BVI News

Nine new COVID cases detected between Anegada and Tortola! Curfew reinstated

Nine new COVID-19 cases have been detected on the islands of Tortola and Anegada, resulting in Cabinet implementing a new night-time curfew order in the British Virgin Islands.

In a late-night COVID-19 update on Friday, Minister of Health Carvin Malone said the new cases were discovered after conducting aggressive contact tracing from Patient 12, who had tested positive earlier this week.

All the new cases are said to be close or primary contacts of Patient 12.

“None of the primary contacts are exhibiting symptoms at this time and we pray for their physical and mental health and resilience as they go through this experience,” the minister stated.

“The cases that were confronted today are mainly located on the eastern end of Tortola and on the island of Anegada. However, our findings point to tertiary and secondary contacts residing in several other communities throughout the territory,” he added.

Community screening to take place

As a result of these latest findings, public health authorities will continue their contact tracing efforts throughout various communities.

Malone said further community screening will take place on Anegada, Virgin Gorda, and at East End/Long Look and Sea Cow’s Bay on Tortola in the coming days.

Night time curfew order

The minister further said Cabinet has since made a number of decisions in light of the developments.

These include the imposition of a night-time curfew which will run from 10 pm on Friday, August 21 to 5 am on Saturday August 22, then from 7 pm to 5am from August 22 to August 29.

Cabinet also decided that effective August 21 through to August 28, movement of all vessels and aircraft will be restricted, except those travelling to and from Anegada, as approved.

Bars and Nightclubs among businesses to close

Malone also said Cabinet decided to allow all businesses in the BVI to operate except for bars and nightclubs, daycare facilities, gyms and sporting facilities, and summer camps. Restaurants are permitted to open for takeout and deliveries only, Malone added.

Other businesses prohibited from operating at this time include freight carriers from BVI to the USVI as well as charter companies except for medical emergencies, as approved.

Gathering size reduced to maximum of 20

Cabinet further decided to limit the size of all gatherings up to 20 persons (with the requisite six-feet-apart social distancing) inclusive of funerals, burials, weddings and faith-based activities.

Additionally, Cabinet decided to increase the surveillance of businesses to ensure adherence of the various COVID-129 protocols.

While the total number of active cases in the BVI now stands at 12, Malone said his ministry is now awaiting test results for 15 additional samples from the local laboratory.

To date, a total of 2092 persons have been tested for COVID-19 in the BVI.

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  1. Reality says:

    It’s about time BVI did some testing! Any intelligent person has known there were cases floating around the VI the whole time. So many have been brainwashed into thinking we have no cases……when in reality the government just hasn’t bothered testing enough people or doing any mandatory screening. Thank god most are asymptotic. Be safe not everyone will be so lucky.

    Like 29
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  2. Fake says:

    Y’all better send back those fake china kits

    Like 15
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  3. I told you so says:

    And the cases is going to rise. Sad but the only way the ones that think this is a joke and this virus is not real, you will now begin to start understanding how serious this is.

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  4. Coming soon says:

    We may as well go back on lock down for a couple of weeks like the USVI did. The ones that was harassing the Premier to open up took advantage. You are the ones to be blamed.I am happy the bars and night clubs were closed down.

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  5. GTFOH says:

    Marlon and Cindy were complaining about the early curfew. He said if restaurants were allowed to operate until 10 or 11 pm, they would be able to “implement a strict reservation policy in efforts to adhere to social distancing guidelines”. I wonder if he realize now that he was wrong. If so many restaurants allow people to be inside without mask at 12 pm what do he think they will allow at 11 pm.

    The truth is most people dont care about the dangers of Covid19 because most people recovered and the one that died was a Filipino who most never knew that well. They will only care when somebody we know and care about dies then they will post their tributes and take it a little more seriously.

    Like 68
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  6. Vip says:

    All the time it ain’t had no virus here from time them Cuban doctors come u start to here about it I done tell mr.wheatley when them come that was going to happen them is who bring it here

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  7. Strupes says:

    Why are they shutting down businesses? This government is an absolute failure. What they should have done during all this time was to conduct testing for as much people as possible. I would even go so far as to say, everyone in this small territory could have been tested.

    Monies should have been provided for this rather than dolling out cash for extra garbage collection during the lock downs, security for the premier, new ride,millions for palm trees, needless consultants….etc.

    Aggressive contact tracing, coupled with ongoing testing for the general public should be the go to methods, not shutting down the dam place by any degree.

    They will continue to be new cases, as now it seems the only way to stop this virus is through vaccines.

    We are in big trouble, under this planet of the apes government.

    Like 22
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  8. @ Reality says:

    It’s God (Capital “G”) not god (that’s an idol).

    Like 17
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  9. Rite Way (Road Reef) says:

    I commend the Manager of Rite Way Road Reef Store.

    During my visit to the store yesterday afternoon, I observed her cashing while still looking to ensure adherence to social distancing requirements including for customers coming in, reminding them to sanitize, briefly pausing to tell anyone in the aisle that she could see from where she stood who was not wearing their mask properly to do so.

    Well done.

    Like 45
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  10. Doh says:

    The Cubans are an advance scout team for the Cuban government. They are not doctors but political advisers who prop up our leaders in an attempt to create a socialist government. Think I’m wrong?

    They are also here to ward off demonic cats and witchcraft.

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  11. Sherlock says:

    Test and ye shall find.

    Just like Trump said.

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  12. Ting to talk says:

    You are an absolute idiot.

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  13. Truth says:

    God or god —- none of its real. More brainwashing.

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  14. island man says:

    So much for lockdown and precautions. It all now went down the gut.

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  15. Anonymous says:

    @Strupes, why are other places shutting down their entire country.

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  16. JEHOVAH says:

    Call JEHOVAH His name. God is not His name.

    Like 2
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  17. Hmm says:

    They need to go back and ask the spanish lady in prison who bring her over from st. Thomas. Those in charge see this and still did not secure the borders well they s3cure the airports for exats alone.

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  18. Anonymous says:

    Reality is a guy came in from St Thomas, the guy has confirmed this its his direct family that are infected on Anegada but of there has been any other community spread on Anegada they will lockdown the island as you already cannot get here for a 10 day period.
    To say its been in the community all the time is FAKE saying the Cubans brought it is FAKE, but bar and clubs which are where the virus has spread need to be closed down as they do not follow the guidelines.

    Like 34
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  19. voter says:

    You are not thinking straight!! This is just poor surveillance and slopping work!! You and your Premier don’t have a clue of what is going on and how to properly plan the reopening of an economy.. Take a look at St. Lucia..

    Like 10
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  20. Lindy says:

    3 Ws to slow the spread! Wear a mask. Wait 6’ apart, wash your hands. Do people not know about this?? Do these things and stop the spread !

    Like 18
  21. Issue says:

    Cases brought here by illegal entry so it would be difficult to stop.

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  22. God has spoken says:

    It looks like God has expressed his views on the nasty noisy Spanish bars that are now all over our territory.

    Like 8
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  23. Anonymous says:

    Stupes. People like you are the problem in this world only thinking about money

    Like 5
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  24. ??? says:

    The Minister stated that Cabinet decided “to restrict the movement of all vessels and aircraft, except as approved, to and from Anegada.”

    However, this article says that Cabinet decided “movement of all vessels and aircraft will be restricted, except those travelling to and from Anegada, as approved.”

    Possible error in interpretation or a need for clarification.

  25. 2cents says:

    Cases are hype. Its hospitalizations and deaths that matter. You can’t stop a virus and its true the more you test the more you find. U.S. has done something like 70 million tests and 97% recover. Protect the vulnerable and let everyone else go about their business safely.

    Like 5
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  26. St. Thomas says:

    I live in Fortuna Bay. Just last week, Two strange Santo women and a man pass by my house in a hurry. My husband and the dog took off behind them while I call the police. My husband said they jump in a blue mini van and the van took off speeding. I was hearing on the street that they come in through Fortuna Bay, get picked up, and is smuggle into Tortola for a fee of $1,000 US dollars under the cover of darkness.

  27. Smh says:

    Deport him and his entire family.

    Like 7
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  28. E. Leonard says:

    Under the leadership of Premier Andrew A, Fahie and the VIP team, the VI through strong and decisive actions was able to contain the infection rate at a low number, earning Covid-19 dividends. It was around 8 for an extended period. Now, it appears that the numbers have jumped to double digits. What changed?

    Could the increased numbers be due to cracks/leakages in the border wall(smuggling), complacency/relaxing of prevention practices, and controlled reopening? What action(s) should be taken to regain control of the deadly and opportunistic Coronavirus (Covid-19)?

    Several actions suggested. First, institute a 24/7 air(?} and water surveillance of the VI western border to minimize and deter the alleged human smuggling. Second, increase the level of testing to get a good gage of community infection level. Third, strictly enforce prevention and mitigation practices. Fourth, institute an aggressive and wide spread public education and outreach programme. And fifth devise, institute and enforce practical and reasonable curfews, lockdowns(if warranted), business operations ……..etc actions.

    Moreover, the VI is a small locale with limited medical capacity and capability and may not be able to tolerate even a mild outbreak. Prevention should be its primary mission and goal. The VI must avoid at all cost getting itself into a position where medical professionals have the unenviable task of deciding who gets treated or not. Further, the Premier must continue on the course of putting people first, protecting the public. The VI cannot slaughter public health and safety on the altar of the voices of the few well-connected at the expense of many. The economy will recover but a precious life lost is gone for ever. Be safe and stay safe.

    Like 8
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  29. UNBELIEVABLE says:

    This virus has touched down in every part of the World and you still have the dummies and the ignoramous in the BVI still saying the BVI has no cases, that the Government is making this up. Have you ever? Buy the way? Thank you for putting the bars and clubs on lock. I see you open, I’m dropping DIMES TO THE POLICE. You want a drink, buy your bottle and cart your behind home and drink in your home.

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  30. Rubber Duck says:

    The Cubans were in quarantine for two weeks and tested before they were released. They did not bring it.

    It was not here all the time.

    Illegal human trafficking between here and foreign parts brought it.

    Like 13
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  31. Go Bubble says:

    It’s ashamed the closeness of family relationship btw BVI to USVI has amounted to these cases. You play with covid fire and u get burn. US territories must be avoided for now. Stick to your down island CARICOM with low risk. Join the caricom travel bubble.

    Like 7
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  32. Plz says:

    This man did not get the covid 19 in know bar or night club he need to speak the true he get it due to smuggling in his daughter from anegada who get smuggling from Santo to anegada them need to lock him up for putting the blame on bars and night club this man don’t lime

    Like 7
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  33. Lol says:

    It had know case until this man smuggle in his child from anegada and want to say he get from bar and night club lol

  34. Lol says:

    Them need to lock him up for not telling the true

  35. 1st district says:

    Keep testing with dem CHINA kits! They already infected and the test IS NOT DESIGN FOR COVID!! The COLD!!! We doom with this lock in, down, up shitz. Stop it!!

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  36. Anonymous says:

    Obedience is better than sacrifice. Because of greed and disobedience this world is in a forever tailspin.

  37. So says:

    I’m here looking at my daughter and panic set in, if my child catches the virus, she will have to be in isolation alone up in the hospital because no one is allowed in the room but medical staff. Then I started thinking about the article I read about the lady that died from COVID and her husband was not allowed to see her while she was up in isolation all alone. I hope for the sake of your children, all you selfish people who is not following protocols don’t take the virus home to your children.

    Like 13
  38. Velma says:

    Fahie only looking out for he people. We need work. Only VG people getting the big jobs.

    So long we here waiting for work.

    Let’s see if flopper better than Skelly

    Waste a time

  39. Hahaha says:

    @Fake blame those not following social distancing, NOT KITS AND FRONTLINERS WHO PUT THEIR LIFE AT RISK. You are a true definition of a COVIDIOT

  40. What says:


  41. Class Mate says:

    @E. Leonard, real talk and good points. Shame on those people that recklessly and unselfishly endanger the lives of others. If you want wreck your own life, go right ahead but respect other lives. People Covid-19 is real and kill thousands every day. You are not invincible. Don’t wait until you are put on a ventilator if one is available to wish you had change your behavior. Don’t put an unnecessary burden on our limited medical system. Now is the time to comply with reasonable guidance.

  42. REal says:


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  43. Rangle says:

    You’re mad. Quite certifiably mad. You know that, don’t you?

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  44. Pat says:


  45. Anonymous says:

    I wanna see who yall gonna just decide to do what yall want ,causing division with the people,who yall gonna blame next? Yall suck!! No plan,no vision just pure crap.lockdown?what you think is gonna happen to the economy?pathetic much for strict border approach haha

    Like 7
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  46. Hmm says:

    If its night curfew, so it means covid is active only in the night? Please educate me?

    Like 2
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  47. Logic says:

    If the cases are “detected between Anegada and Tortola”, they must be in a boat.

  48. @logic says:

    the Anegada connection were visiting his house for a week before returning home, the virus came from St Thomas they even know his name

  49. Sense says:

    Why do you guys think that we can hide from an airborne contagious virus? We just need to take necessary precautions but locking down and curfews do nothing except kill the economy. If COVID is here to stay are we going to keep this shit up for the next year or 2? Whether you deal with it now or 2021 the result will be the same. Promote healthier living, beef up health facilities to deal with severe cases and stop letting fear consume us!

    Like 6
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  50. Moose Bar says:

    The bar appear close. But dem goin full on, drink, smoke, bikes, hangin on dem bemch. Cufu don madda. K moning til nitetime, dems hay. Wat u gon du?

    Like 1
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  51. Moose Bar says:

    Moose bar appear close. But dem goin full on, drink, smoke, bikes, hangin on dem bemch. Cufu don madda. K moning til nitetime, dems hay. Wat u gon du?



  53. UBELIEVABLE says:

    This person who seems to know something about COVID-19 case #12 should be found, questioned and imprisoned for knowing about the territory breech of security and did not inform authorities.

  54. @Inspector says:

    What is your point? Marlon is still correct with what he was saying! If you were listening/reading you would note that Marlon did say we should expect cases but at this point we should have a PLAN on how to deal with it not shutting down every minute. In actuality, the Government has proven that Marlon is right because if they had a plan businesses wouldn’t be closed again with a stupid 7 pm curfew on our backs! The recent activities have proven Marlon and others right in that we cannot keep the borders closed forever and with COVID expected to be a part of our lives going forward, we need to learn to adapt and live with it instead of being scared as if it’s the end of world plague!

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