BVI News

One dead another hospitalised following boating accident off Guana Island

Photo Credit: VISAR

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has confirmed the death of one person following a boating accident off Guana Island on Friday, January 3.

Police said the accident occurred minutes after 3 pm and resulted in two persons sustaining injuries. Their names have not yet been released.

BVI News understands that the injured persons were male and female and it was the male who succumbed to his injuries. And according to the RVIPF, the female is being treated for serious injuries at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital in Road Town.

BVI News also understands that the Virgin Islands Search and Rescue (VISAR) were the initial responders at the scene of the accident.

Speaking to our news centre following the accident, VISAR’s coordinator of the rescue mission, Phil Aspinall, said: “We received a call at 3:15 pm of a boating accident off Guana Island. We responded and there were two [persons] who we recovered and rescued. They were delivered to a waiting ambulance in Trellis Bay,” Aspinall stated.

He said VISAR handed the matter over to the RVIPF after transporting them to Beef Island where Trellis Bay is located.

The RVIPF, in the meantime, has said investigations into the incident are ongoing.

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  1. What!!!! says:

    Boating “accident” leaving one dead in the new year, NO ignorant , heartless comments. My condolences to those concerned.

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  2. James Cavanaugh says:

    Nearly 24 hours after a speeding boat ran over two passengers, killing one, off a yacht with 35 people aboard, many of whom saw the accident, the police have not even taken statements. We have photos of the boat and occupants. It is owned by a prominent BVI individual. What is going on?????

    Like 54
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    • Going on? says:

      You already said what’s going on. The boat belonged to a Prominent Belonger. If you didn’t know then let me tell you. The elite Belonger is totally immune to anything and everything. This is the essence of why Belongership needs to be abolished. It’s corrupt, racist and apartheid.

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      • Aht Aht says:

        Look fc face just because one so called Elite belonger did something it means that everyone is bad?.. you just needed a reason to open your mouth .I bet you are racist, xenophobic , colorist , Jealous , miserable and lonely. I can’t imagine any good from people who talk like you. It must only be for your own gain… Lol a next thing how is belongership racist?….Drop the prominent name if you so want to help your cause?.

        Like 19
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        • @Aht aht says:

          Really? You want to know how Belongership is racist. I don’t have days to write a**wipe so I’ll be brief. You treat workers from other islands like slaves and indentured servants. You steal a third of their pay for the honor of doing the work your too stupid and lazy to do. You write laws to protect your inbreeding and not allow people who come and work and make the Territory a better place to become citizens. Yet, you send your baby carriers to St Thomas and Puerto Rico to drop their load so you can then suck on the test of the US. You endeavor in every dishonest business to make money the biggest of which is enabling drug dealers to launder their money through your offshore corporation business. Am I getting through the sawdust between your ears? I’m done for now and you need to shut the f*** up

          Like 24
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          • Aht Aht says:

            Oh my!!!..You are more stupid than I thought.. I read your comment in the context of a local saying there is no need for belongership but now I see…Let me explain.. Belongership is usually given to persons from different Countries who have ties through family or marriage… So basically you want to go into the people’s country and just live???… and have equal rights just like that?.. I understand being born in a country and having no rights, yes that is wrong. You should have just said a elite local and shut up because you just made yourself sound like a big jackahh… Next time you come on here make sure you borrow some sense from somebody okay???… I still can’t find where it is racist lol… I believe you meant Xenophobic :D. You still a fc face cause you making others look bad.

            Like 10
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          • Stupid says:

            Just can’t fix stupid and that’s why Aht aht is like he is. You have to live non stop in the BVI for 15 years to become a citizen but you go to St Thomas and Puerto Rico and drop your load and they are citizens. Sooooo….moron please explain if someone who drops a baby from another country in the BVI is not automatically a citizen. You all comment about the US but in the US a person entering legally can apply for a green card and then citizenship in a matter of a few years. You racist b******s make it nearly impossible

            Like 8
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          • BVI says:

            The BVI is a tiny spec on the world’s map. If you dislike the BVI and it’s people so much, you have the option of leaving. Your nasty attitude makes you worst than those you speak about it. This is our home. You are a guest. That means, that you have the right to leave so step up or shut up!

          • Anon. says:

            Why would you want to burden your child with US citizenship?

        • Rodent says:

          Don’t be a Jackass. They’re not blaming everyone only the corrupt elite AHole

        • Stop says:

          That rant is incredibly insensitive to a group of family and friends who are heartbroken, just post that you’re sorry.

      • @Going on says:

        The only people that have practicd corruption, racism and apartheid sucssussfully are white people. So, what’s with the evident futile reverse psychological attempts.

        Like 14
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        • Preach says:

          That is so absolutely correct. I just wish that the people who are so unhappy with being here would just pack up and go instead of leaving these banal comments.

          Like 11
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          • Caucau Egotist? says:

            All over the globe, caucasoids cannot stand the truth.

            Joyfully, no matter how many repeated thumbs down they add to a given factual statement, suc egotistical behavior will not change it factualness or authencity.

            Sad people indeed.

        • Dat so? says:

          So you’re saying corruption, cronyism and rampant discrimination against any one not a belonger have not been successful in the BVIs? Why then do they keep at it?

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    • JVD says:

      Name the owner nothing to hide but was the operator a licensed operate for that boat cause this is a serious case a life was taken

      Like 18
      • James Cavanaugh says:

        The boat was — out of Gorda Sound. Was going too fast and too close.

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        • @James Cavanaugh says:

          So wtf if it was from Gorda Sound!? Jus stfu, they need need to have they markers high enough so boayers can f***in see

          Like 1
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          • Really??? says:

            Jesus, really?????????????? Have some human dignity and realize there are people who are reading these comments who LOST A BROTHER, FRIEND, LOVED ONE,

    • It takes Time says:

      Investigation in such incidents takes time. However, if it takes too long, then speak up.

      Like 6
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    • Melissa Peters says:

      Give us the name of the driver. I can be reached at +16468422984, I’m family of the deceased.

      Like 34
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    • Hmmmm says:

      Post the pics on Community Board lets help solve this mystery

      Like 9
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    • Truth is says:

      The swimmers were wrong.. you cant be swimming in open waters with out any markers. I work on guana island and was around as well

      Like 20
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      • I was there... says:

        This happened at Monkey Point. There are National Park Mooring balls there. The boat the victims were on was anchored in a mapped anchorage area….so I guess if you own the island you can drive your boat as fast as you want? And then leave the scene before the police arrive??? This is all just wrong.

        Like 27
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        • Betty says:

          This is incorrect. They were told to proceed to trellis bay where the police were waiting. They spoke to police and then the Marine police. They were fully cooperative.

          Like 6
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      • @Truth is says:

        You’re 100% correct buddy, if anyone gets charged it should be the crew of the sail boat for allowing their guests to swim in open water without high visibility markers

        Like 11
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        • @truth says:

          If you were not there you have no idea what you are talking about. How about leaving the scene without talking to police.

          Like 8
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        • Rubbish says:

          What next? Upon arrival, all visitors will be issued bright orange swim caps and rash vest, with the admonition they’ll get matching concrete boots if found swimming without?

          Like 6
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  3. That’s Life says:

    Many saw the year open but will not see it close

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  4. Greta Jones says:

    Have they taken statements yet?

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  5. amazed says:

    This has been the 2nd death in as much weeks and not even some kind of safety advisory has been sent out?

    Like 6
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    • Angry says:

      This is not the time for fowl language and racist comments. Get yourselves onto another site if you want to vent. A man has died, a man I knew. Have sone respect.

      Like 41
  6. Winston says:

    Lt’s let our Shipping Registry conduct the investigation. HAHAHAHA

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  7. Name the belonger says:

    Post the name

    Like 8
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  8. Angry says:

    This is NOT the time for racist comments and fowl language. Get yourselves onto another site and vent. A man has died, please have sone respect for him and his family.

    Like 24
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  9. Snoppy says:

    They need to BAN Snorkeling, Diving, Swimming from all Harbour, Dock, Marina and Mooring Fields…

    Like 9
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    • SnoppyXXX says:

      them needs to ban now all these white tourist swimming in our BVi waters. them thiefin our seas and our lobsters and blamin our black Bvi islanders!

      Like 2
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    • Curious says:

      Dive & snorkel sites use moorings…how does one ban snorkeling & diving from moorings put in specifically for these activities???

      Like 19
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  10. Lack of knowledge says:

    To those of you making comment. 1st of all condolences to the family of the deceased and injured. The prominent belonger would not have been driving the boat and if you work in the sea or have knowledge you will know if you pick up a mooring the guest swim around the boat next if they are snorkeling then they are doing it around or are suppose to snorkel where there is no traffic because when you take up a mooring there is a lot off traffic in those areas and it does not always happen like that so stop blaming others for what you have no knowledge off. The captain is supposed to give instructions to their guest but it does not mean all the guest will follow it . So no one is to be blame because when you snorkeling you dont surfice to see where you are and sometimes you can go off course . So stop your nonsense about who do what and didn’t do. Try to live with love and not blame. Thank you.

    Like 22
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    • law says:

      Pointless conjecture. It doesn’t really matter who was driving the boat. This is a hit and —. The action itself is illegal. The rule of law will prevail. This isn’t going away.

    • photos says:

      There are photos and videos.

      Like 8
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    • Me again says:

      @ lack of knowledge Thanks for your Good Valid points I just want to add my condolences to the Family . we have to realize the Capt and crew on that vessel Has to be TRAUMATIZED and will Need help with dealing with the scenes from this accident ; Their Lives has forever been changed also It was an accident. A very SAD accident for all involved Let’s pray for all affected in every way

      Like 22
    • Check the facts says:

      The boat that hit the snorkelers was not moored, it was speeding. Snorkelers were NOT guests from that boat.

  11. well sah says:

    up to yet we cant hear who the boat belongs to…got to be a big fish

  12. Al E. Gator says:

    The dead man was a dear friend for 40 years and highly skilled sailor since Maritime College. I have a hard time believing that he would be snorkeling in exposed water with people bombing around.

    I don’t know what ship he was on that day but I do know he skippered a large sailing yacht in BVI waters. I only hope that he wasn’t captain of the yacht last week.

    My sincere regrets to his crew and his family. His gentle nature and open smile will be missed.

    Like 13
  13. Naomi says:

    I saw the incident and there were plenty of snorkellers in the water. Its a popular snorkelling spot, especially any locals should know this.

  14. No marine policing says:

    There is no policing of the fast powerboats that have no regard for people who might be in the water. Go by Marina Cay/Diamond Reef and watch these boats speed through the mooring field and get real close to where people are snorkeling at Diamond Reef. AN accident waiting to happen.

  15. 5 knot is a harbour or within Xft of an anchorage says:

    We need to enforce safety laws to allow marine traffic and snorkelers to co-exist. I have been frightened by speeding boats in Road Harbour, which also create so much wake they damage yachts tied alongside a jetty. Condolences to all on the very sad news

  16. Sailor says:

    Guana Island is owned by Dr. Henry Jarecki who also ownd Norman Island. There are reports that the boat involved in the incident was the tender for his yacht that was anchored off Guana.

  17. ZO says:

    Condolences to the families…. Dive zones and speed zones needed. An acccident has happened major lost suffered fix the problems and make life better.

    ignorant comments to each other does not bring back life or fix issue.

    god Bless All

  18. CBinParadise says:

    Doesn’t matter who is right or wrong….someone died. May he RIP. Anyone who was there and witnessed what happened is traumatized and will never be the same. Sad situation for all. Why bring race into it?!

  19. fb says:

    someone posted on fb yesterday that the injured lady passed away as well
    sincerely hope it is not true

  20. Not true says:

    She didn’t

  21. Still no police action says:

    It has been months now and there still has not been any arrests fines nothing
    Once again if you have money and power it’s get swept under the rug

  22. Audrey Hansen says:

    Personally, I love the VI’s, the people and all it has to offer. The elite are the same no matter where they
    live. I have never met such people on my visits. But who I have met have been kind and hardworking people with a great zest for
    life. I always feel welcomed and never want to return to the chaos of the US. Selfish entitled people are everywhere , we just have have to be better people , raise better children and not allow them to tarnish our spirit and the way we live. Sadly too
    much wealth has always been the corporate of all evil.

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