BVI News

New curfew order as restricted businesses allowed to now reopen

Taken from Norman Island looking across at Tortola.

The government has revised the territory’s curfew order which will now run from 11 pm to 5 am daily, effective tomorrow, August 7.

The Andrew Fahie administration has also allowed some previously restricted business categories to resume operations.

In making the announcement tonight, Health Minister Carvin Malone said the stay-at-home order has been repealed and all businesses, with the exception of nightclubs and entertainment centres, are now allowed to reopen.

Businesses are expected to maintain currently existing social distancing protocols. These include having one person per 36 square feet and a maximum of 50 persons per establishment where applicable.

It was also announced that pre-schools, daycares and summer schools are allowed to resume with the applicable social distancing rules in place.

According to Malone, businesses will be subjected to spot checks from the Environmental Health Division and Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in an effort to ensure enforcement of the protocols.

More details will be provided at a later time.

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  1. Balance says:

    Good for you. Enforced sensible distanced behaviour and sanitisation is what they have had working well in some other places and can work well if people do their part here. We all jump on the poor decisions and worse but we can acknowledge when they get something right too.

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  2. Good says:

    But the curfew should still be from 7 or 8 pm. Those restricted businesses can do theirbusiness in the day during non curfew hours.

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  3. Resident says:

    Good job! Please keep up those spot checks!! Especially in the clubs!! Folks this is in our hands. We have been given a break let’s not play the fool and bring us back to more cases. Good luck everyone as we all play a part in getting our economy moving again. Stay safe!

    Like 17
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  4. musa says:

    sad days ahead buddy

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  5. Concerned citizen says:

    What is our present positivity rate?
    I know most countries ease lockdown once the positivity rate is below 5 percent.

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  6. Thank U.. says:

    You have done your best Mr. Minister,.People are more seriously conscious now about the danger this virus causes…its now for your task force to start working for their money and for business managers and owners to step up and police the human acitivies in their businesses…We are in a much better place now.

    Like 16
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  7. What? says:

    Who making the order Governor or Minister, I thought it was extended from August 6th -20th by Gov Rankin, as stated on VINO, which is correct as he does have the authority to do so. By the way, 11pm curfew is pointless.

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  8. Resident says:

    No business should be closed people are hurting how are we to feed our families if we can’t work, the government is ridiculous

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  9. Unconventional leadership says:


    When did the tortola news planning to give us this news. Tolans going to another man’s country and behaving in this manner. Jail them and then deport them.

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  10. lillian says:

    Great job hon. malone excellent until 11pm is ok

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  11. ridiculous says:

    why 11pm if the bars and night clubs are closed? 9pm woulda been better

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  12. Island peep says:

    Glad that legitimate businesses can open. Those unvaxxed have had their chance to protect themselves, so now it’s time to let those who have followed the rules to get back to normal.

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  13. ### says:

    @#what… If the 11pm curfew is pointless, just make sure you at your home before. Let ppl lives there life easy has that.

    Like 2
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  14. The Olympics Going on says:

    Country’s need to stop shutting down, time to recognized we have to co-exist with this virus, We have to make away find that balance,. The Olympics is a gewat example of Co- existing…Im so proud of Tokyo, they made it happen, inspite all the pressure to shut down they ended up pulling off an amazing olympics..

    Like 3
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    • IOC says:

      Japan doubled their Covid incidence over this useless PR event, which also cost them $15bn – twice the estimated forced on them by the IOC. The ballpark figure for building a 300-bed hospital in Japan in $55 million. So you could put up almost 300 of these.The average elementary school in Japan costs about $13 million. For that price, you get 1,200 schools.

  15. Hmm says:

    Check up on those so called food establishment they might still be selling alcohol and have crowd gathering.

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  16. Mark my words says:

    Come next month we get another outbreak.

    1. During the holiday day break we had a lot of ppl on the beachs and getting together.

    Jesus help us.

    2. As curfew lift every one start liming again and in numbers.

    Like 1
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  17. Ya awl says:

    This is good news! However not in time for yor motorcade but in time for yor birthday celebrations. You think we stupid. At least restaurants can open, people hurting big time and you politicians keep raking us.

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