BVI News

Nearly $600K slated for demolition works at Admin Complex

The RT O’Neal Administration Complex is under renovation.

Almost $600,000 has been allotted for demolition works at the Ralph T O’Neal Administration Complex — the designated building to house government offices.

The complex was severely damaged in the September 2017 hurricanes and government said the rehabilitation works are an ongoing major undertaking to restore the facility which will make it ready for full occupancy in the near future.

Initial demolition works and disposal of the waste material from the west wing of the complex have already been undertaken at a cost of $107,185.39, while the remaining works to be done on the same wing is expected to cost $51,023.50. 

The total demolition cost of the west wing was estimated at $158,208.89, a Cabinet decision document released on Thursday stated.

According to Cabinet, the demolition works for the east wing of the admin complex is estimated to cost some $195,036.44. The Cabinet document did not detail how these demolition works are expected to be carried out.

Office Spaces, corridors, ceilings also to be demolished

However, it said outstanding demolition works of office spaces, corridors and ceilings in the complex, will be executed using the procurement procedures provided for under the policy on procurement in emergency, disaster, pandemic and catastrophic situations.

Cabinet said using the procurement procedures will assist in keeping the local economy stimulated.

Demolition will exclude the building’s basement, which Cabinet said requires professional services.

The demolition works for office spaces, corridors and ceilings will be done through a blend of petty contracts and work orders only and are not to exceed $246,059.94.

While works continue at the complex, government has been forced to rent office spaces in the Patsy Lake-owned Cutlass Tower — where the Premier’s Office is now located — and at various other buildings in the Road Town and the Fish Bay areas.

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  1. Lodger says:

    Only four years late. What can I say?

    Like 20
  2. PT9 says:

    Poor Andrew he is trying everything to look good, but as we know it’s going to back fire on him because his timing is all wrong. NO WAY OUT.

    Like 31
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  3. BVI Future says:

    When will the government invest in the high school?

    Like 33
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  4. hmm says:

    Why they take so long to work on this despite getting the insurance money to fix it so long now… was it to justify renting wha her name place for a whole 5 years?

    Like 17
  5. Naturally says:

    Need the space for all the non-tendered cronies…sorry “advisors”

  6. @ BVI Future says:

    Yes. Our schools would benefit from some works & upgrades.

    Like 7
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  7. Wondering says:

    Where did all the money go? Irma was in 2017. Where did all the Covid19 money borrowed from Social Security Fund 59 million, go?

    59 MILLION, could have given every man woman and child currently in the BVI, 2 Million dollars. Where did that money go?

    I hope the COI finds out, publicly. Where there is no vision, the people perish.

    God is not mocked, as a man sow, so shall he reap. They said, Lord, Lord, and Jesus said, “I NEVER KNEW YOU”.

    The time has come to get real with Almighty God, before He gets real with you! I say repent and stop leading His Sheep and Lambs astray, or you will pay a terrible, terrible , terrible price. God is not mocked,
    as you sow, you shall reap.

    Time to move away from the wicked, so you do not get struck down when they get their pruning.

  8. sick of them says:

    Look at the hypocrisy of Andrew Fahie and the VIP, “$246,059.94 for demolition works to be done by work orders and petty contracts” – same as the wall around the school

    Before that, a contract to refurbish the L Shape building at the ESHS campus was split in 4 or 5 contracts for a 1M each when one company won the bid

    I remember hearing our Premier calling this contract splitting and making it look like the NDP was doing wrong things. Isn’t he doing the very same thing he called wrong now?

    These hypocrites

    Like 13
  9. Bombashack says:


  10. Hmm says:

    Can we see either a copy of the proposal or a schedule of values for this project? And, while we’re at it, how about divulging the terms of rentals at the Patsy Lake building? It’s all public monies, so the people are entitled to this info.

    Like 4
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  11. BVI Future says:

    @ Wondering. That is a great observation. What happened to the $59 million? And people want to believe that the UK is the modern day oppressors.

  12. Shame says:

    VI love to waste money boy. Sickening

  13. SMH says:

    Sorry to be off Topic! But did anyone perform or notice the amount of individuals that has Cancer related issues, migranes, asthmatic, and even death since working in that Building. It didn’t occur immediately, but folks ended up being sick even after retiring, relocating or still was working there up to the Hurricanes 2017.

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