Murder victim named Vincentian as shooter, rapist before death, court hears

Shortly before 46-year-old Great Mountain resident, Lenia Green succumbed to gunshot wounds, she allegedly named St Vincent native, Rohan Williams as her rapist and shooter.
Williams, who was brought before the court solely on a murder charge, was not required to plead before Magistrate Christilyn Benjamin on Tuesday.
The court heard that on Sunday, May 26, two gunshots were heard in the Georges North Side area at about 8:15 pm.
Following the shots, a motorist noticed a greenish-blue SUV leaving the area. The silhouette of a person was also seen on the public road.
The court heard that the motorist approached the silhouette of the person who identified herself as Green. She allegedly indicated that she was just raped and shot by Williams.
An ambulance subsequently arrived at the scene and transported the victim to the Dr D Orlando Smith hospital in Road Town.
The alleged connection
The court heard that Williams, who is a contractor, had been employed by Green’s sister-in-law and became a family friend over time.
It is alleged that on the night in question, Williams borrowed the sister-in-law’s blue SUV to bring his girlfriend to a laundromat.
According to further allegations from prosecutors, Williams’ girlfriend told police that the accused murderer brought her to the laundromat in the said car about 5 pm.
Changed clothes, refusal to give DNA sample
She reportedly said he returned for her between 8:45 pm and 9 pm and she noticed that he had changed his clothes and his hair was wet.
The court heard that a search warrant was executed at William’s home at 11 pm that same evening and police uncovered some dark clothing soaking in his bathroom.
Williams was later arrested, and during a subsequent police interview, he denied the allegations and reportedly said he was home alone at the time of the incident.
He also refused to give a sample of his DNA to assist in the ongoing investigation.
Notably, prosecutors told the court that Green had an extended restraining order against Williams in January this year.
Police, in the meantime, have not yet recovered the firearm used to shoot the now deceased woman.
No bail application was made on his behalf due to the nature of the charges against him.
Williams was therefore remanded until his return to court on July 24.
He is unrepresented.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
We should be fast-tracking deportation instead for most of these ignorant uneducated down islanders. These rejects came in here and contaminated the BVI
And what about the bvi islanders who kill each other???? They stupid too?
The bvi murderers are a BVI problem. We don’t need expat criminals on top of what we already have FOH with y’all savage existence! Don’t come to our shores and ask us bout our s**t when y’all coming here to open the sewage. What is ours is ours WE DONT WANT YOURS TOO!
Amen! Amen!Pure rejects is what coming here. Whats our is ours. We dont need theirs.
If BVI landers what to kill in it’s there country let them be the ones to mess it up and give it a bad name. I am in no way condoning any murder regardless of who commits it. When these people come here and give the BVI a bad name they can always go back to their country. When you are allowed in a man’s country you should abide by the laws as they afforded you the opportunity to live in their country. So all this talk about BVI men killing statistics will show that most of the domestic violence murders are committed by expatiates. If BVI landers what to mess up the BVI it’s their place.
But that’s our problem. We don’t need yours
Take your hypocritical, fake, begging behind back to the rock you came from under. Nobody called you over here, you are Free to go. Stop biting the hand that feeds you, all of you. Ungrateful so and so. Be gone.
Stop spread hate….nothing good can grow from it
Yes, let’s fast track deportation and see how the mortgage for the houses y’all renting to e****s get paid.
How is that your problem. You don’t give a d**n how our mortgages get paid
People mortgage was getting paid long before you all came and will continue to get paid long after you all leave so you Ain’t saying nothing.
@Clown: Not all of us depend on foreigners to pay our mortgages. I certainly don’t.
I could shake your hand. Them angry yes, but dortish too.
While I don’t think Bvi should foot the bill for incarceration I also don’t think he should be deported to be free and unpunished elsewhere. People wherever in the world need to be protected from him and he needs to do his time. I do think that st Vincent government should take responsibility for their nationals and contribute to the cost of imprisonment. Or that he should live out his sentence in their prisons. But just deporting isn’t the answer because then we just pass the risk to elsewhere and he gets away with murder.
Two criminal offences in as many days committed by persons of the same nationality (St Vincent). What have they heard?
More spontaneous deportations are required by law, according to the type of offence, e.g. Criminal Damage and Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm should be an instant example for deportation. The Authorities should not have to wait for a life to be taken, nip it in the bud. Work on it at the first sign of lawlessness. Perhaps when the restraining order was issued against this one, he should have been deported. Criminal offenders who are not from BVI need to be deported as soon as they commit these criminal acts – before they get to take someone’s life!
Like the one at North Sound, he needs to be deported as he has no good intentions.
hush you a**, Rohan only born st vincent, he came here as a baby, tolan used gun, vincy use cutlass, so hush you mouth.
So that means Rohan was up for regularization unless he already has it? Hmmmmmm, if he does, it needs to be revoked.
He was born in St Vincent so he is a VINCENTIAN what p**s you talking. If you have nothing to say shush. Born Vincy Always Vincy
speak english
HEY! HEY! Hold your horses. I do not condole what this man has done. Please stick to what you have to say about him. YOU out of ALL order to JUDGE ALL AND talk about “these uneducated down islanders”, “these rejects”…..out damn well out of place. Look the things I want to tell you I cant. You have not call talking about them like that. You are the more ignorant and uneducated if you ask me. Prejudice A$$
Thank you. I know they are angry because of what happened, but that does not define all vincentians.
Uneducated? SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES has some of the most qualified people within the region. Why do you think the BVI ask or are quick to accept our trained Registered Nurses? Go and have several seats you imbecile.
They are the same ones who stayed and help build the country. Many of us locals are not willing to do most of the job others are willing to do. Therefore, they are brought by us to work. So dont get vex with them. We also need to stop labeling the murders, thieves etcetera by their nationalities. Mjority of us have friends or family that is from some where. They may not be from the islands below us on the chain of islands but you get what I am saying. I hope
It brands them
Do they still use the death penalty here?
Bring it back now
Corporation punishment. Some of them need a good flogging.
Listen people they pay people they about to have him murder in jail..they already pay off individual in jail..but the eagle eyes watching.this is what you call killing one bird with two stone they set up this poor fella..he has no criminal record not in tortola or in st vincent.
Jah seeing and judgement day will come.
Your day will come soon than you expected.
So why he refuse DNA if he is not guilty of the crime
@ Wow. Good question….
So what about the words of the victim before she died? That is EVIDENCE!
That is not EVIDENCE..That is third party
This poor fellow? Check yourself. What about thr poor lady he murdered?
If you expatriates do not like the locals then you do not have to stay among them. Go home. Don’t worry about our mortgages being paid. Don’t worry about the children you have with them, go, don’t worry, be happy. Home is where the heart is, be at home.
the educated smart BVI people never had their people commit any crime
Am asking for him to be put in solitary confinement he dont need to see the day light….
Refuse to feed him with all our tax money?
I should assume he was paying taxes too.
Well feed him with your a**.
Go up the hill and tell me who is getting your tax money.
That is why the place will not get any better. The hate is just real. You actually sound ignorant. I am in no way condoning what he may have done, but where does the “ignorant, uneducated downislanders” part come in? How do you know the statistics to confirm that most of them are uneducated/rejects? Please remember that the BVI is considered “downisland” for territories preceding us. If he did it he is wrong and the court will deal with him. Leave it at that and stop spewing your hate messages and stop generalizing people who are not from here based on what this man may have done. I leave you to the Lord. We all need to remember we will face judgement one of these days.
Something is clearly wrong here..
Is set They set him up. His DNA would only prove they had sex
WHO set him up?
So you trying to tell me that this man is so special that “THEY” would go through so much trouble to set him up. I guess months ago “THEY” devised this master plan about requesting a restraining order against him in 2018 then have the victim killed months later so that Mr. Special would be the prime suspect. “THEY” also fabricated the dying victim’s statement about Mr. Special being the shooter and rapist.
Ok you convinced me that it was a setup. Mr. Special dropped off his girlfriend to the LAUNDRY to wash his clothes but we all know that he has a very bad memory and he forgot he had some dirty clothes soaking in a tub or maybe after he dropped off his girlfriend he did some painting and his clothes got really messed up. He then went to take a shower and forgot that he had to pick up his girlfriend from the laundry and had to rush out the bathroom with his hair still wet and rush to the laundry. We all know he was home alone just like he said because one thing I can say about him is that he always tell the truth. His DNA will prove that he was home alone and nowhere near the victim. He only refusing to provide DNA because he know “THEY” like to set people up.
lol, good synopsis
Who set him up? The woman who named him as the culprit as she was dying? The person that identified the blue car leaving the area? Why did the victim have a restraining order on him? Why is he refusing to give DNA ?? Check again…. please check again. All the police have to do is buss he mout, wipe it off… BOOM DNA
You CAN get DNA from blood. Especially dried blood.
Tell me who setup the young man to raped and killed this lady? As it was said in the news SHE NAMED HER ATTACKER BEFORE SHE DIED and he also refused to give DNA. ??♀️
We need a visa ban on them Vincentians especially. No more Vincentians should be allowed into the territory. Those that are here already needs to be removed. Dem Vincy are among the worst group of immigrants in the VI.
Just shut up
All this hatred because of what? The down islanders and the vincentians you apparently have a problem with is the only reason some of us BVISLANDERS are surviving.
Indigenous Virgin Islander shut yo stupid a**.
Smh stfup if u have nothing better to say is big belonged better than vincentian ??? No f*****g way I hope you stupid mfker won’t visit another country for job u dumb are!!
You’re a prime example of why we don’t want people like you in our country! Go Back To Vincy and plow the lands for your two cents in your currency, and express this behavior in YOUR Country where YOU HAVE A SAY & since Vincy is way BeTTer and Leave The BVI people country with them US Dollars Please…. we clearly don’t give NO F@KS about you! Low life SCUM….
Ayo turning a blind eye on those sneaky, wicked, evil Jamaicans. I think they’re worst that the Vincentians.
they making JA look like saints
When will our law makers do something about people who come in here and do not conduct themselves as law abiding people . If the young lady had to put a retraining order against him he should have been deported that was a red flag flying high. We have our own problem we cannot afford no more of these men coming from ST Vincent and committing crimes
MR FAHIE we need you to put something in place now not tomorrow and we do not need anymore in until something is done. He send a message that he do not care but we care and I do believe some expat who are abiding people care also . Before you give out status deal with these VINCY men who have problem and think they above the law.
It’s crazy
Let a Bvi Lander go to St Vincent and do That.They will stone him to death and he wouldn’t rest in Jail..We should just continue you to ammend the laws and open the flood gates and make the world happy.We leading nicely and taking the Country to Prosperity..
@ bvi aboard the most stupidest people are bvi belonged you all are lazy an rude no he’ll that why people from other country have to be in y’all sIiiiy country. You all acting like all that but there isn’t bread of rose than bill bill bill an fight down. I don’t believe this guy kill that woman or rape that old a** he has his pretty woman !!
U all need to stop this foolishness, and be respectfull, u can’t be cussing the people like that and be Living in their country. Let them say what ever they want to say, u don’t have to retaliate, when someone is hurt they say things, people like u all making bad for others, have some respect.
Time to leave. You must be stupid if you choose to stay among stupid people. Is it that your options are limited?
Whom ever the h**l you are , YOU don’t need to be HERE.. 1st you’re illiterate, your spelling is atrocious, you’re just a savage as him. We need help to pay mortgage ? The s**t you on is real strong. All of this s-**t because of what Andrew trying to do to make himself look good. Andrew you need to cap it now or this might just cause a bi-election with the new petition that is out. Just the other day I asked an individual in a government office , HOW CAN I GET BACK MY VIP VOTES? .. ALL .. my GOD!
If she was pretty he wouldn’t be out cheating! I sure you is the so call “pretty woman”
Once they kill it ain’t nothing name deport, serve your time
How is that your problem. You don’t give a d**n how our mortgages get paid
okay Hater
Another ignorant one again. You don’t like generalizations but here you are generalizing and insulting BVIslanders.
First of all, it doesn’t matter how we tolians get our money, WE ARE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. The reason ayo downisland here is to make a better life. Dont makenit seem like it’s because tolians are lazy. We were functioning before yall garrots migrated here trying to justify yall culture and wild behavior. Can you stay down island and have this same energy? NO! So humble yourself in another man’s place. We can in fact keep our “shallow brains” because its ours. Not yall.. and by the way its “in” not “inna: smh
Years back when Jamaicans started to misbehave just as how these Vincy misbehaving here in Tortola they was quick to hit them Jamaicans with visa restriction so what taking them so long to hit the same visa law on these Vincy coming to the bvi I guess when another woman get kill… Wake up something need to be done it over bearing and immigration please do your job plenty vincentian Illegally working here and over staying go look for them over beef island catching boat.enough is Enough
If this is the same guy on Facebook, he went to the St.Vincent Grammar School, the top high school on SVG, then to the SVG Technical College, so he cannot be illiterate, my question is why did she had a restraining order put on him? What is the relationship between the both of them? What reason could he have yo kill her? He is 10 years her senior, what is the connection?
Something is missing, something is not adding up.
No one has the right to take another man’s life, women are vulnerable and emotional being, why hurt them?
If you’re gonna ask those questions, u r really blinded, u don’t have to be a university graduate to see what’s the connection there
From the looks of it yes all Vincy not bad at least the ones that are educated like Bachelor degree and up. It’s them illiterate ones the real problem. Then we should increase the educational standards for people wanting to work here from that specific island. They’ve taken too many daughters of this soil lives. While we here send home the Vincy w****s one time. Up and down making trouble with women who are in relationships when men they’re screwing on the side instead of handling s******g disputes with the man that playing with the bodies because most times there’s no brain to have a decent conversation with. Heck their grammar is worst than this paragraph. Sick of them now.
You is a fool
How could it be a set up if the woman had a restraining order against him?? Refusal to give DNA is nothing. Even if he lie saying he was not with she but he was with she the night and they had sexual intercourse…that’s not proof of murder or rape. Who is the person who the deceased told that it was the vincy who do it? What was the woman exact words? How did she say it?
I don’t believe this story the woman was having a affair with the man . I don’t believe he kill her. Whoever the person is who said she said is him I believe is the killer this doesn’t add up!!
Very good questions. That will all be answered during the trial. Let’s wait for the trial. Grieving family members are reading these blogs let’s not add to the turmoil.
Who is the person who she told is Williams? Was that person tested for gun residue?
Same thing I wanna kno who claim they found here have a part in this !!
Following the shots, a motorist noticed a greenish-blue SUV leaving the area. The silhouette of a person was also seen on the public road.
The court heard that the motorist approached the silhouette of the person who identified herself as Green. She allegedly indicated that she was just raped and shot by Williams..
Is you really serious on a word of mouth?…he pose to get bail for 0$ many blue suv in tola?.wheres the murder can you belive a withness an its not even the pi as yet…in a court of law “its not what you know it what you can prove “…
Same thing am saying why is not the witness who killed her?? This story doesn’t add up period !! Who found her had a part in it
Where in the H*LL you learned to spell?? .. my GOD! You is one them who really have a BREADFRUIT MENTALITY. Man or woman , I hope that you are a CONSTRUCTION worker!
Really East, please read over your blog.
This story doesn’t add up!! Why would he rape an kill a old f**t?? He had his woman an daughter I don’t believe this s**t period!!!
You clearly understand nothing about how rape works.
Obviously age had nothing to do with it. If the police request my DNA right now I would be more than willing to abide because I have nothing to hide. Funny, he is soaking clothes and his woman is at the laundry – it makes you wonder!
@Holly…Not giving his DNA does not mean he is the murderer or he is guilty..his is simply operating within his rights. Are you saying if the police come to search your house that you should just allow them to? or should you refused mean that you have something illegal in your home?. If police asked me for my DNA i would not easily hand it over to them as the police themselves can use that same DNA and plant evidence too!!!You would be a real fool to just give up your DNA so easily.
so many people get false conviction on giving their DNA. what i am concern with is the person, the motorist, that met her by the roadside. i would also investigate this person thoroughly!!!! something is missing as the stories do not add up period!!
Make your point in a respectful way. It says a lot about you as a person when you will describe the murder victim this way. God help us with people like you on this earth.
And another local girl PREGNANT.. Your point is ?? Really .. Tell me I want to hear .. Foolio !!
Hope u all know his father is a Maduro from baugers bay and he came here as a teenager he was influenced here stop the hate. What he did was wrong some women need to stop playing with the heart of men.
Did his father claim him then? …that Vincy bloodline is pure problem
The reason why God destroy bVI was because of the islanders dirty heart .y’all need to change y’all stinking ways if not outsider y’all country can’t make it so stop act dump. God show this country a sign but y’all didn’t learn. The said vincentian had to feed some of you homeless hungry a** !!!
satan try keep God name out your filthy mouth from causing confusion
If the police pull me in as a suspect and ask me for my DNA, if I know I did not do anything, I am going to let them take my DNA to prove I am innocent. DNA donot lie.When a person refuse to give up their DNA, they are hiding something. His wet clothes can still be tested for blood once dried. The clothes that was soaking once dry, spray the clothes with lumanol and turn of the light if blue shiny spots show up on the clothes, bingo.You can scrub/wash blood away with bleach soap or whatever you want, spray some lumanol and you will see the area where the blood was light up like a x-mas tree.
When the hurricane mash up tortola the same vincentian had to rescue y’all stupid a**. Hurricane season soon again God don’t like ugly. Tortola people is the worst y’all rude lazy an thief…yall lack of manners in big government business .half of u can’t class with vincentian
And we are home.
Thanks for the rant,but I am still going to ask you to pack your bags and pick up your one way ticket at the Liat counter for the trip back to ST.Vincent. Your flight number is 412/don’t come back.
Hey thanks for those compliments of lazy, rude and thief because at least we’re not out here murdering natives of another land off of rejection like y’all vincy scums. And let’s not start on class y’all vincy trashy women and men are the worst set of idiots when out and about and I beg to not highlight on the illiteracy both in verbal speech and written! Hurricane season soon here again and yes all vincy should go home stay there and keep them help! At this point y’all kill off too many of our people in our home! FOH! We don’t need y’all normal behavior or killing and suicide in our community!
How did the Vincentians rescue us?
Rescue who, you Vincys were to busy looting and breaking in people homes talking S**t to send back to your Country by the boat load. I could bet my stainless steel fridge, stove, microwave and 62 inch TV is in someone’s home in ST.Vincent that was stolen during the storm. Yeah, you right.You sure as H*ll was rescueing people property.
What you need to do is tell the Vincy female thrash that washed up on the beach with the trash it is time to stop getting down on their knees and laying on their backs to service the Cows in pasture for free. That is what you need to do.Moooo.
Y’all are the most set of laziest ppl I’ve ever came across in any country that I’ve traveled to. We the Vincentians who came here came here and helped build this same piece of island y’all talking about more than y’all. We’re educated not uneducated and whatever y’all talking about. This guy or anybody at all should not define anybody else who’s from st Vincent. Y’all just sickening and full of hate because we come here worked hard for our money big up ourselves at home unlike y’all who just and mostly live off y’all parents. Am just tired of y’all hate no on is better than any other on this earth. Y’all just ungrateful I remembered when Irma hit here if y’all could recall and don’t be bias who was the ppl who stayed back to rebuild here? Who sent their workers to help in the time of helped? Who sent boats filled with all kind of ground food water etc etc for y’all while the British barely study y’all ? The working force here is mostly build up of ppl who are not from here and is it because we dotish and uneducated? well I guess we’re dealing with bare uneducated ppl in the bvi who accepted us or I guess a gun is pointing at there head to do it by force. I hope no tolan ever have to travel anywhere to better themselves. We don’t really like y’all either mind u I ain’t say Tola but the pplu knw y because y’all showing us too much hate. Unlike me ama get all the cash I can save big up ma momma n son then leave y’all f*****g piece of island and see how much y’all would progress if we all decide to leave. Everybody blaming the man am not here saying he’s right he darm wrong he treated this woman like a piece of rag…if it’s him. But what’s it they had going? Why was a restraining order put against him? How did she got out of her house? Was she held at gun point? Some a y’all tolan need to knw that money can’t buy love either like y’all is some saint. Y’all would have y’all man and still wanna mind another n****r that Mek sense when I check it out y’all the uneducated ones. Look at what happened to Lola doll I didn’t read all them hate but it’s just something about us Vincies that does hut up alyo head. Lola probably done kill half y’all population and some y’all man probably done f*k her but y’all ain’t say send out them Guyanese that’s the same as taking a life. Y’all tolan need to shut the f-*k up
So tell the fire crouch vincy W**es to stop spreading their legs to every stray dog in the street when they land here for money.
Obviously you did not receive any of the education you are talking about. Look up the word dumb in the dictionary and you will see a picture of your face smiling
You commenting from abroad?? Cause there’s no way in H*LL you could still be here in OUR place.. YES OUR PLACE!
We are not lazy by any means. We are not given many opportunities because people want cheap labour. Vincentians will soon be fazed out as the Asians are now highly favoured. It is interesting how employers are now offering unscilled Asians jobs in the BVI and are successful in procuring work permits. We all know that no one advertise in Asia but everyone knows one who wants to migrate here and they harrass employers to offer them jobs.
Then get a court order for his DNA or yank a strand of hair out his head or better yet catch him a good hot slap across his face,when he open his mouth to say owww,swab his A**. If it had been a Tortolian in ST.Vincent that was accused of what he did to a Vincy woman,I could bet they would do the above.
This is all so ugly, the behavior from BVIslanders and nationals from other shores. The terrible actions of one man that cost us the life of one of our own, is beyond words and I know we ALL feel the pain on behalf of Mrs. Green’s Family and friends. We however, should not blame everyone from St. Vincent for the awful acts of this murderer.
PLEASE, let us not allow our emotions to take us down a path of hatred towards each other. We are better than this as human beings.
Not all Vincentians are murderers and rapist. Some are good people.
Made my day!
And I didn’t had to troll!
You sir have my respect
When I am in my house I might put my legs up on the coffee table. When I am in my house I might drink the juice straight from the jug. When I am in my house I might leave my shoes on but if I invite you to my house I dont expect you to do any of the stuff that I mentioned. When you are a guest in another man’s country you should be on your best behaviour. When a foreigner slip up the story dont just stop with the person’s name. They bring up their Country of birth and nationality as well and more people tend to remember their nationality than name. Not many people remember the name of the man that chopped off the hand of the teacher and killed himself after but everybody remember it was a “Vincy” The actions of one person not only affect those immediately involved but the country of birth as immigration restrictions might be put in place and stereotypes are formed on a whole country.
He was the one who was trying to set up the h****** to take the fall for the crime and it back fire on him. He thought she was dead but,she live long enough to say who did it. If you innocent you would be more than glad to give up your DNA to prove your innocence.
Thats one nosey person so they was just minding there businesses when all of a sundden gun shots went off.Any natrual person instinct would be to get away an call the police,if your in your house and you hear gun shot are you coming out to check on someone who might be dead what are you “spiderman”..if your in a club an you hear gun shot and someones on the floor,are you stopping to check them..i can understand yea if you driving by an see what appear to be someones body laying on the street but wouldnt you be scared?first thing come to your mind is the ” holly ghost”..then maybe someone tryna rob you .by the time you think its might be someone shot you already drive pass your gonna read about it on the news
Then you can now go to the police an explain to them you just not stopping.
It dont make sense,come on free up that youth they….bright and morning star Shedrack Meshack and Ahben”dingo”..
Am just tryna picture dont take a rocket scientist to figuer this out..
Everyone is gonna loose out cause now there are mastermind criminals living around you and you’ll gonna live in fear..cause its a set up and they can and will set it up again maybe ur family next…
Whoever you are…you sound like a real jacka$$
…and Tupac and Nipsey somewhere living it up…spare me the melodrama
Put on your glasses, turn up the light on your phone and read carefully:
“Following the shots, a MOTORIST noticed a greenish-blue SUV leaving the area. The silhouette of a person was also seen on the public road.
The court heard that the MOTORIST approached the silhouette of the person who identified herself as Green. She allegedly indicated that she was just raped and shot by Williams”
Did he kill the woman and then went home to bathe and soak his bloody clothes to destroy evidence?
They should have turned most of the down Island people away at the boarder from getting into the BVI.It is because the BVI is using the down Island people for cheap labour. Why pay a local say 10.00 a hour when you can pay a down Island person 2.00 a hour to do the same job.
Put Visa restrictions on the people from ST.Vincent. they are the worst set of Down Island people that is comming here. They act like they own this place. Could you Just imagine if a certain person had won the elections. Those people would have run us out of our own Country. Well alright now. Nuf said.
Sin is the problem…All nations of people in the B.V.I need to bow before God in repentance..Stop addressing the Symptoms and deal with the cause..Have we so quickly forgot…Irma? God is giving us
a chance Except we repent we shall perish.”The mouth of God has spoken it”
All who cursing the bvi please pack up and go. The bvi has been good to us and since your country is better you should never come here. Do you see the bvi people going to our country to look work? What does that mean to you. Vincy you are so wrong and you all want to be right. I remember when the Jamaicans kill the woman we all hang our heads in shame and wish we could catch them and beat them , everyone put all of us in one bag and we took the licks,we all got visas and we move on . Now you stupid shameless fools acting like you all so big and bad talking s**t before you all go hang your head in shame and try to have a meeting and deal with your serious problems you here cursing. If St Vincent so good why not go back. As for me I’m so grateful for the opportunity that theBVI has given me and I thank them for giving me 21 years in their country. May God bless the BVI and it’s people
Girl SHUT UP. You sound dumb. Do you really think the BVI cares about us Jamaicans?? If they had to murder all the people who are not from here, it would be Jamaicans first and Vincentians second!
Stop defending the same people who wouldn’t hesitate to f*** you over.
Speaking as a person that was born in this Country and to parents of this Country, the people from ST.Vincent would be the first.They are the ones that the bulls eye target is on not the Jamacians. The Vincys is bringing to much drama and bad karma to the BVI.
All I could say is Wow!!!! I hope u will get the full brunt of the law, face the maximum penalty. This is just ridiculous… I’m a Vincentian living here for 11 years , and people like you will forever make folks think bad about us Vincentian men. SMH, you really realize what u did ? That was someone’s wife, that was someone’s sister , someone’s Mother, Auntie and someone’s close friend. Now because of your ignorance and stupidity you leave a lot of folks grieving by this cold blooded murder. Again , I do hope U get the maximum penalty for your stupidity.
If there was a restraining order, why was he living so close?
It pains me to read these comments. All the BVIslanders using this as an excuse to show their true and dirty colors. I wish I could say that I am surprised.
Let’s make this clear, it does not matter where this man is from. He could have been from the center of the earth. If these allegations are true, he needs to serve his time and pay for what he did (allegedly) to the young woman.
Please do not put all Vincentians into a Rapist/Murderer box. That is unfair to them and only gives this man some pseudo excuse for his (alleged) wrong doings (i.e.: “It’s a Vincentian” thing).
Finally, F*** (and i cannot stress this enough) @son of the soil. You raggedy b***h. How f*****g dare you call us “rejects”, b***h. Tortola is widely known as the stepchild of the Crown, h*e. The only reason other people are even remotely interested in this sad dirt mound is because of the US dollar. You can keep this s**t and nan-one of you prejudice a* mu********** can talk about “ignorant” and “uneducated” because you set are the most small minded bigoted unintelligent slice of n*****s I have ever come across in all 25 of my ignant black a** Jamaican years. How about you invent something? How about you invent a contraption that allows me to send you back up inna yuh mumma?
@Father Time…This is very harsh and uncalled for.
Due to this incident we have all seen the true colors of Both locals and Expats ( well some of them both).
This hatred is running really deep and will not stop anytime soon and will only lead to more and more hatred.
@Admin: i would humbly request that contributions with such hatred from anyone should not be posted as it seeks to further contaminate the masses that access this website for information.
Vincy in VG put knife to woman throat and threaten to do her harm. $ 60,000 bail. And the beat goes on. DA DA DA DA DEEE.
I am annoyed and embarrassed at the sametime. I am embarrassed that we Vincentians are viewed as illiterate,and persons of no class,when in reality most of us are not the type that is being portrayed here.I have come to the realisation, that uneducated persons are the ones that are most ignorant and arrogant and these persons can be found in all areas of society.
Yes BVI Islanders you are angry but not all Vincentians are the same. The majority of us are quite pleasant.
My fellow Vincentians,when given an opportunity to excel abroad please bare in mind your actions do not hurt only you,but it also has an impact on other Vincentians as well, it our country and our reputation and any chance of genuine Vincentians who seeks a chance of having a better life. Let us not be selfish,let our names be called only for good. Therefore even if we are angry by all the name calling or pull down respond in a mature and peaceful manner because what I am reading isn’t looking and sounding good at all.Let is rise above all of this.
People please stop, I am an expat and it’s ridiculous going at each other with such insults. The bvislanders have a right to be upset, you would too if it happened in your country.Let’s just hush and let justice prevail for the deceased and her family. I am broken by this, she didn’t deserve such treatment.
I am annoyed and embarrassed at the sametime. I am embarrassed that all Vincentians are viewed as illiterate,and persons of no class,when in reality most of us are not the type that is being portrayed here.I have come to the realisation, that uneducated persons are the ones that are most ignorant and arrogant and these persons can be found in all areas of society.
Yes BVI Islanders you are angry but not all Vincentians are the same. The majority of us are quite pleasant.
My fellow Vincentians,when given an opportunity to excel abroad please bare in mind your actions do not hurt only you,but it also has an impact on other Vincentians as well,our country and our reputation and any chance of genuine Vincentians who seeks a chance of having a better life. Let us not be selfish,let our names be called only for good. Therefore even if we are angered by all the name calling or pull down respond in a mature and peaceful manner because what I am reading isn’t looking and sounding good at all.
It’s an unfortunate place that we as Belongers find ourselves in; wanting to cry, to greive, to want revenge, and to avenge.
And as Belongers, we have the right to be angry of Vincentians, whose historic past, in this country by many males, is mainly about violence against women in general, especially Belongers.
A young woman has lost her life by barbaric means, and has left alot of us wondering whether the country can heal over this matter.
Though we may never truly understand the circumstances, one have to wonder whether migratory patterns by Vincentians, should be, well, structured.
Structured, in that controls are placed, determining length of stay, mandatory supervision of the males, with regards to, perhaps, daily activities and wages, etc.
Perhaps, I may not know what it would take, but its obvious that a conversation must be had regarding criminal activities by Vincentians, and all other migrants, as we plan the way forward towards regularization.
The days and months ahead will be the most difficult, but a national discourse on migratory patterns, and crimes committed by such; That we must!
The hate is realzzzz in the BVI. If this drama with the vincys in the BVI don’t come to heed, things is going to get very ugly. I heard with my own to ears some people is saying they are about to start F****g up vincy people because they are sick and tired of the drama they are bringing here.
@Oh my Goodness…Do you think that Vincentians are the wild goats you have running around here? F**k who up? I am a vincy and a law abiding citizen. I make my contribution to the development of this Territory and I am deeply saddened at the behaviour of a few of my country men who letting their emotions control them and embarrassing our people and our country. So although tempers are flaring now, we vincies, those of us who keep away from trouble will continue doing what we doing and that is to work hard and take care of our families. #respect
Previously on a news site i read the victim was at home cooking when the said accuser came in her home. If her vehicle was found at the crime seen how did it get there? The witness said she saw a blueish/green suv driving out. If that is the case something is not quite right. Who drove the victim vehicle to the crime scene where her body was found? was someone else involved? how could the accuse drove her in her vehicle and his own as well. If there was a second person, is the weapon with that individual? If not could someone else commit this crime and blame the accuse.
Could the witness who said the victim identified the accused be part of a cover up with someone else? I might just have to wait till the trial for more information to unfold. As for now there a many questions yet to answer in this puzzle.
@Really Now. Others than paying payroll tax.nhi and social security. What else do you contributed to the building of this country?
Why would i kidnaap,rape shot an murder someone.
Trow away the gun “did they found the murder weapond” but keep my clothes “could i be so dumb an stuppid at the same time.
Might as well i just waited on the police know she already had a RO againt me.
If someone have an RO againt you and that person got kidnaap who the first person the comin too?
Tola people to wicked for a piece of paper with a slave master on it..yall not even white though.its only white people on the american currency.for the love of the money man going against THE CREATOR..then you wanna tell me about jesus.
Do you think jesus would spread lovr or what way do youll look like jesus.
Jesus promote peace an love,treat ur brother right..r yo wicked but the white man soon take back his island yall brain small just like the island you live on
Its the B.v.i a british island …own by great britian yall not even independant someone else gotta feed you yall some suckers.great britian run by the queen.who kill princess Diana cause she fell inlove with the one eye black snake..
Mehson is not a british word..
Look how well the santos behave.
And how ungrateful and entitled these others are. hate us? Then go home!
someone’s sister, someone’s wife. That too much to handle. Just thinking on it hurts, i could not live with myself watching him walk free.
Probably lucky police caught him so soon.
The chief at the Prison suspended two of the top officers, guess where they from.
Ladies, I beg you all be aware of the men from St. Vincent, they cant take a Done, they cant take a care, they cant take lets finish it. They cop you up in pieces, or the shoot you to death. Be aware of them. Once I know you from there, I RUNNING.