BVI News

No picnic! BVI took serious hit with Fahie’s arrest — Pickering

It has been no Sunday picnic for the BVI ever since the shocking arrest of its former Premier Andrew Fahie last year, former legislator Dr Kedrick Pickering has argued.

Fahie was ensnared in a months-long United States (US) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) undercover operation which culminated in his arrest on April 28, 2022 at a Miami airport. The former Premier has since been charged with Interstate and Foreign Travel in Aid of Racketeering; conspiracy to import a controlled substance; conspiracy to engage in money laundering; and attempted money laundering along with his co-accused, former BVI Ports Authority Director Oleanvine Maynard and her son Kadeem Maynard.

While speaking at a recent political rally in Huntums Ghut, Dr Pickering suggested that the arrest was a watershed moment for the territory and said the date will become so important in the future that persons will be asked where they were and what they were doing on that fateful day.

The former lawmaker called for a serious and sincere examination of what happened on that day and said unless this is done, the territory won’t be able to move forward.

He also pleaded with residents not to bury their heads in the sand, expecting the entire ordeal to blow over. “It’s not going to blow over, we took a serious hit. We took a setback and in order for us to move forward and progress, we have got to first analyse it,” he said.

“We don’t want to live in a country where we have to feel ashamed of ourselves and where we are as a people, we are better than that,“ Dr Pickering said as he urged introspection from residents.

To help the territory to progress past that point, Dr Pickering proposed that there needs to be a few good men and women who are genuinely committed to the future of the country and are willing to make the sacrifices to do what is necessary to ensure the territory moves forward.

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  1. move says:

    Tell the Doctor, I man say Cart he A%$$.

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  2. Youth says:

    Time will tell in all of this.

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  3. Morning bush tea says:

    All this man wants is power. That’s is. His rich, white friends don’t study him anymore because he is no use to them. He thought they were his friends but realize that they belong to anyone with power. Name one thing you have done for this country over the past 20 years and then we could talk. You are a good talker. I will give you that. Maybe you should start a talk show or become a preacher. But you are a 20 year failure. The BVI people would be crazy to elect someone with your track record of doing nothing.

    Like 17
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  4. HE IS A FIGHTER says:


    Like 13
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  5. Serious times says:

    You will not be one of those few good men and women. You ain’t no good! Period! You were … and unhelpful to the local people of this country. You were not for us. You were for the rich and powerful. I do not trust you with this country especially now when we struggling with the UK who has their own agenda. I believe that you would sell us out to them just to be in their company and to be liked by them.

    Like 9
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  6. New cabinet says:

    RONNIE {premier ministry of finance}…MITCH {natural resources and labor}…KEDRICK {ministry of health}…FRASER {communication and works}…SHANIA {ministry of education and culture}

    Like 12
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  7. @Morning bush tea says:

    I agree with your comment in full especially the talk show bit. I actually believe the former legislator should seriously consider hosting his very own talk show instead of contesting the next election. I promise, the s**t he talks is unbelievable and I must say highly entertaining if not taken too seriously! Delusion seems to be a pandemic here in the Virgin Islands, these people hungry for power are completely delusional :S

    “Go sitdung!”

    Like 7
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  8. @new cabinet says:

    Poor you

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  9. Plain and simple says:

    Any political party that was formed out of spite cannot get my support because it has no soul. It has no philosophy. Its only purpose is to grab power. This is exactly what the PVIM is.

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  10. Suck teeth says:

    This man will say anything to divert attention from his poor record over the last 20 years. Go siddung!

    Like 7
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  11. Start with confession and the Truth says:

    I use to listen to the radio shows with doc and the pastor from Baughers Bay and was a bit impressed but since the plane scandal and the covid injection im a bit puzzled. Being a part of the plane scandle what can you say about what really happened?
    Secondly as a doctor people put there trust in you all for public health but since the covid-19 injection we have watched many of our families and friends who have taken the shot is now dead and experiencing health problems but no one is raising any concerns by at least having a covid-19 injection recall. The news is out all over with the truth with data to back it up. If you believe in helping people start with real truth because without people you cannot have a country.

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  12. Reality Check says:

    Doctors Smith and Pickering should be jailed for allowing the medical businesses to rape NHI, grossly increasing rates, becoming extremely wealthy, which will ultimately put it out of business. Depriving us of affordable health care will be their legacy. Electing Pickering is allowing the wolf back into the hen house; he rich enough!!!

    Like 15
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  13. No nonsense says:

    That imbercile as a man of the soil, minister upset the apple cart for fisheries, agriculture and life guards among other things. He want to go back to finish us off and finish some dirty deed for one ah he rich white friends. We might be deaperate to survive now but NO THANKS SIR!

    Like 8
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  14. hmm says:

    I certainly agree; That’s why we cant afford to vote for politicians who known for not doing anything but travelling up and down and not actually accomplishing anything for the betterment of the BVI.

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  15. head couch says:

    i was framed by the u.s and the u.k

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    is saying )> I had it all , noe it’s gorne

    Like 1
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  17. IDEA says:

    Best thing I’ve heard in all these months. Haven’t heard ANYTHING better.

    Like 3
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  18. AMAZED!!! says:

    It is amazing, incredulous, and shocking that we local people are more upset and angry at the UK and the COI than we are at Andrew Fahie and his lackeys.

    This man was involved in drugs. Had been and was continuing to set up the BVI to facilitate drug trafficking. This man and his lackeys took bread out of people’s mouths if they said a mumbling word about him and his lackeys. Took bread out of people’s mouths and took away opportunities if they were on the wrong political side and we sit here and castigate the UK????? How about we ALL look in the mirror.

    We all heard the rumors. We all heard the shush shush. And some of us KNEW. And we are mad at the COI and the UK.

    We are called the Africa of the Caribbean – meaning the most corrupt country in the Caribbean. Yes. That is our nickname and we are upset with the COI?

    EVERY person in Andre Fahie’s cabinet and part of his party/government need to CART THEIR A**!!!!!!!!!! If the head rotten so is the tail.

    Don’t forget, a dead venomous snake has the potential to still bite you. They have depended on their bite for survival and their muscles and nerve memories will continue to be active after their beheading.

    So remember, you always need to practice caution around a dead cobra or rattlesnake. They may just bite you!!!!!!!!! It’s their nature.

    Like 20
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  19. What who when says:


  20. Yougie bear says:

    You were no picnic either Dr. Pickering and if you were a picnic you would be potted meat and stale Jacob crackers. You have done your time and have shown us nothing. What is soo sweet in the government that you want to come back in? You were no help to no one.

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  21. @AMAZED!!! says:

    Well said. Once they give them a turkey and ham, they are happy and keep quiet.
    Reminds me of a mother/father who’s child can do no wrong in their eyes even when it staring right in their face.

  22. @ AMAZED says:

    that was straight to the ? point . and sure they got the message / but then again , those hypocrites are still reading from the script and acting holy

  23. Little dix bay says:

    U give little dix bay so much more years to hold up VG land and u think VG people ain’t know nothing!!

  24. Black fish says:

    All of you older folks help
    To bring the country where it is today

  25. Tiger Leahu says:

    “A few good men” .. the problem here of course is that good men never run for office or if elected, they succumbed to the criminal requirements to be a politician. There are no good politicians, anywhere.

  26. God and God Alone says:

    Dr Pickering proposed that there needs to be a few good men and women who are genuinely committed to the future of the country and are willing to make the sacrifices to do what is necessary to ensure the territory moves forward.
    I challenge all GENUINE VIRGIN ISLANDERS AND BELONGERS to follow this lead and proposal. You want democracy. step up or shut up.

  27. SPH LOVE NOTES says:

    This is the first real sensible thing I have heard coming from this campaign platform so far. It is improtant that we all take a look at the COI hearings that took place in 2021. All those who were questioned should be examined closely. A system is not comprised of one man, even if one man wields considerable influence. The people of the BVI must decide what kind of government they want, if they want John Waynes and Clint Eastons to be their representatives. We claim to be a God-fearing people, let us conduct ourselves as if there is a God.

  28. SPH says:

    A few good men and women, how do we define “good”?
    We must look at people’s track record. What moral character they display. How have they self-lessly served others for the common good. We have to look beyond last names and academic credentials (but we need well-rounded, experienced and possessing a high level of wisdom. Able to reason, be balanced and stable. Respect others. Treat people fairly regardless of where they come from.

  29. Fat Hogs Bay says:

    When Picko becomes a serious fighter..let me know .His back yard looks greener than Paraquita Bay!

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