BVI News

No salary decided for RDA CEO though he has commenced duties

CEO of the RDA, Paul Bayly in East End last month. (BVI News photo)

It has been more than a month since Paul Bayly commenced his duties as CEO of the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) but, to date, his salary of has not been decided.

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr D Orlando Smith made that claim in the House of Assembly on Thursday, September 13.

“The board of the RDA are still working on finalising the terms of engagement of Mr Bayly,” said Dr Smith while answering questions from Opposition legislator, Julian Fraser.

“As soon as they (the salary estimates) are forwarded to me, then I will have it Cabinet and then I will have it [brought] to the House of Assembly,” he added.

While government continues to work out compensation for the Bayley, no salaries or stipends are being paid to any of the other members of the RDA.

He said any decision to offer monetary compensation to RDA members is entirely a matter for government.

The RDA board comprises chairman Dr Robert Mathavious, Pastor Gregory George who was selected by the Premier, Maria Mays who selected by the governor, Sharie DeCastro who was selected by the Opposition leader, David Hancock select by the UK, Monica La Bennett who was selected by the Caribbean Development Bank, Clarence Faulkner (civil society representative), and Clyde Lettsome (private sector representative).

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  1. Want2Kno says:

    So, someone is going to come from across the world and work without a salary and here over a month? No Mr. Premier, really?

    How are his expenses being paid then?

    Like 16
  2. Retired says:

    So who was responsible for publishing the false information about a $350k annual salary for Mr. Bayly?

    Like 10
  3. Diaspora. says:

    This must be something from either George Orwell’s Animal Farm or 1984. So we are getting wet from precipitation from the sky yet the Premier is telling us it is not rain. It must be a mirage, is it not? Who is going to travel thousands of miles from the Far East to take up employment in the BVI and he or she does not know what the compensation package is? Nonsense. Just call election now and give us the opportunity to elect a new government.

    Like 21
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  4. Wes says:

    So he is working for free? I smell a big stink rat here. Come better Doc

  5. SIGH says:

    Doc, really?

  6. Teacher Percy says:

    That is Lie!

  7. Da mek sense? says:

    Boy my 2 year old can see through that nonsense. In all my years I never see more things being done to deceive the people by government. I tell u.

  8. Disinterested says:

    LIE! LIE! LIE! 1000 Pinochoes.

  9. Truth says:

    Ya’ll forgot to mention how he lets other expats who are not a part of the RDA sit in the meeting . But the local man has no say.

    Like 3
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    • Nah says:

      Those might be the experts! The people with experience in building and rebuilding proper resilient infrastructure.

      • Curious says:

        if they were the “experts” they would be being paid some outrageous consultancy fee. instead they are simply people who are interested in subverting what was touted as a fair & transparent system…

  10. lol says:

    The man is here actually working and is not getting paid. Curious what are the other persons getting who do have full-time jobs and some of them without any qualifications for the position.

  11. Just Now says:

    Why do we always think that “they” have all the experts? We never give our own a chance for all of the bluffing. We always believe that they know more. Please just the next bluff.

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