BVI News

Over 80 new positive COVID cases reported overnight!

More than 80 new active cases have been reported overnight as the BVI’s COVID-19 positivity rate continues to spiral out of control.

A COVID-19 bulletin issued on Wednesday showed that there were 275 active positive cases, but a new bulletin released one day later shows that there are now 357 cases in the territory.

While the total number of active positive cases on Tortola now stand at 287 while Virgin Gorda is said to have 69 reported cases. One person on board a vessel has also been reported as being COVID-19 positive. The number of persons hospitalised because of COVID remain at eight.

The rise in cases continues even as the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Ronald Georges has expressed concern about the spate of large gatherings that have been taking place over the holidays.

“In the Virgin Islands, clusters of cases have been identified among businesses, related to social gatherings, events, nightspots and other areas where persons congregate,” Dr Georges said.

He urged that persons be intentional about taking the necessary precautions for their health and safety ‘during this period of increased transmission’.

“As we prepare to engage in the many family and social gatherings and enjoy the holiday season with our friends and families, let us remember that COVID-19 is still present amongst us,” the CMO stated.

Large events like Old Year’s Night Party will be closely monitored

Dr Georges further noted that while the main tools of control and suppression measures in the past have been curfews, business restrictions and lockdowns, government policy has moved away from these drastic measures as vaccination rates have increased to just over 60 percent.

He advised that health officials will be reviewing and advising the government on any necessary changes to their policies.

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  1. wow says:

    and we are still allowing huge events to go ahead?

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  2. Curfew says:

    We need a curfew immediately. If there are large gatherings tonight we will soon be close to a thousand cases….

    Like 10
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    • Rubber Duck says:

      We cannot continue to close the world to protect a few stupid anti vaxer primitives. The time has come to let it take it’s course and if it takes out a few morons who chose not to be protected , then so be it.

      Like 21
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      • Confused says:

        But the vaccinated are being infected at a rapid rate not the anti vaxxers there are staying away. But the businesses are still closing down even among the vaccinated. Why? I need to understand. They are not going to die just mild to no symptoms so why are vaccinated businesses still closing down?

        Like 11
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    • @curfew says:

      If you would lose 200 pounds and take a vaccine you would not be asking for a curfew..

      Like 6
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      • @@Curfew says:

        Well, I’m not even 150 pounds and have had my booster. I’m not a selfish person, I’m just looking out for the whole population,

        Like 6
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    • Concerned says:

      Cancel large events…..but no curfew!

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  3. Área 69 says:

    And many still think it’s all a conspiracy and covid is fake…SAD!

    Like 11
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  4. well well says:


  5. The Truth says:

    Just in time for the New Years bashes.

  6. Question says:

    If there’s no trace of SARS covid as per test, why are persons being listed as positive and placed in quarantine? QTNA. Covid and the flu comes from the same family – the only difference is that Covid causes respiratory issues. Is this a plan to get persons to vaccinate (by unnecessarily quarantining them to vaccinate perhaps?).

    Like 1
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  7. Test for what! says:

    My elderly mother tested positive. Yes elderly, as in that group of people that are at a higher rate of death. NOT ONE HEALTH OFFICIAL CALLED TO INFORM HER OF A TREATMENT PROTOCOL!!

    If we didn’t listen to the continuous fear porn being regurgitated by MSM we would have put it down to a case of the flu. This was six months ago. What is the teatment!? IT HAS BEEN TWO YEARS!!! AND STILL NO NATIONAL TREATMENT PROTOCOL!

    But you want people to come test! Test for what! So bvinews can post the infected rates and scare ppl into the vaccine that doesn’t protect them either!?

    Can you imagine being vaccinated twice and boosted and having to quarantine for 10 days with proof of negative test because a tenant in the same apartment building is positive. What a joke!!!

    You know what my mother’s treatment was, that saw Bush medicine that you white expats are always ridiculing us for ( yes white! Black/ Caribbean people know that Bush/ natural treatments work!!).

    Like 3
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    • @test for what says:

      Exactly it have treatment out there but look like they don’t have it here in BVI. I have symptoms they tell me to go quarantine and never tell me what to use im using bush all now.

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  8. Hmm says:

    It didnt had none and ayo still Lock the island down and closed the borders look now how many cases and not even a curfew in place. School have to be online but no curfew

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