BVI News

Penn fishes for protection laws, co-op between gov’t, local fisherfolk

Marlon Penn

National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate seeking re-election in the Eighth District Marlon Penn plans to form a cooperative between local fisherfolk and government.

“In this relationship with government, we will assist with the establishment of local and external markets to our fishermen,” Penn said at the launch of his re-election campaign on Saturday.

This fishing cooperative is part of Penn’s wider plan — which is a spillover ambition from the last elections — to largely develop the territory’s fishing industry through his district.

The two-term legislator, who believes fishing will become the BVI’s next economic pillar said, “plans are already afoot” to improve and enforce local fishing laws.

GPS, drone technology to police local waters

These laws, he said, will be to “protect against overfishing and illegal fishing within our (the BVI’s) waters”.

“We’ll use modern technology like GPS, drones, and other methods to better protect our banks and police our waters,” Penn said.

He further said his plans for the industry will be a collaboration between himself and his running mate in the neighbouring Seventh District, Hipolito Diego Penn.

He said, if they are elected, they will develop what he described as a ‘road map’ to venture into areas such as long lining, fish farming, and sports fishing.

“We must expose our current and prospective fishermen to these new opportunities,” Penn argued while further rehashing talks about developing a modern fishing facility in the Red Bay area of his district.

“I see a lot of spin-off opportunities from this facility here at Red Bay once truly completed. I also see an opportunity for a twin fishing and farmers market where there is a supply of fresh fish and fresh produce. I also envision Red Bay as an economic gateway for our people.”

He continued: “The Seventh and Eighth districts combined represent over 10,000 residents with tremendous potential in the marine space. I see an opportunity for our local charter boats and ferry operators embarking and disembarking with busloads of tourists who were picked up from the newly-built cruise pier.”

Penn had spoken of this vision in his election campaign back in 2011.

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  1. BuzzBvi says:

    Where are all these fish?
    Once they and the turtles are all gone you won’t be able to catch tourists anymore.

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  2. Um says:

    I could have sworn the intentions was to get rid of fisheries, so whats the point!

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  3. ndp heckler says:

    4 years ago you said that you was going to build a fishing terminal in red bay, where is it? Get from here wid yo sht!

    Like 17
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    • LOL says:

      This made me laugh pure talk and no action

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    • Facts says:

      At least he started the fisherman wharf
      , Did we not have two major hurricanes was that Marlon fault. Be realistic he did a lot for the district. When they were laying down pipes for the sewage system in East end these are the persons i saw got work from this project the Penn’s, frett, williams, Thomas’s varlack,potters, chalwells right here in his district and this was before the hurricane and completed, the road paved from the bridge to red bay and to this day it standing. He resurface the basket court on east end park and major repairs was done. What stupidness you talking i live in the district i witnessed these things with my two eyes. And guest what on these projects it was not and VIP supportesrs got work.

  4. strupes says:

    2 inkless pens diego and marlon

    Like 17
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  5. thing to talk says:

    When yo look he will give all c——- to his f—– again?

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  7. Facts says:

    The NDP has a team that can put the BVI on another level. Young, vibrant, experienced, knowledgeable and ready to serve. I am voting NDP all the way! Let’s compare the teams, candidate for candidate, plans for plans and you will notice that the green team is focused on division, name calling, they seem angry, they seem desperate, while the NDP continues to campaign on facts, telling us point for point how they will rebuild and move the Territory to the next level. I am not risking my kids and grand kids future on a party like VIP that allow the nasty name calling and disrespect to occur. I am voting for a competent team who can move the BVI forward. NDP ALL THE WAY!

    Like 14
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    • ThinkTank says:

      I wasn’t going to respond but your statements are very untrue. Have you been listening to NDP campaigns, i challenge you to listen and watch any videos relating to this present election. NDP AND PVIM been giving out so much money, why buy votes and desperation to get back in and continue their tyranny. THE BVI is a very small place the same people that’s getting these envelopes are telling others and some with the expectation to get theirs also. Now as for their Campaign every single thing they advocating to fix are the SAME PEOPLE THAT PUT IS IN THIS MESS…..ARE YOU PEOPLE INSANE!!!!!! I can only wonder the people that follow these people are in one big family circle of corruption. You talk about disrespect, if i was your boss and you didn’t come to work one day, never called in and i asked where were you? Don’t you think as your boss i would need an answer? If that employee does not provide an answer disciplinary action.So why in the house of assembly all questions asked pertaining to missing planes, sewerage project,walls etc and a long list of questions and no answers to the citizens of the BVI these gangsters are not behind bars. Every single day on the radio, agriculture, sewerage, third economic pillar, this that blah blah blah. They made it hard for most people now they turn around to fix what they did after 8 years of messing things up. VOTE THEM OUT NOT ONE……GO SID DUNG!!!!! SETTA JACKALS A WOLVES IN SHEEP CLOTHING.

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      • SMH says:

        I notice that the lack of thinking for oneself and outside the box is not a norm for most NDP Supporters. I presumed that despite the Financial and Structural Crisis the BVI is going through, they are applauding the People responsible. Stop being so naive and blinded by greed and money handouts…let them earn your honest and sincere vote. If one truly care about the State of this Territory, they would know a Change is long overdue.

      • Issues says:

        What envelopes NDP giving out. Please stop tell lie i I’ve in the eight district stop talk p**s. We have had Luis Walters what have he done, we had Andre penn what have he done, we had Loyld black he give us free college education, we had dancia yes she initiated projects but did not get any done thanks go her own party at the time VIP Andrew education minister not improving the Willard seatbelt school and Fraser holding back all major projects.

        Then come Marlon these is what we got

        Beef Island keeping clean
        Airport upgrade infrastructure
        Trellis bay development and visitors lounge
        Long bay beach opening up for cruise ship tourist
        Job creation for his district people at long bay beach
        Pavement of roads at Lambert hill and many roads in the district
        Sewage off Greenland roads
        Willard wheathley staff room built
        Fisherman wharf at red bay built
        Ramos built at beef island, the bridge for boats to pull up
        Wharfs for boats to dock up at
        Greenland field constructed with a basketball court
        Francis lettsome school remodeled
        Soccer field built and more development
        Donations to many people in his district that needed financial aid
        Spare head clean up campaign after Irma and Maria
        Spearheaded the small business bureau where many persons throughout the territory created their own business
        Donated funds to the development of cricket in his district
        Help spareheaded the VIRRGIN system at the FSC which was our only source of financial income in the territory after Irma

        Really Marlon has done the most than any representative in the eight than any persons we had before. The evidence is there

        What have the VIP done when they had their district reps for years? What have the new candidate done for years in his district? After the hurricanes where was he? What impact did he made on a young person life especially those on the block of Parham town. He never one day pass through Greenland to talk or even contribute to any development. He has a business in the district and not one day we ever heard that he contribute to school’s after school programs, the elderly program at the community center, sporting events. This man don’t even tell people morning.

        All he doing is going on people homes and spreading a set of rumors on marlon. I had gotten so bad that his camp has been attacking Marlon family by really and Neville there now saying that such behavior by spreading false rumors have to stop when your candidate started it.

        I am sticking with Marlon Marlon has a genuine love for his people. Sean looking power

    • @Fact says:

      It is your constitutional right to vote for who you want as much as it is ours. While NDP might be campaigning on facts and has the better candidates we are willing to take a chance with another party. We cannot forget the last eight years under their governance. Oh and by the way… this is not Paid Political Blogging

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  8. Anonymous says:

    The only seafood NDP care about is crabs.

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  9. No no says:

    Every time you come with the same BS. Your time is up Marlon. You did noting for the 8. Byron you are getting my vote. Marlon like a record that is stick. Same thing but noting. I’m done . NEXT!

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    • 25th Feb says:

      We will have the ambulance up by Willard Wheatley waiting on some of you.

    • Ungrateful says:

      I don’t why people ever bother to try to represent you ungrateful people in east end. You have the heart to say smurf have done nothing in the 8th. If I was smurf I wouldn’t waste time representing you ungrateful people.

  10. waste ah time says:

    Last time he piggy-back on dancia projects and looked good but since then he has nothing to show except a sewage pipe to no where

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    • Voter says:

      Take a drive by the soccer stadium in Greenland. I guess that is one of Dancia’s Projects also…

    • No Shame says:

      Have you people no shame or pride? Dancia and all of the others who keep saying Danica projects, her lazy backside didn’t do a lick of work.

      The problems that were addressed exsisted in the community for decades. Have you no shame!

  11. Same says:

    Same speech every 4 years… DONE…OUT! You cannot keep selling the same dream and not act on it.. you will be voted out Marlon.

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  12. dude says:

    This dude has nothing to say and no ideas yet wants to be deputy LMAO NDP is a joke. call it Myron and his posse.

    Like 2
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  13. SMH says:

    I notice that the lack of thinking for oneself and outside the box is not a norm for most NDP Supporters. I presumed that despite the Financial and Structural Crisis the BVI is going through, they are applauding the People responsible. Stop being so naive and blinded by greed and money handouts…let them earn your honest and sincere vote. If one truly care about the State of this Territory, they would know a Change is long overdue.

  14. FIFA says:

    The government aint had nothing to do with the soccer field. That’s all FIFA. They only give the land.

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