BVI News

Past mistakes will make me a better leader — Premier

Seventh District Representative Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Natalio Wheatley has referred to his first term in government as “very instructive” adding that he has gained much knowledge that will equip him to be a better leader.

Premier Wheatley made the statement at a recent press conference after a member of the press asked how he plans to prevent several past errors that he apologised for on the campaign trail.

“All I can say is that the four years which have passed were very much a learning experience, very instructive. Just about anything that could have happened did happen,” the Premier admitted. “That institutional knowledge that I now have will be brought to bear in the position I am in now to give the people better leadership and governance.”

During the lead-up to the election, Premier Wheatley was asked to account for certain decisions like the Greedy Bill, which he supported during his first term. Instead of deflecting, he admitted that he erred in supporting that move and others like it which the public didn’t agree with.

The leader said he is confident many of the mistakes of the past four years won’t be repeated.

“We’ve learned a lot from what happened in the past four years and if I could go back and do things differently, I would. But I can’t go back so the only thing I can do is move forward in a way that I believe is right. Based on those experiences, I have a great deal of confidence that a lot of those mistakes we won’t repeat,” Premier Wheatley explained.

Amid the negative spotlight that politics has brought to the BVI in recent years, many believe the public is losing hope in politics and local leaders. This is believed to be the cause of the low voter turnout for the 2023 elections when compared to the last elections held in 2019.

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  1. Styles. says:

    Oh shut up Natalio.

    The only thing you ever do is blame others.

    You have no track record, you have achieved nothing.

    And according to you we cannot blame you for it.

    Unfortunately we have to listen to you for another 4 long years thanks to your friends and family in D7.

    Like 35
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  2. Mirror on the Wall says:

    Our Dear Leader, you are so humble. May you be showered with gold raindrops,and adorned with silk robes as befit a Roman Emperor

    Like 9
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  3. @styles says:

    I wish I could like one million times.

    Like 11
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  4. Stupid ness says:


    Like 5
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  5. WARNING says:


    Like 12
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  6. time longer than twine says:

    Those envelopes that were allegedly given out on the eve of election give you that chance

    Like 17
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  7. Dr Magoo says:

    In the interests of transparency can you please list these past errors and mistakes.

    Like 18
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  8. @Styles says:

    He is nothing but yet look at you, on a website blogging nonsense while this man has his Doctorate, fought the hardest campaign in BVI history with everyone against him and his party, now he is Premier and in London enjoying the King’s big Party. Looks like a whole lot of nothing to me yes.

    Like 4
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  9. @styles says:

    He must have achieved something because there is $560,000 that was spent in stimulus in the district. We will listen to where he did with that money besides the wall up by Thomas and those who got cash in the Bay.

    Like 11
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  10. @@styles says:

    With all his doctorate and visit to the UK not even the UK would have elected him to led their country although he said he could work anywhere in the world. What we need to do is start take drug tests as a prerequisite to contest a seat…

    Like 16
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  11. Disgusting says:

    He is such a self centered b**t. Only he can be made stronger by mistakes made. I am so sick of hearing him speak. He speaks fluently but pure rubbish comes out.

    Like 14
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  12. Disgusting says:

    He is sickening and very selfish. He is the only person mistakes make stronger according to him. Others cannot benefit from their mistakes. I hate to hear him speak now. He is fluent talking nothing but rubbish.

    Like 9
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  13. WELL WE NOW says:

    have what seems to be a teal opposition ( hopefully ) who will be watching you like a vulture ,the 3rd emperor was pure noise ,

    Like 3
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  14. @time longer than twine says:

    Not allegedly because those who got showed the envelopes and spoke but those people would not report them. Then they have the gall to thank God. Set of hypocrites. Even the one in the 4th I am totally surprised and disappointed in them but a big Christian. What a waste of a Christian; pure wickedness. The type of Christian that proves the people who refuse to go to church another reason why not to. Districts 4, 7 and 9 where they got all that money from and Head Coach is not here or was he truly on the other side of the line giving instructions? We in trouble.

    Like 10
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  15. @Dr. magoo says:

    Good point. List the errors and mistakes.

    Like 6
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  16. Missing says:

    the key ingredient in his words to the press. The re elected Premier fails to LEARN from his past mistakes. True he may be ‘stronger’ in the future but that implies his future mistakes will be bigger/costlier and maybe better for his family but worse for the BVI.

    Like 6
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  17. Craziness says:

    And Lorna came out the corner and endorsed all his mistakes and made him Premier again. I wonder how she sleeps at night.

    Like 13
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  18. hmm says:

    you know they still need seven votes for that??

  19. Anonymous says:

    hey ride off Lorna talk what you want about whomever but keep lorna’S good Good NAME OUT YOUR DUTTY /DIRTY MOUTH PLEASE DONT LET ME HAVE TO DIP UP UNDER YOUR CLOTH ME ABEG YOU

    Like 1
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    hey ride off Lorna talk what you want about whomever but keep lorna’S good Good NAME OUT YOUR DUTTY /DIRTY MOUTH PLEASE DONT LET ME HAVE TO DIP UP UNDER YOUR CLOTH ME ABEG YOU

    Like 1
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  21. Rubber Duck says:

    No they wont.

    You dont have intellect or the moral fibre to lead this country.

    Like 8
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  22. Crazy Joe says:


    Lorna is the mongoose in the Vipers nest.

    She will be the one that brings him down.

  23. My Voice says:

    Weighing Errors and Mistakes

    The First time – is a Mistake
    The Second time – is you did not Understand
    The Third time – is Willfulness or not taking Heed
    The Fourth time – is Rebelliousness and Disregard
    The Fifth time – is a Reprobate Mind
    The Sixth time – is due for Punishment
    The Seventh time- is the Wrath of God

  24. Apple says:

    Let your actions show the people you are a Good Premier,not words.
    Do all the things you promised and that will secure another 4 years.listen to the people’s cry for help.

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  25. Brain cells says:

    Every time I read about this man, I lose a few brain cells. Not 4 more years, lawd ah counting down already, 3 years and 11 months. Lorna fault!!!

    Like 5
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  26. WEW says:

    That’s alright Slowie, It’s the taxpayers’s money that you’ve pi**ed away

    Like 2
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  27. Sowande again.. says:

    Agree 100%. He is going to be a great leader. He will lead the BVI back to its glory days. I truly believe that..

    Like 3
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  28. hmm says:

    I don’t like that everything wha happen getting simplified as just mistakes cause I feel like yall well knew what yall was doing even though some of the things were wrong but anyhow… Know that we and our new all star opposition and the UK gonna all hold you to a higher standard going forward.

    Like 4
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  29. SMH says:

    Barely in 2 weeks and have to bark at everything he disagrees with still going so petty and controlling.

    Like 5
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  30. Yes! says:

    Our first lady, madame Wheatley, looks beautiful in the UK.

    God blessed ? them.

    Like 1
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  31. Horseman says:

    What kinda Premier creates government jobs, that are not needed, and then gives these jobs to persons who are not from here?
    Bearing in mind both recipients in this case are rejects from their previous BVI employers.

    Like 1
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  32. Anonymous says:

    Stop with the cap! You will be stoned when you come outside.

  33. Yea says:

    They didn’t want a Vincy to be First Lady last election but they have one now. How’s dat?

  34. Saying says:

    Doctorate me foot and he was just a lecturer at HLSCC with it?

    Most times he appears to speak fluently you say but a lot of trash and poor grammar.

    Like 1
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  35. Jim says:

    Ummm wrong

    Past mistakes show you are inept and infallible to change for the better. Mistakes show a consistent skill for lack of leadership. Continues mistakes show us your stupidity and irreverence to the citizenry.

    Step down

    Like 1
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  36. WELL THE BIG YOUTH says:

    Has grown up , so he he just have to erase the ( MISTAKES) and introduce a new excuse and name it ( an ACCIDENT , don’t say I didn’t tell you ?

    Like 1
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  37. Dewy says:

    At what point do you stop claiming that your mistakes
    are good for us? Your parents teach you that? “Don’t worry, son.
    You just stole from your family but hey, it’s made yiu a better person. And when you do it again, you will be even better.”

  38. Well sah says:

    As i go through the blog. You cannot help but wonder why they hate rhis man so :
    He is indigenous?
    He is educated
    BUT OH
    A) he marry an island woman
    B) he sat there and said nothing when Andrew was doing his nonsensical disservice to the country
    C) he blames everyone for mistakes that is costing the country

    BVI still put him back there . It speaks volumes about the people of this country .
    A people that cannot be trusted
    A people that will destroy their own country just because ….. Wow !!
    A frightening place to live

  39. @Well sah says:

    He bought his way back in.

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