BVI News

Over $3M approved to address water woes on Tortola

Premier Dr D Orlando Smith said $3.5 million has been earmarked to improve the water delivery service on Tortola.

Premier Smith said the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands approved the funds, which will be used throughout the next four to eight months.

He said plans for the funds include the development of a new pump station at Long Trench.

“The station is under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of November,” he said.

The premier said upgrades and retrofitting are currently being done to the Diamond Estate and Chalwell Estate pump stations.

Attention will also be given to Cane Garden Bay, Brewers Bay, Road Town, and East End/Long Look water lines, he added.

“This will better control the flow of water thereby reducing the opportunity for breakage,” the premier stated.

Dr Smith was responding to questions from Third District Representative Julian Fraser in the House of Assembly on Thursday, September 13.

Special team established

Meanwhile, a ‘special team’ independent of the Water and Sewerage Department has been established. Its sole purpose is to complete the aforementioned works.

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  1. ok says:

    water and sewerage ain’t ready

    • Eve says:

      Dr Smith, you have been the elected leader of our country for 16(?) years. This plan is a step forward but please sir recognize that many of us today don’t have access to fresh running water and most of us have to endure a country that has broken roads, broken schools, unreliable and unressonably expensive electricity and slow internet access.

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  2. LCS says:

    When will they be? This is the 21st century! BVI systems are soooo backwards!

  3. West End resident says:

    when will West End or Fresh Water Pond be considered part of the rebuilding water process

  4. Sea cows bay says:

    Dr. Smith are you not aware that we resident of Sea Cow’s bay have water problem since 2010. We are taxpayer too you should include us in your list why nobody helping us.

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  5. Just Ice says:

    Get out of office!you didnt see a tropical storm coming? runaway again!
    well thats just half of what went missing on the airline….how about spend the other half fixing pockwood pond so west dont get poison in their homes

  6. Wise up says:

    Thanks boss but don’t think that’s enough and water and sewerage need to pull up there socks.

  7. Tvip says:

    Too little too late

  8. G4l says:

    Part of ghut have water and the other part doesn’t. How does that work now!!!???? Fix the water problem all over please and not in one place. .thanks!!

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  9. tola vibes says:

    so wappen to high school?

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