BVI News

Opposition deceiving constituents, toying with my life — Premier

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has claimed that he is being blamed by an unnamed Opposition member for removing monies from district allocations.

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Monday, Fahie said he recently went to a village in an unnamed district where he met an old lady he knows very well.

According to Fahie, the old lady told him her district representative used to give her a monthly stipend but said that Fahie “cut out the money” and was “no good”.

Fahie said he asked the constituent if she felt he would do that to her and she responded, “I don’t know if you will do it to me, but you do it to the district rep.”

Opposition playing games with my life

The Premier said he did his own research and discovered that the district representative stopped the stipend on their own then allegedly blamed him for the stoppage.

“You see how my name does get in these things? And then [they] blamed the Minister of Finance that he took away the money. [They] had the people in that constituency – the old people – praying to God against me,” Fahie said.

Fahie then accused “50 percent” of the Opposition of playing games with his name, reputation, and even his life.

“Then they come and they smile with you like they wish the best, when they’re out there, they’re trying to almost get you physically harmed with some of the things they’re telling the people knowing it’s not true,” he added.

Constituents being deceived

According to the Premier, the Opposition plays on the financial challenges faced by constituents during COVID-19, “so people grab on on any kind of negative information they hear without doing any kind of checks”.

He said it was hard to dispel the allegations made by those Opposition members, even if the persons to whom the lies are told are presented with documents proving otherwise.

“You can’t even get some of them turn around because the people believe it, even when you bring them the paperwork and show them it is not so. But that one with the old people them with that district [allocation], to me, that was the lowest thing I’ve ever heard,” Fahie stated.

“All you had to do is to tell the people that you used their district [money] to go do something else, so seniors you can’t get that money anymore, but no blame Fahie,” the Premier said.

He further questioned why Opposition members declined to do their work instead of placing blame on the Minister of Finance whenever it’s convenient.

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  1. King fables says:

    I learnt a long time ago not to believe a word coming from the mouth of this Premier. For those who still believe anything he says may the great God of the Universe be with each and everyone of you.

    Like 44
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  2. Shuddering says:

    This ‘speech in the House sounds like it came from someone very immature. Why can’t these legislators have meaningful mature discussions just once?

    Like 38
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    • Getting worst says:

      That’s how I felt when I saw the behaviour of my Premier in that last sitting. He is a very immature man, even his facial expressions showed the simplicity of his thought patterns. Reminded me of Shacarri after she lost the race, at least she has an excuse…she’s still young. Lord help us all

  3. tri party opposition says:


    Like 16
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  4. Big mistake says:

    Mr. Fahie needs help. It can’t be normal for anyone to tell untruths constantly without any care at all. I hope the BVI wakes up and see the mistake that we made to make this man our leader. It is the biggest political mistake we have ever made.

    Like 35
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  5. Fat Albert says:

    Who do you think they learned these dirty little poli-trics from?

    Like 15
  6. FU says:

    When you out here allegedly firing hard working people because they aren’t in your party or don’t agree with you, you aren’t playing with their lives? People who dedicated their lives to their careers. You derail them because of politics. Put your unqualified and inexperienced cronies as heads of our critical areas when they don’t know spit! Just to pay them money and reward them for being your stooges. Meanwhile the qualified people who built great careers and did great work for the country are pushed aside and demonized? You playing with people’s lives and livelihoods. But I promise you that it will come back to haunt you and your future generations as per the Bible you like to quote.

    Like 35
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  7. Water boy says:

    Wish I could get a stipend monthly

  8. Anti-vexing says:

    Is it normal for district representatives to hand out “stipends” to whoever they want? surely if people are in special need this is for the social welfare system to resolve not for politicians to use taxpayer funds without oversight for partisan advantage.

    Like 21
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    • Fix the real problem says:

      Why complain about who saying what, be bigger than that. BE a leader of the Territory. BE a statesperson.

      The social welfare point is the real one — but it is indicative of the petty narrow-mindedness that the focus is on “I did not stop your stipend” rather than “this is not the way we should be supporting society — there is a need. there is a gap. this is not the way. I will enable an effort to address this”.

      I dream of visionary leadership.. or leadership at all.

      Like 3
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    • Rubber Duck says:

      It’s called vote buying. Every banana republic and wannabe cocaine republic does it.

      Like 3
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  9. lol says:

    Classic case of pot calling kettle black.

    Like 11
  10. Really says:

    They are “toying with his life”???? Never heard worse, Premier of such a small country traveling with security!

  11. Watchman says:

    All I want to know is when the next election will be held in the BVI. My prayer is that a set of God fearing people present themselves before then. We are desperately in need of honest politicians. Not to say we don’t have any honest ones now but we need to get rid of the VIP and elected people who actually care about the BVI as a whole rather than a few supporters and family members. We don’t want the NDP back there either. They are no different than the VIP.

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  12. Mad Max says:

    There is so much wrong with this story, regardless of whether Fahie is lying.

    Firstly, the stipend. This is exactly why we need the COI. I am sure this lady needed the stipend but it just shows the extent to which accountability lacks and cronyism can exist.

    Secondly, why are people relying on stipends. There should be welfare systems in place so people do not rely on handouts/begging.

    Like 3
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  13. Narcissist says:

    Everything is about him

  14. Anonymous says:

    Drama king.

  15. Deh Watcha says:

    If you cannot call names it is maliciousness.

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