BVI News

National Security Council meeting called in light of recent murders

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

A meeting of the National Security Council has been called in light of back-to-back shootings and killings that happened in the last few days and weeks.

The territory has recorded two murders since the start of a year — one early Sunday morning and the other five days earlier on Tuesday, February 6. There have also been at least two non-fatal gunshot injuries reported this year.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley expressed ‘great concern’ while speaking on radio following the territory’s latest killing yesterday.

“These recent murders and, of course, those in 2022 are very concerning and I have requested a meeting of the National Security to Council to be updated on the strategies from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force to tackle these murders,” Premier Wheatley said.

“We’ll be coming to the public shortly and telling the public, of course, what the plans are to get this violence under control,” he added.

The Premier extended condolences to the family and friends of the victims.

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  1. Seriously says:

    These attacks are always targeted. No need to call a much to do about nothing meeting. These people know what they are into and know their days are numbered.

    It would be a cause for concern if innocent bystanders were being harmed which is usually never the case except for the West End shooting years ago which was a terrible case of mistaken identity. No amount of meetings can stop what’s coming to people that are into bull**** and do foul things to others.

    Like 31
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  2. not proactive says:

    Reactive government

    Like 12
  3. @Seriously says:

    Yes, the west end shooting is said to be mistake identity and that itself calls for alarm cause how can you just open fire on a rental not knowing the true identity of the occupants. And what is even worse is that a child was killed, but yet the police do not seem to care. If the victims were rich, i guess then it would be different.

    Like 12
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  4. Mad Max says:

    People like the Premier will have much more information on the root cause and perpetrators than most of the police.

    It’s time for honest VIslanders to start talking and wanting to get to the root cause.

    Like 11
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  5. @Seriously says:

    While some may forget the victims, many of us are still praying for justice.

  6. Police Bill says:

    The controversial police bill is on point. UK is ahead of the VI losing game played by the elected, and the imported and installed mmanpowered crime machinery.

    Roundup,Roundup, evict deport and export. Enforce moratorium on Immigrants and immigration from the upper Caribbean Islands, Rescind Belonger status of families that have and is in to cri m e production. Start with the one that has produced the known murderer for hire kittitian dog that was gunned a few days ago Clean ip the human debris. Send a serious message.

    Like 7
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  7. Resident says:

    Get UK to come in with police force , clean up, get all the guns off the street THEY ARE ILLEGAL!!!
    After clean up have UK recruits on 6 month rotation here to keep the peace.
    its the wild west with no consequences for illegal activity

    Like 11
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  8. LOL says:

    I see the demons are out disliking comments.

  9. Erasmus u s says:

    The crime specifically murders in the VI/USVI is,without hesitation, attributed t
    one demograhic.
    It is endemic and cultural in their neighboring countries of origin and has always been.

    When judicial Hangjng was legal in the Caribbean and not so long ago,the hangmen and policemen were recruited from those places to execute the sentence reliably and efficiently.

    Simply the way they are wired.Cant live any other way. We must, eventhough reluctantly,accept this fact and build our country accordingly.

  10. Not nice says:

    Uk police can’t do s**t they have they the same s**t in the UK and can’t deal with it

    Like 4
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  11. WHAT YOU ALL EXPECT ? says:

    Do you think sweeping things under the RUG , would of made disappear ? That innocent school girl body was riddled with bullets /and since then how many other youths have been gunned down
    in cold blood ??? did any politician / or those hypocrites who call themselves HOLY ever protested ???? But some was so barefaced to go and sit in the street to decieve the people ,who recognize it was all a publicity stunt ,( and when the video was seen of the brutal murder of a human being in fish bay / there was a BIG OUTCRY but it was against the COMMISSIONER as if it him who him who did it ,with A WHOLE TON LOAD OF RACIST REMARKS , BUT NOTHING TOWARDS THE KILLERS ( that was very strange ) and now the chicken has come home to ROOST. that’s like hypocrisy gorne crazy ?

  12. Robin Hood says:

    Poaches turned game keepers

  13. Lol says:

    Typical knee jerk…BVI is officially a failed state.

  14. Contracts says:

    Issue a barge contract to protect our boarders!

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