BVI News

Nearly 700 vials of vaccines rubbished!

Malone (GIS Photo)

Nearly 700 unused vials of COVID-19 vaccines that were present in the BVI has ended up in the trash.

Health Minister Carvin Malone shared news of this wastage during a COVID-19 update to the territory recently.

He said: “We still had to discard some 685 vials of the vaccines in the territory on account of them expiring on the 31st July; and with the present situation globally with more and more waves of different variants causing countries to once again close or implement more stringent travel protocols, vaccines supplies are even shorter and procurement is even more difficult.”

“But your government remains steadfast and continues to do all that it can to ensure that the people of this territory have every opportunity to get vaccinated. I am confident that we will get to the 80 percent needed for optimal protection against COVID-19 and its variants and that we will once again safely reopen. But again, we cannot and will not without the participation and willingness of you, the people in doing your part,” the minister added.

He, however, assured residents that the 685 vials were properly disposed.

The BVI is now administering from the new batch of vaccines it recently received from the United Kingdom.

“We must give a debt of gratitude again to the United Kingdom government for providing the 3,040 doses of AstraZeneca that was received recently and is now being administered,” Malone stated.

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  1. Really says:

    It’s a crying shame this had to happen when persons across the caribbean and the world have not had access to vaccines.

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  2. Hmmm says:

    You throw away 600+ vials or about 6,000 doses, now u get 300+ vials from the UK. You using smoke and mirrors by saying 3,000 plus doses.

    Keep up the game. You guys really think people are stupid.

    Why the language change when you throw away, vs what you receive.

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  3. Rubber Duck says:

    There are soon going to be 60 people who, as they lie dying the terrible death that Covid is, are going to regret that they didn’t take those shots.

    If you want to be one of them remain unvaccinated.

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  4. @ RUBBER DUCK ( 1 OR 2 ) says:


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    • Rubber Duck says:

      You don’t have to know much to look around and see that wherever people are vaccinated deaths and serious sickness go down. A lot. No vaccinated people died here in the first wave.

      The history of vaccinations shows no instance of serious side effects somewhere down the road.

      Why would there be with these vaccines?

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    • Sad says:

      Recently 4 siblings got the covid 19, 3 un vax died the other vaccinated one survive.

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