BVI News

Osborne now on burglary charge, stolen jewellery allegedly found inside home

Osborne hides from cameras during a previous court appearance.

Travis ‘Bumpy’ Osborne, the local university student accused of a stabbing, has made yet another appearance before the Magistrate’s Court; this time for burglary.

The 25-year-old Carrot Bay resident was not required to plead when he appeared before Magistrate Ayanna Baptiste-DaBreo on Thursday.

This is because his matter is indictable, meaning triable before a judge and jury at the High Court.


The court heard that on July 26 last year, the complainant in the matter secured her Carrot Bay apartment and left for work. When she returned home that day, she realised that she was a victim of a burglary.

The court heard that the house was ransacked, her backdoor was broken, and several pieces of jewellery were missing. These included a Gucci chain, an Omega chain, an ‘I’ pendant, one Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, and Samsung mega phones.

The total approximate value of the items stolen was in upwards of $5,000, the court heard. A report was made to the police, and an investigation was launched.

As part of their investigation, fingerprints were lifted from the scene and are still being processed.

Unrelated search leads to discovery of stolen items

Meanwhile, on July 31 last year, police executed a search warrant at Osborne’s residence in relation to an unrelated matter. During that search, the ‘I’ pendant belonging to the burglary victim was found, the court heard.

Osborne was subsequently arrested and brought to the Road Town Police Station where he was interviewed. During the interview, Osborne reportedly told police that he came across the pendant on the street during a walk.

However, when police conducted a further search of Osborne’s residence, more of the missing jewellery was uncovered.


In court, Magistrate DaBreo granted Osborne $40,000 signed bail.

He is scheduled to return to court on April 8.

Attorney-at-law Reynella Rawlins represents Osborne.

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  1. wow-wow-wow says:

    This guy harbors illegal alien, allegedly stabs someone, allegedly steals, and allegdely breaks-in to homes and is still allowed to go out on bail?! What kind of a judge is running this court….

    Like 29
  2. Online Now says:

    Why one earth is he on bail with all these charges pending?

    Like 24
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  3. Hmmmmm. says:

    Waste of our tax money sending this f— school. Lock his ass up man sick of the crime in the bvi now.

    Like 21
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  4. Hmmm says:

    I guess we won’t hear BVI song “Deport him” sang here. Cause guess what! He is already home! Buse me now…Smile!

    Like 15
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  5. L says:

    Finger prints lifted in July last year are still being processed? Not good at all.

    Like 25
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  6. SMH says:

    Up and down flossing like bad man and is petty thief!

    Like 22
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  7. well meh boi says:

    He must be have a jumbie on he?

    Like 11
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  8. UNIVERSITY says:


    Like 21
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  9. Mix Tape says:

    This is mixtape material.

    Like 10
  10. Like Really! says:

    Wha gine on with parna mehn, the illuminati got him????

    Like 3
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  11. Curious says:

    If finger print was found….Did they match his??? just wondering

    • Curious says:

      I am curious to know, if finger prints are not found does that mean its not him? Maybe someone stole the and went to his residence and forgot them there?

  12. vip heckler says:

    Is he a product “from good to great?”

  13. Well well says:

    Jus take u L and keep it moving pana

  14. ? says:

    Renella why are you representing these criminals? Your late parents would not have approved.

    Dislike 15
    • ! says:

      You’re ignorant and idle. Her parents was proud and would have continued to be proud that she has a job and a great career ahead of her. Your opinion regarding “approval” is unnecessary and not requested.

  15. Perry Mason says:

    The young lady is a damn good attorney, working hard at the career she has chosen.

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