BVI News

NDP will be ready when Premier calls the election — Minister Penn

Health Minister Marlon Penn

Amid uncertainty surrounding general elections in the territory, Minister for Health & Social Development Marlon Penn has indicated that he intends to run for office the next time residents go to the polls.

Speaking on a Umoja radio talk show earlier this week, Penn said he will be contesting the next election as a National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate. Penn, who is also the leader of the NDP, said plans to organise a group of candidates to run alongside him on his party’s ticket.

“We (the NDP) have persons who’ve committed, we are moving forward in terms of that process and we will be prepared ultimately when the Premier calls the election,” Penn assured.

Earlier this year when the United Kingdom (UK) threatened to suspend the BVI’s constitution, elected leaders from the NDP and Virgin Islands Party (VIP) quickly formed the Government of National Unity — a coalition government that committed to implementing the UK’s recommendations for good governance in order to prevent the takeover of the local government.

Since then, the community hasn’t been clear on whether elected leaders will be contesting the next election on the Unity Government ticket. However, Penn gave indications that this is not likely to happen.

“All parties involved in the partnership government are still active as far as I’m aware. The reality is that the people in this country deserve to have elections and they will have choices to make when the time comes for that process to take place,” Penn indicated.

He also said he isn’t aware of any obstacles that would prevent the BVI from holding elections when they are constitutionally due.

BVI is due to hold a general election by May 2023. However, none of the political parties have put forward a full list of candidates that will be contesting a potential election on their ticket.


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  1. say i say so says:


    Like 14
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  2. he fraid ronnie and myron says:

    That’s why he refusing to call an internal election…Mini dictator in the making

    Like 7
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  3. no nah ugh uuuhmm says:

    He is not who we want because he is not prmier material

    Like 18
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  4. Time to call elections says:

    Why should the voters be giving the least time to choose their next leaders?

    We the people need all the time possible to vet each candidate and what they stand for!

    The American ?? election process goes for up to 2 years before election. Why in Tola be only have a brief moment, less than a few months?!?

    Come on Mr Governor, remove the uncertainty!! Call the dates today!!!

    Like 7
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  5. Buffalo Soldier says:

    don’t waste your time cause we are not voting for you. we need fresh and new blood to move this country forward.

    Like 14
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  6. THE REAL DEAL says:

    myron and kedrick will Undermind him that is why he cannot call an internal vote for leadership.

    Marlon is not ready, not the premier we looking for no different between him and the slow man

    Like 10
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  7. Hah says:

    If a new strong party is not form in time for elections then I will not be going to the pole. In the past I have been a firm VIP supporter but I do not like the way the party is being run. The country is in shambles. Infrastructure, education and economy are the worst I’ve seen it. NDP was never my cup of tea. They only catered to the upper class. I would like a fresh party with viable candidates. People who are for the people and not for their pockets. All we the people long for is good solid leadership. Is that to hard to ask for???

    Like 14
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  8. Memo says:

    not received by this Unity party member. NDP, VIP and all past BVI political parties are history now. Individual candidates and coalition government is the future of BVI politics.

    Like 12
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  9. Ham and chesse says:

    stop being a Dictator of the NDP if you think you can be Prime Minister, let the members and Delegates of the Party elect in a congress who they want, represent them in the next elections, you are not prepared for that position

    Like 5
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  10. Anonymous says:

    Marlon is not what this country needs. His district is infested with drugs and crime. East end is worst off under him. Enabling and turning a blind eye to criminals is not leadership. If this country has not learn anything from the member for the first downfall they never will. I cannot go home pass the Sound at night but he can sit there for hours. That should tell you all something.

    Like 13
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  11. rattie says:

    just hearing Marlon in the house of assembly speaking turns me off. He weak and cannot even command the English language.

    In times like these we miss Andrew, but the Feds got him before we got a second term

    Our lost we have to go back to Frazer or Ronnie

    Like 12
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  12. District 8 Voter says:

    Marlon is not what this country needs. The district is infested with drugs and crime. East end is worst off under him. Enabling and turning a blind eye to criminals is not leadership. If this country has not learn anything from the member for the first downfall they never will. I cannot go home pass the Sound at night but he can. That should tell you all something.

    Like 3
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  13. ?????? says:

    Now it is time to choose people and not party. Time to rewrite the script.

  14. Rubber Chicken says:

    I will only vote for a politician/party who is willing to commit to having the BVI join the USVI. #onevi

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  15. PURE MUSICIANS says:


  16. all ah we says:

    we want a fixed date

    Like 2
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  17. hmm says:

    we only want Cindy as premier thanks!

    Like 2
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  18. Again says:

    I’ll not vote for any party,get some independant canditates on board.Party members have to sign off on a lot of s**t to be a member such ad hushmout/hinchmen/toe party line.No more of that let UK come in clean up set us in a straight line then.

  19. NameCalling says:

    Dear people of the 8! Please bring a candidate that can beat Penn.

    Your district is in shambles, it will take a young person whose heart belongs to the east. Your district has been rejected and neglected. You all can do much better without Penn.

  20. Interested says:

    Saying one thing and doing another.We are hearing that they are lobbying to keep the unity government in place for next two years without calling elections.
    Let him deny it

  21. Anonymous says:

    If NDP has as one of its first things tod and number ne major items in its platform is to pay out all iverdue increments to they know, then they have a vote, other wise, there will be strong agitation to convince the voting to boycott all elections.

  22. One last hope.. says:

    We have tried many for leaders and they all failed. Let’s try Ronnie. I think he is our last hope. Then if he fails we have to turn to Britain…I believe Ronnie can restore confidence, accountability, fairness, descipline in the Civil service and good governance.

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  23. @One last hope says:

    Agree with every thing you wrote buy try Britain Hell no, we must learn from our mistakes, set up checks and balances where needed and move ruling ourselves. I do not want no wgyte or Britain ruling me. I KNOW THEIR HUMANITY AFTER CENTURIES OF THEIR HISTORY. No one who hve enslaved and enriched themselves off of thefree labour, brutality, inhumanity and death/murder of my ancestors will never, ever be welcomed in my home as my ruler. Are they mad?

    Last, there are many more Ronnie’s here. Put some hygene back in our politics and watch them come up to the plate..

  24. Stop speculating says:

    Hush you mouth . Stop spreading propaganda . That is why the Drew is where he is ? Perhaps you can’t even vote

  25. The Drew is premier material says:

    Andrew is premier material

  26. Ha. says:

    Ronnie?? Really? As bad if not worse.

    They all need to go.

    Need new blood in the Gov.

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