BVI News

Opposition Leader Marlon Penn says he is ready for Premiership

Opposition Leader Marlon Penn Opposition Leader says he is ready for Premiership

With less than two years left before the next general election is constitutionally due, Opposition Leader Marlon Penn has declared himself ready to be Premier.

“Been ready,” Penn responded when prompted by a resident during a recent community meeting in his constituency about whether he is prepared for leading the territory.

Penn, the Eight District Representative, said he has served in every role since being in representational politics.

“I’ve been a backbencher, I’ve been a junior minister, I’ve been a [government] minister, I’m Leader of the Opposition now, but most of all I’ve been a citizen of this community,” he said while verbalising his political résumé.

Penn said he has seen how the community has been built from the ground up with the blood, sweat, and tears of its residents and said he believes the people of the BVI have to be first and foremost in the process of rebuilding.

Penn noted that his leadership would not see a one-man show in operation since it is a team effort that is required to move the country forward.

“It’s not about me. There’s no ‘I’. It’s about putting the right people in the room, putting the right people around the table to make decisions to move this country forward – and I’m that type of leader, I’m that type of transformational leader that I believe that can move people and get people involved to get this country moving,“ the Opposition Leader said.

BVI has been in a tailspin

Asked what his plans would be for the wider BVI and his district if a snap election was to be called, the Opposition Leader said his foremost priority would be getting the economy back up and running.

“For the last 18 months we’ve been in a tailspin, we’ve been sputtering. And what we need is a clear economic plan for us going forward,” Penn told his constituents.

He said a physical infrastructure plan was also needed for the territory. 

“If we’re going to say that we want to move the economy, there are certain things that we need to do to facilitate that economic growth and movement in the country,” Penn stated.

Penn argued that it was critical to have the people of the BVI involved to effectively grow the economy.

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  1. heckler says:

    Boy marlon go siddung..We tried a lil boy already and ain’t working out..This is a man’s job

    Like 16
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    • @heckler says:

      This cl**n thinks that how life works. He see a break when Myron fall at the polls. Just to show he never support him when Orlando make him the chairman of NDP. Now you looking support. You see opportunity to steal like a shiny trophy. As a voter I can say Marlon has no integrity and will lead us in darkness. Please stay away from the cookie jar and by that I mean the government purse. Take your selfish and e**l ways just where you leave the stinking sewage for people children to walk in.

      Like 5
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    • @heckler says:

      Shaggy sing a song call “sonofabitch”. Even premiership cyan quench fi him thirst. Em a try fool off uno.

    • What man says:

      If the man not doing his job then the boy gotta be ready eh. back down heckler.

      Like 1
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    • It's a pretty low bar says:

      set by the present shower. If the political maturity is measured by years served in Legco, we are doomed to repeat history, and remain in poverty.

      Like 3
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  2. GOING TOO FAR NOW says:


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  3. obviously says:

    You are not the Moses we bvislanders are looking for. What we need is a well experience leader with steady hands, some one who could/will make things happen.

    Like 7
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  4. Nah says:

    Nope Penn. Don’t want your a**e in there either. All dishonest politicians. We want the Governor to run things for a bit, clean up the laws, make it a prison offense by a politician to go outside the laws of the land and give other people other than those who have stolen before a chance at government. In other words after the COI, no previous politicians allowed to be in government. We need to move forward not backwards.

    Like 28
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  5. Well Marlon says:

    If you are ready, make sure mean it and prove it. I am willing to support you and give you a chance because everyone deserve a chance. Be honest and truthful to the people and no matter what, don’t run a dirty campaign or HOODWINKED the people just to get votes.

    Like 7
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  6. Anonymous says:

    this due is such a weak opposition leader but he ready to be premier boss go from here

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  7. James says:

    Where is Myron?

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  8. LIX says:

    Premiership?? Penn has been in government for how many yrs and never had his own ministry. His own NDP never gave him a ministry. No you want to skip all the steps to land at the top of the ladder. Can’t lead a descent opposition or his own party but wants to be leader of the BVI Government. Go sit down.

    Like 10
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    • Haha says:

      To be fair he was the Minister of health for a few weeks after Ronnie grew a pair. Marlon is the leader of the Opposition but he isn’t a leader, Right now he has several people in his ears giving him advice.

  9. Jonathan says:

    This is y this boy is always against anything the premier has to say or do – because he wants his position. Brothe man ygot to pay your dues earn your way.
    Very annoying young man,this penn fellow.

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  10. Haha says:

    Marlon is not fit to be Premier. Marlon watched his party illegally take funds that were budgeted to fix the sewage problems in his district and give to the Pier Park. They did that because he was the only one that wouldn’t put up a proper fight. He made some fuss but was stupid enough to endorse the party later on in the campaign cycle and honored the man that signed off on disrespecting him by naming the hospital after Dr Smith. Marlon was one of the only back bencher who stayed with NDP after they got tired of being kept in the dark and watching the mismanagement of the territory. Marlon is one of the weakest opposition leaders ever. We haven’t learned a single thing under his watch. Thank God for the COI. We should have known everything if Marlon asked the right questions or was doing his homework. Fraser and Fahie uncovered so much about BVI Airways all Marlon does is hold press conference about stuff that is already public. We need all new, qualified candidates next election.

  11. No no says:


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  12. NOT Ready says:

    He needs to go sit down. Lacks integrity and is a boy trying to pretend to be a man. He’s not ready and I don’t think he will ever be ready.

    BVI needs real leadership and you Sir ain’t it.

  13. Next says:

    This is like Alvera saying she wants to be premier mehson go learn to represent people but you want to be premier

  14. joke says:

    Not a fan of this administration… but marlon a lame opposition leader to be honest… cant see him being a good premier. Just laying low waiting to see how the wind blow then you hear he mouth.

  15. Jay says:

    Glad to hear him say there is no “I”… which brings me to my ongoing concern. Are there any candidate hopefuls presently being groomed? I hate being one of the people in the background talking about politics vs being the solution that our politics needs, but I don’t think that role is suited for me. However, are those that do feel qualified preparing themselves and gathering a team from now?

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  16. Randy says:

    Everybody wants to be top dog. The present leader of the country is doing a great job, why not support him. The ones who seem eligible for the top position when Mr.fahie leaves are the two Wheatley ministers – definitely NOT mr.penn.

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  17. VI gyal says:

    You missed Junior Minister of Trade

  18. Lol says:

    Premiership Football league?

  19. YOUTH says:

    Fahie as Premier ALL THE WAY!!!

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