligence to present facts about the Black man.

    And yes, we are entitled to reparations, and no, Africans did not sell their own to the babarians white english man and others. They were kidnapped, stolen and became profit makers for your ancestors. So yes, we deserve reperations.

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