BVI News

Others may suffer similar fate as Fahie

Former Speaker Julian Willock

Former Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock has said he is sure Fahie’s conviction was the culmination of concerted efforts to get rid of him.

“There is no doubt that there was a coordinated effort to get at Andrew Fahie — whether he fell for the cherry or bait, that’s a different issue. But what I know, from the evidence I have, there was a coordinated, systematic effort to get rid of him and they’ve achieved their goal,” Willock posited on Tola Radio’s Morning Braff radio show on Monday.

At the same time, he made it clear that he isn’t justifying the drug-related allegations that US authorities made against Fahie. He then hinted that the BVI should brace for more bad news as “they” have a similar fate lined up for others in the community.

“It’s my understanding that there are other people on the list that they’re targeting so I don’t know,” Willock said. However, he did not explain who “they” are.

In the meantime, Willock added that Fahie’s guilty verdict came as a shock to him, adding that the American “judicial system is what it is.” He also deemed the conviction a sad situation for the entire territory and asked persons to remember the former Premier’s family in their prayers.

“What I know is that we ought to remember him and his family in our prayers. It’s a sad situation not only for him, his family and his former district (D1) but it’s a sad situation for all of us in the Virgin Islands,” the former Spealer stated.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley and Willock are among the few public figures who’ve given their opinions on the Fahie verdict. Others have largely remained quiet since the arrest of the former Premier, saying they wish not to comment on matters before the court.


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  1. Chupes says:

    Why is bvi news featuring this clown?

    Like 48
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    • Busy Bee says:

      The esteemed one wants so very desperately to be a member of the House of Assembly, so he has commentary on everything. Especially on issues dealing with transparency in government and eradicating government corruption (he’s against both). The esteemed one is a major champion of the wink-wink, under-the-table system of government.

      Like 14
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  2. Worried Man says:

    Your next Wiggy!!

    Like 29
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  3. Sarcastic Asian says:

    Why does this guy get the oxygen of publicity? Nothing he says is worth reporting

    Like 37
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  4. Yeah? says:

    I enjoy the talking heads of our country saying the most obvious things like its some secret. Yes, of course the US would start to scrutinize the country more if someone holding one of the highest positions in the country got caught, the man wasn’t going to mule it himself he was going to create a system with a good number of people to make it work. Those people are still out there and surprisingly there are not any legal internships for drug smuggling. If they have experience moving drugs then their a criminal, simple as. Its simply due diligence to start taking more names.

    Like 24
  5. Jack says:

    Willock is our only hope

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  6. Grant Money says:

    He gave all that taxpayer cash – $40m- to his friends. They need to pray extra hard for him. I didn’t get a cent so I can’t say I am sorry for him LOL

    Like 18
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  7. Hog city says:

    We got willock in d3 end of story

    Like 1
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  8. Over and under the hill he came says:

    Especially if he gives them names in an attempt to reduce his sentence

    Like 6
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  9. Zebedee says:

    Him and fathog on the list

  10. Vex says:

    Mr Willock has earned my vote Aaron not ready district 3

    Dislike 15
  11. lol says:

    If it got others who just as corrupt then they should indeed share a similar fate. What’s the problem?

  12. Citizen says:

    No good come from this man’s mouth!

    Like 5
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  13. Shocks says:

    Those same blogs in his favour were written by him. Bvi news, please do us a favour and Let this clown feature himself on his thrash site. Stop giving this clown soup an audience on your platform.

    Like 8
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  14. Informed says:

    If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear. The time is ticking before more will follow.

  15. Q says:

    Mr x speaker he had given u a big job and u wanted to be the boss that’s why u didn’t last long,I don’t want to talk my mind on u ,u would not post it

  16. TurtleDove says:

    STOP IT !!!!!! The man was the Premier for god sake. He should have had the people/person who brought that mess to him locked up and fired.

  17. Rubber Duck says:

    Corrupt officials, drug dealers, thieves of the taxpayers money , people traffickers , all going down, none will be missed.

    Like 6
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  18. my2cents says:

    No bruh. All Fahie had to do was tell them in clear terms that he will not be involved in this or any such activity. Most of us have done that before in some capcity, when someone else has approached us with some get rich over night scheme. The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself. Greed and witchcraft debts got Andrew in trouble, so how can anyone be surprised by the verdict despite their prayers. A person cannot have 2 masters and GOD is a jealous fellow.

  19. Hmm says:

    He should have been aware whatever spells he casts could end up rebounding on him.

  20. Deal was too sweet says:

    They dumb the deal was to easy and straightforward he should have known. And let’s be for real There are too many black people getting rich in the BVI. The U.K. will not want that whether legal or illegal. He building million dollar house…too much dip on ya chip. They know everything but when ya start getting too rich they gonna remind u.. u just an n word don’t get beside urself. Gods willing he doesn’t get life everyone should be given a chance to rehabilitate. Sad all around.

    Like 1
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    • @ deal was too sweet... says:

      Yoy said everyone should be given a chance to rehabilitate…sad the persons who were gunned down and those who went mad because of cocaine on the streets… they had absolutely no chance. They are dead, and those who are alive, they are mad.

  21. Be fair says:

    The more I hear him speak the more respect I have for Mr Willock

    Like 1
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  22. Bohicacanada says:

    Imagine he has good reason to avoid travel to or through the US.

  23. Interested says:

    Have we noticed that Mr Willock in not looking for a job ? He is hoping to get a seat in the house which is easy money especially as it relates to the greedy bill.
    Buyers beware

  24. @ BE FAIR says:

    Boi we see you got another new name , and don’t think you know the meaning of the respect , because you don’t even respect your own self , self praise is no recommendation so you can blow your own horn

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