BVI News

Our fees pale in comparison to cost of UK takeover — Silk Legal

Attorney-at-law Richard Rowe of Silk Legal

Attorney Richard Rowe of the locally-based Silk Legal said his firm’s fees pale in comparison to the potential cost of having the United Kingdom take direct control of the BVI’s affairs.

Silk Legal was contracted to represent non-ministerial members of the House of Assembly (HOA) as they face the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI).

House Speaker Julian Willock recently announced at a press conference that he instructed Silk Legal to file an injunction against three attorneys that make up the COI’s legal team, to prevent them from continuing their work in the BVI.

Envisioning a UK takeover akin to what took place in the Turks and Caicos Islands back in 2009, Rowe said local trade licenses would be left open to the likes of billionaires and department stores in the UK, work permits would be abolished for them, and land-holding titles would also be abolished.

Rowe said this would ultimately drive up the cost of land for locals, making it too expensive as is the case in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

“So, there is a lot at stake. The minimal fees that we are charging are insignificant to the losses that we as a people will suffer as a whole,” the attorney said.

He added: “When there is wholesale takeover, there will be no legislature, the governor will rule from top, they’ll bring in foreign civil servants to helm the various departments.”

The attorney also explained that it was his law firm that made all the discoveries of legal breaches by the COI’s team.

Silk Legal only given $30K deposit so far

Earlier, Rowe said there was no contracted amount by Silk Legal and explained that the billing by his firm was done based on the number of hours that was spent working on the Commission of Inquiry.

“I can assure you that it is significantly less — and we say so with ire — than those who are contracted by the executive,” Rowe said.

The attorney explained that Silk Legal was only given a deposit of $30,000 thus far.

And contrasting a claim made by Premier Andrew Fahie recently that more than $3 million was spent on the government’s defence in the COI, Rowe added: “We, our services are offered at a far lesser rate and for greater consideration of the well being of the territory as a whole. So, you won’t find us anywhere near, $100,000, $3 million as reported or otherwise.”

Speaker prefers not to disclose payment

When asked at one stage to shed further light on the issue of cost, the Speaker said he would prefer that the information not be disclosed at this time.

Willock said the reputation of the territory was at stake and suggested this was of more concern to him than the actual cost of the defence that was being mounted by Silk Legal.

He said House members were labelled as corrupt and therefore he felt it was important to fight alongside the executive branch of government (Cabinet) to protect the BVI’s good name.

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  1. Please says:

    This guy talking utter tosh. If he so concerned do it pro bono for the BVI but he comes across as so inc——- all that will happen is we will give him a nice big bank account and COI will continue as planned. At least many of us know if we need legal representation avoid s— l—-

    Like 54
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    • Yup says:

      … Slick law is adsolutely the wo**t litigation firm. Money wasted. The hearings thus far have proven the take over is warranted and necessary.

      Like 35
    • Ughhh says:

      This yardi have a punchable face

    • He slippery says:

      This man gives lawyers an even worse bad name than they start with. What has he has contributed to the process that helps anyone; even his clients? It’s just expensive childish posturing like Willock.

      Like 15
    • Leopard 42 says:

      Has anyone else noticed that “Julian Willock” is not an anagram of “Rather gnaw my arm off than shake a slippery hand”? Amazing eh?

      Like 10
    • local business says:

      For a lay person, this is a serious and actionable perversion of events in TCI, for a so-called lawyer it should be grounds for disbarment.

    • Truth says:

      Scum always floats to the top for a while but soon will
      Sink down into the shit at the bottom of the pond.
      So it is with people like this. They lie.

  2. WHAT??? says:

    “…no contracted amount …” what could possibly go wrong?

    Like 42
  3. ...... says:

    The young lawyer one seems bright, how did he get caught up with this i**** from Jamaica? Somebody, rescue him from that i****.

    Like 13
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    • @….. says:

      The same way the local doctors and lawyers go Jamaica and all over to educate themselves dawg. What is the difference between Rowe and local doctors and lawyers who went university of the West Indies to educate themselves by Jamaican lecturers. If BVI is not the most discriminating place I don’t know where is. Stop the hate on black people man. Rowe is a good man.

      Like 11
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  4. fear mongering & lies says:

    From a Jamaican national representing the BVI Government. “Rowe said local trade licenses would be left open to the likes of billionaires and department stores in the UK, work permits would be abolished for them, and land-holding titles would also be abolished.”

    Like 27
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  5. Correction says:

    Following years of corruption and mismanagement, a UK takeover would be a benefit not a cost!

    Like 77
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  6. sturpss... says:

    Poor we mheson

    Like 8
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    • This is exactly says:

      What the COI investigating, Taxpayers money spending like pocket change on the Silk Legal Team. Isn’t this breaking the law, pay as you go? What are we doing in the BVI, every day some rubbish coming out of showing pure incompetence?

      Like 34
    • Prince says:

      I aint poor kid you. I am a child of the KING

      • Yeah buddy says:

        Kid of the king? King Kong? Martin Luther the King? Muhammad Ali the king? The Lion king? The tiger king? The king of saudia Arabia?


  7. Rubber Duck says:

    The UK won’t do any of those things. The big question is, what does Silk Legal do for its money? Not a lot as far as can be seen.

    Like 45
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    • Yup says:

      The ?? is going to set up centers for resettlement and re-education. Those deemed fit to succeed and lead will be given allotments and appropriate salaries. Those who don’t measure up will be sent for additional training, conditioning, and if that fails, deportation.

      Please people, step up your game. Work harder as the ?? is already here watching us, taking notes and names, and choosing those who will lead us in the “new phase”.

      Like 1
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  8. Wow says:

    What a load of BS. Willock and Silk Legal are an embarrassment to the jurisdiction.

    Like 59
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  9. L Ipton says:

    He said that his “firm’s fees pale in comparison to the potential cost of having the United Kingdom take direct control of the BVI’s affairs.”….How do they know for sure that the UK will take over…guess as much to him the evidence is very clear as such delaying tactics will be used plus ‘hard work’ to get as much money as possible.

    “Rowe said there was no contracted amount by Silk Legal and explained that the billing by his firm was done based on the number of hours that was spent working on the Commission of Inquiry.” ….I can only envisage the hundreds of thousand that will be billed for the hours that will be amassed.

    The BVI has a good name it’s the politician and others that’s corrupt…havent the COI revealed such already?

    Like 34
  10. PT9 says:

    People of the BVI Silk Legal is feeding us a bunch of crap. don’t listen to his crap. This is what went down in The Turks and Caicos Islands.

    Britain began investigating alleged corruption last year and found “clear signs of political amorality and general administrative incompetence.”

    “After careful consideration, I have instructed the Governor to bring into force today an Order in Council which will suspend ministerial government and the House of Assembly for a period of up to two years, to allow the Governor to put the Islands’ affairs back in good order,” Foreign Office minister Chris Bryant said in a statement.
    Governor of the territory Gordon Wetherell said the move did not amount to a “British takeover.”

    “Public services will continue to be run by people of the Turks and Caicos islands, as indeed they should be,” he said.
    “I believe most people in the Turks and Caicos will join me in welcoming these changes.”
    We have much to do and public expectations are high … People need to feel safe from crime and we need to clean up public life and start to develop a fairer, more open society,” he said. Check it out for yourself. Google
    Turks and Caicos take over by the UK and you be the Judge. We need a change from this government and people like Silk Legal.

    Like 55
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  11. Mad Max says:

    Absolutely ridiculous! So he is saying that the work his “firm” are doing will prevent the UK from taking over? What an i****. How did the government choose these cl**ns?

    Like 39
  12. hahahahahaha says:

    the best thing to do is laugh.

    Would have made more sense if he had addressed the legal basis of his court submission as to what makes the CoI legal team to be practicing illegal. In just about every person who have testified, CORRUPTION is revealed over and over till it stink. So yeah man, let the drew continue with his mismanagement without anybody bringing the place to order. lets clap for all the corruption and let it continue and get worse. This guy and the esteem one look like birds of a feather. Whatever little reputation he had left, he let the esteem one help him pull it down

    Like 34
  13. mask says:

    just how he keep pulling he mask under he chin is just so he d***

    Like 14
  14. heckler says:

    I thought Fahie said we already spent 3 million dollars in legal fees fighting the COI?

    Like 18
  15. Rudolph says:

    Every time one them fools open they mouth just tell em Irma, Maria, Corona, 37 dead. Them no see COI going tip them over. Them deh sins not smaller than mine. Leave these drty mind ungratefulnesses to God. Them think them prayer warriors. Them a breed a prayer wickedness.

  16. Leave a comment says:

    @Rubber Duck – What does the speaker want Silk Legal to do for its money? Silk is only acting on the instructions it has received. Not even Rumpelstiltskin can spin Willock’s s*** into gold.

    Like 18
  17. 666 says:

    Satan is alive and well and living in the BVI

    Like 6
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  18. support says:

    in my opinion , the COI has all jurisdiction to carry out their mandate which is the inquiry because by the power vested from the queen’s gov’t via the governer . The COI is a body in itself and not different individual and as such they can argue that, that body which is the COI to register with the local bar not necessary

    Like 10
  19. lol says:

    both fees and services are pale

  20. SILK @ BLONDIE says:

    these jokers are trying everything under the sun to wiggle their way out of what they thought was a piece of cake but the ( COI ) HAS revealed ( CORRUPTION/ MANIPULATION/ just to name a couple

    Like 11
  21. PT9 says:

    You are going down and there is nothing you can do about it, this is far beyond and you and Silk Legal I hope that once this is over you and Andrew will have to bay back whatever money you used for these lawyers that will make a lot of us happy.

    Like 16
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  22. INDEE says:

    ultimately drive up the cost of land for locals, making it too expensive
    More than what it is now???

  23. BaitnSwitch says:

    C**Artist/ lawyer

    Am I to understand that there is no written contract or retainer with Silk and VI Gov Ministers.

  24. annudda2cents says:

    Anybody paying attention to what these lawyers of this Silk Legal firm are spouting will know WHO NOT to seek legal services from.

  25. Lol says:

    For those in the know Silk legal is a joke of a law firm. Waste of money !

    Like 12
  26. Many more sad days ahead for VI people. says:

    99% of the comments here are deniers cloaked in a red, white and blue imperialist mindset…

    The gentleman is factual and correct. Go study UK history and it will show that he is correct.

    Now place your thumbs down to that, but they will not change history nor the UK imperialist mentality, period!

  27. Money Mike says:

    I don’t understand all this fuss about UK control. In case yall didn’t get the memo, this is a UK overseas territory. It is not independent. The head of state is the Queen who is represented by the Governor. Don’t fear oversight or control. It already exists. That’s the cost of your British passports. Smile for you remain subjects of her Majesty.

  28. Licker and Sticker says:

    No legal fees should have been paid. This should have been a show and tell exercise rather than a hearing with legal briefs and grand standing. Where are the lawyers now that the COI is out. This was a waste of money. Slow Wande and his administration need to be held responsible.

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