BVI News

Over 130 marijuana plants discovered near VG national park

More than 130 marijuana plants were recently found near land owned by the National Parks Trust.

The Royal Virgins Islands Police Force (RVIPF) confirmed the discovery while providing responses to a BVI News inquiry yesterday, February 7.

“Officers of the Virgin Gorda Policing District uprooted and seized just over 130 marijuana plants ranging in size from 3.5 feet to 4.5 feet from an area near Gorda Peak on Virgin Gorda,” the RVIPF Information Unit told our news centre.

The police said no arrests have been made to date. It is not clear how the police came to discovered the plants.

The cultivation of cannabis is illegal in the BVI but the government is making provisions to legalise farming the plant for medicinal purposes.

Just weeks ago, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley indicated that his government has made headway with the United Kingdom as it relates to developing a medical marijuana industry in the British Virgin Islands.

“We have found a way forward on this aspect of medicinal cannabis and we are proceeding to put the necessary regimes in place for approvals. I’m grateful to the UK government for their support in this area,” he said at a recent press conference.

Based on indications from Dr Natalio Wheatley, the BVI may not need to rely on the Cannabis Licensing Act — the legislation that sets the framework for the establishment of a local medical marijuana industry — to get things started. The Act has been wrapped up in UK red tape for almost three years now.

We’ve now found a way forward for medical marijuana — Premier


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  1. vi govt. says:

    that’s a God given plant, DECRIMINALIZE the plant!! where residents can have a certain amount on their person, a certain amount of plants grown, you want to have medical marijuana and NOT legalize recreational marijuana, reaally? USVI yuh large

    Like 28
  2. smh says:

    Imagine there’s plants that you can use to kill people with and nobody cares but Marijuana is illegal.

    Like 11
  3. cannibals says:

    How can they destroy a natural plant from a national park?

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  4. Otherside says:

    Nobody cares. Nobody has cared for the last 50+ years except those that make their living in legislating morality and law enforcement. I first tried it in the 1960’s. I last paid for it in 1973. I grew dozens of pounds a year in the 1980’s. I earned a bachelor’s degree and doctorate. Did just fine, still use it medicinally. Have seen 2000 pounds on the stump in California. Plants as tall as 16′.

    Nobody cares now except the tax man and those that would control all of it in these islands to enrich themselves and nobody else. But a couple of good plants in the back yard, properly grown can last this old guy a couple years. Except the guy down the road gives me all I could ever use. No charge.

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  5. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    I thought that the marijuana bill was suppose to legalize this activity?

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  6. USVI Citizen says:


  7. please find the guns says:

    can the police please get the guns off the street? What is being done about the guns and the hard core imported drugs

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  8. Why says:

    Why the people who be growing and sell this weed for years be broke ? The and balance just never try to find something positive to do with the money? Regardless of what it’s illegal. After all the debate etc it’s still against the laws. So many people be selling weed; yet don’t seem to be putting the money into anything else besides chains and weekly car rentals..

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  9. @Licher says:

    Bill would only legalize medical marijuana, a small fraction of pot growing, with very specific requirements.

  10. Head start says:

    NPT is above the law so their little farm was just an experiment to obtain a jump in the market when the medical marijuana bill is assented and the market controls commence.

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  11. Guess what? says:

    Some of us speak as if Marijuana is not harmful. While it has medicinal properties, it is also psychotic. It can easily be abused. If you do, you could become irrational, suffer cognitive decline etc. A colleague of mine, takes this marijuana in his tea pot every
    morning, some 15 years ago. Within 15 years, I found him begging for money amongst vagrants. Recreational marijuana is dangerous, more than alcohol. Let’s focus on growing for medicinal purposes, fabrics, and other economic values. By and by, it will be criminalized. Be warned not to abuse.

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  12. ... says:

    Well done officers! Destroy what’s left of the national treasures. Uproot those evil plants!

    We cant have people growing their own strains of medicine which fit their particular needs in 2023!

    At $5-20 a gram think of what could go wrong now vs if it were free!

    All the weed on the street must be imported from foreign places with no care for organic practices or the end users. Prohibition must continue incentivizing smuggling.

    “We’ve found a way with the medicinal cannabis” Its about the tenth time we’ve heard that.

    what are the chances for decriminalization in 2023?

    We all know this part of the drug war was contrived to lock colored people up.

    When it comes to coid-19 we follow the science.

    When it comes to weed the science goes out the window in favor of insane political correctness.

    Its the definition of insane politics to lock people up for a healing plant.

    Its insane to burn good medicine for no valid reason except that “its the law”.

  13. @Guess what? says:

    Wow you made laugh. sorry to say but your friend was doing more than weed in his morning cup of tea.

    Besides, more people have expressed psychotic symptoms from the mere thought of reefer madness and the trumped up dangers of Marijuana

    than users have expressed psychotic symptoms from actually using it.

    Such as kicking their children out over it, turning their kids in over it and acting a straight fool.

    Alcohol withdrawal kills. Its lethal. Its physically addictive. It makes people express psychotic symptoms rather reliably!

    It makes people beat their spouse & their children.

    It makes people have kids with people they regret having kids with.

    It makes drunk drivers kill people.

    Its terrible.

    To be in public saying alcohol is less dangerous should make you question the foundation of your own beliefs.

    We tolerate alcohol and throw people in jail for cannabis.

    Its pure ignorance. We aren’t far off from burning witches at the stake, denying women their vote or claiming one race has no soul based on skin color.

    The way we as a society act over a plant that is considered holy to other cultures shows how repressed & oppressed we still are.

  14. premier says:

    focusing on the medical side alone is not good

    all you doing is allowing usvi to gain that market.

    fight for a better deal for this one please sir.

    like someone said you can not have the medical side without offering recreational use. or all a sudden you will have a lot of people complaining with cronic pains

  15. SO WEED IS IT NOW says:

    We going to eat and drink weed for tea breakfast and dinner ,WOW , boy we in good shape , we all go bbe stoned what a lovely future childre going to school stoned teachers stoned , doctors stoned , babies born stoned , ( I dsure would live to the holy stoned and doing the moonwalk on the pulpit smile ?

  16. Eyes says:

    Trying to line his pockets? Slowande is it beneficial to all BVI landers? Again i shout food security. We need farms in every neighborhood. Yo we really need to stop playing around. Think about the youths and future in general. Be wise.

  17. Nature's Little Secret says:

    While I agree with legalizing Marajuana for medicinal purposes, I disagree with legalizing to herb for recreational.
    Bars and Alcohol are legal, but there are consequences for driving under the influence, causing bodily harm etc while driving.
    Similar to Alcohol’s ability to drunken and confuse a person’s sobriety and awareness, and ability to drive a vehicle, operate heavy eqúlpment etc, driving while under the influence of a Marajuana High is similarly dangerous.
    It is common practice to strengthen marajuanas strength by wrapping or incorporating Tobacco Leaf when using the herb; this endangering the public to such use or abuse of Marajuana.
    Marajuana maybe an innocent herb. But when indtrating it by combining it with Tobacco and various strains of Tobacco, (Fonta), makes for a dangerous combination for the user in his or her line of work or driving on the public roads.

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  18. God Plant says:

    Police need to get killers off the streets instead of wasting resources on a natural plant. If you have a problem with marijuana, you have a problem with the creator.

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  19. DISCOVERED where you been? says:

    That whole road smell like someone ran over a skunk. No skunks in the BVI…
    There is so much weed growing on VG right I front of you eyes. The police are not good for nothing if they don’t notice anything…if they don’t care, that’s good with me also!

  20. mental slave says:

    90% of all homicide bvi tied to a l c o h o l .
    car , scooter, boat crash
    domestic violence
    clubs shootings

    mess with people for plant ?

    we look like idiots parroting this. as dumb as not let blacks vote, crying wolf for gay marriage.

    idiots to the rest of the world. where we buy bmw, apple, samsung, gucci . . all the garbage we think buying make we good, them countries loooking here like we backassward apartheid fools with old church BS as our only guidance. know who had slavery all over ?
    sheep. run for the cliff.

  21. Legalise de ting de mon says:

    so much fuss about how we need more revenue in the country. I employ anyone to research how much medicinal and recreational marijuana is increasing other countries’ GDP. Additionally, also research how much good hemp is doing for their environment.

  22. Legalize! says:

    Legalize Legalize Legalize!

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