BVI News

One dead after fatal shooting on Tortola

One male is dead after being fatally shot in the Baughers Bay community of Tortola Friday afternoon.

This information was confirmed in a statement issued by Information Officer of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), Diane Drayton.

“Police can confirm that one man is dead as a result of a shooting in Baughers Bay after 3 pm this afternoon. The circumstance surrounding the shooting is still unclear, therefore no other details can be provided at this time,” the police said.

While investigations are ongoing into the deadly shooting, the RVIPF said the name of the deceased will be forthcoming shortly.

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  1. You Work for the Devil but Got to ANSWER TO GOD!!!!!!! says:

    Instead of spending money on a new IPhone/Samsung, spend $150 and invest in the security doorbell cameras for your homes.

    Govt put CCTV in every district. This should be PRIORITY!

    Like 32
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    • Jahlove says:

      Government should have some sort of initiative for businesses to install security cameras so what they can’t catch on the ones the police have businesses could have some footage. It’s obvious camera surveillance would be key to curbing the amount of unsolved crimes here in the BVI. If the police need funding for it governor get them the funding cause the government not serious.

      Like 8
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    • Good idea BUT says:

      That’s a great idea but can’t have those with lack of communication service.

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  2. Lol says:

    Thought he was untouchable, oh well

    Like 11
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  3. Yep says:

    It is worth the $150.00. I have one at the front and back door.

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  4. UTG 45 says:

    Hmmm…got him

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  5. Real talk says:

    Remember pi****e son that was gun down years ago in seacows bay side the road karma is a rea b***h

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  6. xzcxz says:

    Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow cause we need a little controversy. Cause they feel so empty without me!

    Like 2
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  7. Why? says:

    I hate seeing this stupid *** comment. Should say it aloud tomorrow in front of real people. Disrespectful sh** piece of *** you. Inconsiderate ***. I wish somebody pisses on your grave when you’re gone. Jack***

    • 38 Spesh says:

      You mean the people who didn’t return fire? LOL when the 6 take care of their business we will THINK about being scared.

  8. Here we go says:

    The comments alone can tell you how lawless society has become. People just wait for a death/murder to start with their hate and ignorance instead of just giving their condolences SMH

    Like 28
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    • Remember it was a criminal. says:

      Perhaps we should stop acting like criminals were saints during their life time.

      Like 8
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    • Mine says:

      Yes thoughts and prayers to the deceased.

      BVI p*****um shows a scooter involved. Guess someone got tired of them racing around since police won’t take of the problem. He found another way…

      Like 1
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    • dsfdf says:

      Indeed who cares? Just another trash that is cleaned up off the streets. Sadly some ghetto mama raising another future criminal.

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      • @dfsdf says:

        Do NOT disrespect his mother!

        There are mothers who would lie, engage in crime with their children, take orders from the children, never call them out on their bad ways.

        Then there are mothers who do all they can but the child chooses to do whatever they want.

        His mother is a respectable and classy lady. A family is grieving.

        Sin has NO LEVELS. You lie, you have sex and not married, you’re lesbian/gay/bisexual whatever other term they’re adding nowadays, you lust, you hate, you wish bad on others, you steal, etc – SIN IS SIN IS SIN AND WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD.

        Like 16
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  9. Baughter Bay says:

    War ain’t done it only now starting mdsss.

    • FEO Gomez says:

      Wait wait a minute. Instead of blogging you should be planning. Ummm your raps need to halt until you shook ones take care of the 6 business. Hop of the computer shook one. Assassins drive all the way up there chop the head of the snake and leave with out iron flying at them. War? The Head done chop off so the body dead!

  10. Oh well says:

    It’s about time man he had it comin his way a long time now

    Like 3
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  11. Help me understand says:

    If I drive into baughers bay. Is it not a one way into that area? Also, on a daily basis is there not a lot of young man sitting not to far from that area where he was gun down?

    So how no one saw what happen!? How the shooter manage to exit that area without being seen.

    Was this done by someone from bbay itself. These are the question one need to ask. And someone had to seen something

    Like 17
  12. From the Public to Sin D says:

    The PUBLIC of the BVI would appreciate Loud Mouth NO Action Miss Sin D to back off the BVI GOVERNMENT and used HER platform to actually discuss what’s hurting our community! The GOVERNMENT ain’t the ones hurting us for your actions Sin D as an employee of **Td is doing far more damage. The BS ain’t going to stop now!!!!! Talk up or shut up Sin D.

    Like 3
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  13. Spy says:

    The police force put together a proposal for a public island wide CCTV system some while ago. The cost was $3 million. Not a lot compared to virtual planes and fund the pals walls.

    So far , nothing.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Who the victim be buddy? Is he a local Tolian? Who did the shooting? Someone from down island I bet, why them shot him? Anyone know? I am sure he was a gud boy, a noice man, wouldn’t hurt a fly, always helping his mother and other old lady crossed the road and carry their groceries.
    I’m tired of these people coming here killing our natives.

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  15. G4L says:

    rip pup d n sweeney

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  16. fbi says:

    In life we reap what we sew, i sure bet many other families were sad and morn the lost of their love ones because of this guy, god dont sleep, i have no remorse or sympathy whatsoever, one less …

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  17. Realtalk says:

    I hope his jack#$# b*****r feelig the pain also

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  18. Irony says:

    I can’t believe this. A person has passed and yet there are people bashing the man. Always talking about unity and yet killing each other with closed eyes and blaming the white man for everything. Wake up! Change starts from you yourself.

  19. No Angel says:

    Juggling wars..again.. plus time hmmmmm.

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