BVI News

PENN: Lorna betrayed the voters

Opposition Leader Marlon Penn

Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Marlon Penn, has asserted that voters were betrayed when his NDP colleague, Lorna Smith, OBE, switched her allegiance to the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) to help form the new government immediately after the elections.

Penn, while speaking at a joint Opposition press conference yesterday, said he agreed that Smith’s actions demonstrated a betrayal of the voters and further contended that the evidence of this was made clear from their expressions.

“The voters were betrayed, [because] persons voted on the basis of our [party’s] vision, on the basis of our campaign that we espoused to the voters that, ‘Look, we are running an anti-corruption, anti-maladministration campaign. We are not in any way running to support what has happened to this country over the last four years,’” Penn stated.

The NDP Chairman said the debacle resulted in first-time voters now insisting that they were misled about the NDP vision and promising never to vote again at future general elections.

“We all have our responsibility. We have a civic duty to vote, and those young persons who I know, who’ve expressed to me the sense of betrayal in the way that they feel, [I want to say] that there’s hope. There’s hope on the way forward. Do not allow this to deter you from participating in the democratic process,” Penn urged.

Meanwhile, Penn outrightly dismissed the notion that Smith’s move to the VIP camp was made for the good of the territroy, claiming instead that it was pure self-interest.

The Eighth District Representative argued that his party had an obligation to pursue an alliance with both the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) and Progressives United (PU), but was robbed of this opportunity when the proverbial rug was pulled from under their feet by Smith’s actions.

“It’s being peddled around that [Smith’s defection] was about for the country, and that the governor would have stepped in. Total falsehood. It’s a lie. It’s not true. It’s not truthful,” Penn said.

He added: “We had, within 12 hours, started our discussions and negotiations. Her decisions were solely [about] self-interest and for power and we focused on doing what is in the best interest of the country and that’s why we are still here standing unified as an opposition.”

Penn said proceedings have started to have Smith excommunicated from the NDP; a party which her husband and former Premier, Dr D Orlando Smith founded more than two decades ago.

Lorna Smith to be axed from NDP’s corner

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  1. Family Interests says:

    A member of her family must always be in the seat of power

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  2. Good riddens says:

    Not only is she a traitor, she is a user. She should be ashamed of herself but that family has no shame. They are to busy always thinking about themselves. I am glad for the NDP that they were finally able to rid themselves of this family. There presence around the party deterred a lot of people from joining.

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  4. hmmmmm says:

    Judas in they corner

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  5. Anonymous says:

    Regardless of all the stories she try to create and all the vip people who support it conveniently because it benefits them, Lorna Smith is a disloyal person. It shows a lack of integrity and good character to do what she did and then to make up her lies to justify her disloyalty is even worse. When her brother Mark Vanterpool defected to the VIP when her husband was the Premier she did not speak to him for years I understand. I guess it is ok now for her to do the same thing because it is convenient to her. She better not be running next time. She was only in her own corner. Traitor!

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  6. Kirkland says:

    She gone the right place with the VIP sharks. She has now joined the party of Patsy Lake, Bevis Slyvester, Julian Willock and Andrew Fahie. The woman has no scruples

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  7. Resident says:

    she is a traitor

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  8. Truth says:

    Marlon I’m so disappointed in you and the rumors that Mika Barry and others saying about you I didn’t think it was even possible until yesterday. The truth is that Lorna started out as an Independent to stay clear of the confusion between NDP and PVIM as you all were trying to come together.

    Without her interference, it failed and you all ran separately., Then election night you all without her failed to come together and she did what was in her best interest and the interest of the country.

    The truth is that she was the only person willing to take Deputy. Mitch Frazer Ronnie and yourself wanted Premier or no deal and it backfired. Lorna brought a spark of hope to that party. Her speeches were on point and even you and others on PVIM piggyback on some of her points . Especially that speech you made at the Hope Hill.

    Lorna’s ability to get contributions from wealthy investors and Olando’s popularity built that party. And with you pushing her out it will just die. For that is what you are all upset about the last glimmer of hope to resurrect a dying party in which after she joined she had even lost some votes is now gone.

    You need to adopt more charisma and heart instead of coming off cold and conniving. You all were campaigning against that poor woman while using her growing popularity for your gain but the almighty stepped in and set it straight.

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  10. False world says:

    Marlon if Lorna won on the strength of the NDP then why didn’t more at large for NDP won? Stop fooling your self you failed in your game. She will strengthen Natalio and the others.

    And a lot of people are glad that those two white headmen and the concrete party don’t run this country. When the NDP left Government they had run the country down.

    They had stopped Jasper from swearing in the house of assembly and after the Hurricanes they were a disaster. Ronnie cussed off Prime Minister Theresa May and every minute Orlando had to distance himself from the disrespectful comments and actions of others like Myron.

    People don’t be fool or forget. Fahie was bad but the NDP was no better. How can Myron and Frazer form a government when they are facing charges and if convicted will have to vacate their seats?

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  11. Faith says:

    Penn, shut up. You all were plotting against her, but she out smarted all of you. Now ndp, up and pvim all together salty.

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  12. THINK! says:

    While man talking woman walking and getting the job done.

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  13. Boss says:

    Lorna save herself the embarrassment.. how can you agree to go to the governor before deciding on a premier at least. Listening to the press conference yesterday lots of questions can be ask about u and Ronnie Lorna was proactive and jump out.. telling the people that u and Ronnie was negotiating but no discussion over premier and who gets what ministry was never discussed. What u all was negotiating?

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  14. Life says:

    for this Delilah will not be comfortable in the BVI for this opportunist. Her future is dim.

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  15. this is NOT brand new says:

    Marlon you meh boy but ….why everyone acting like this is brand new. Like this never happen before in our history…in the history of the BVI (when that is not so) Like IT IS SOoo SHOCKING. why the witch hunt is it because she is female? (shrug).

    From what I am seeing you guys could not get your act together and you left room for that to happen.

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  16. ISLM says:

    The only thing Lorna Smith is interested in is power and what’s in it for me, as far as I know she was the first Premiers wife to call herself the first Lady check out her record.

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  17. Well sah says:

    How can Lorna betrayed the voters when she grab the opportunity to serve while others were bickering?

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  18. hmm says:

    As if VIP supporters didn’t vote for her too. wake up, all the at large had VIP voters voted for them too. have you see the results in district 1 and 5 they voted for different parties.

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  19. Boss says:

    But I want to know what they were talking about dem believe people stupid.

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  20. @islm says:

    the same records shows that she was more publicly active than any other first wives.

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  21. Mercy says:

    Marlon go to h**l. You so petty

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  22. @False world says:

    The ONLY reason I voted for her was because she ran under the NDP banner. Lorna played on the party’s familiarity to gain support of the party’s core supporters! When she started off alone, NOBODY was studying her! They called her a drunk, accused her of already running the country for 8 years! Blamed the 7.2 million plane saga on her and the list goes on.

    It was ONLY after announcing that she was joining the NDP people took her serious, me for sure! SO yes, we the people are VERY disappointed in her decision to form an alliance with the very corrupted, lack of leadership and incompetent Government she campaigned about! Marlon is RIGHT!!!!!!

    Like 28
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  23. Same old says:

    The same people who voted for Fahie’s greedy bill, extra insurance for their special selves, and only God knows what else, is now telling us about self interest. Get a life. Who the heck do they think they are talking to. Well so Lorna fuss you and now you aren’t the Premier, somebody’s daddy isn’t the Speaker, you’re not even in second place. Well now you are supposed to be the LOYAL OPPOSITION. You are in a perfect place to see to it that all the crap you campaigned on, all the promises, made and the way forward with the COI recommendations is done and in a timely manner so that we can all wake up every morning fairly safe in the knowledge of what our world will be like. You are now in a position to really come together for the good of the “people” you all so glibly talk about and do something constructive and real. Get over it, move on. Get a life. That’s what the rest of us out here have to do. Pay taxes and move on so you can get your lofty pay checks, health insurance and retirement packages. I’m not a hater. I just hate the game, and your game stinks worse than the incinerator story and the open burning. We may not like Mrs. Smith’s method, but we didn’t like yours any better. So man up, quit the bitching and whining and get on with the job you were elected, HIRED, to do. Some of us didn’t want ANY of you who were previously in the HOA. People were so disgusted and did not trust any of you they didn’t vote. Unfortunately not voting is a vote. I and many others didn’t vote for what we got, we were disappointed, felt betrayed even. But life goes on and we’ve had to come to terms with worst than what Mrs. Smith did. So we are moving on. If you or Ronnie had made her move there wouldn’t be all this bawling. Everyone lived after Cyril Romney did it. We’ll live now. And a reminder that you and Mitch sat as Ministers of government as a result of the forming of the Unity government. We all accepted that you sat in those positions as members of your respective parties. So why is there a need to excommunicate Mrs. Smith. I’m sure there are all kinds of complicated reasons why that was ok and this isn’t. I don’t care quite frankly. We didn’t die when you did it. We didn’t think you were the most brilliant of Ministers, some have said so. But we didn’t say you should be excommunicated or vilified. You guys with all your melee and confusion are fostering a population of angry people. The young gang boys have taken their gang matters into their own hands and have started with burning boats. What’s next? Shut the eff up NOW. WE NEED PEACE.

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  24. Rubber Duck says:

    Lorna has not joined the VIP and will not I am pretty sure. Its a coalition of the VIP and Lorna Smith.

    She will eat them alive. Add up all their IQs and its not half of hers.

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  25. Aunty Susan says:

    Marlon didnt want Lorna in the NDP.

    She would have become the leader pretty quickly.

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  26. mika barry reporter says:

    Marlon just stop and take you licks. you are no different from lorna. if you trying to act the victim nobody wil fall for that. politicians conniving and tricky. you no different. honestly it time for you to shut up and carry on with the druglord them work in east end.

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  27. Hmmm says:

    Lorna is a cr**ked as her wig!

    Like 14
  28. @family interest says:

    Ayo, don’t stress about her any longer. She will soon be in the corner of the opposition with no members to sit next to her. I am 100% sure she will want to take over the VIP and Big brother Ben will not like that.
    Wait until it is time to go to the UK and she insists on leading the way.

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  29. Agree with Marlon.. says:

    She needs to go She needs to stop saying she is NDP. She is Vanterpool and Smith. Thee most selfish and greediest..

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  30. Disingenuous says:

    I thought that after your confident statement that Lorna would not assist the VIP, that you were going to stay quiet for a month!

  31. Hmmm says:

    Its obvious that there is someone on here disliking many times any negative comments against Marlon but time will tell.

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  32. @@False world says:

    Please dont fool yourself before Lorna joined NDP it was dead. Then why didn’t you and others voted for the other at large candidates like Doc and Allen is it because they were not suitable for the times.

    Yes, they called Lorna names but so did they called the NDP who was part of the COI Investigations and allowed a candidate to run although he was charged.

    Why do you think nobody ran with Frazer who wants to run with someone who is under investigation? Don’t fool your self Lorna is a hero when Ralph joined VIP and others crossed it was not a problem but this time maybe because she is a woman it is.

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  33. Honorable Judas Vanterpool says:

    Nice name for the Traitor

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  34. @ Truth says:

    People stop ? using the Almighty’s name when it’s suits you that time God ain’t had no part of anything.

  35. @ Hmmm says:

    You can’t dislike more than once on a comment

  36. Selfish says:

    I don’t think that she understands the level of the hurt that she has caused in this country by her selfish act. Up to this point the specific ministries have not been assigned which shows that her untruths about urgency has not been proven. Lorna did what she did for her own benefit. She has always been this way. She acted as the Premier when her husband was Premier and she used any mean necessary including stepping on the people who worked hard for the NDP to help elect her to become Deputy Premier. I hope she can sleep at nights.

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  37. @false world says:

    The 9th district rep facing charges in a while too. And we are sure that from the stimulus package the 5th and 7th right behind him. $300,000 and $500,000 stimulus and we don’t see where it gone.

  38. Tongue Fu says:

    Let me break it down for you.

    NDP’s at large team was weak. Kedrick and Lorna were household names for good and bad reasons. To be successful you not only need to be on a party ticket but you must be popular in terms of household recognition. Allan Oneal and Renard Estridge are not household names. Budda Mather is a household name with his work with the YEP that impacted so many lives. Being on a party ticket is not all it helps to be a household name. If you are not a household name then you got a lot of work to do by getting people to know you through social media, radio and tv interviews and traveling from event to event and village to village. You have to be relentless. Did not see that of the two Guys but then they didn’t have time nor money.

    On the flip side Lorna ran as Independent and although she got moderate buzz she did not truly take off until she went into the NDP fold.

    Allen Oneal was the lowest vote getter of all the at large party candidates with 1396 votes. It is reasonable to conclude that the majority of those votes came from his NDP affiliation. The same can be said for Lorna that probably 1000-1300 persons voted for her just because of her affiliation with the party. So take that away from her final count 3578 and you would get an idea of how she would have performed without the NDP umbrella.

    She used them masterfully. Ran a campaign within a campaign where she met independently with business leaders and organizations so sit was always about Lorna first. Traitor ? That’s politics.

  39. @ Aunty says:

    The VIP will learn who is there new leader very soon.

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  40. @Hmmmmm says:

    What’s obvious is the people’s are outrage with this traitor

  41. @ Selfish says:

    I don’t know who you are, but you are correct. We are now on the 5th day after the election and yet to be informed how the ministries will be distributed.

    Yet something as important on forming the government with three opposing parties should be done in an hour.

  42. Concern says:

    A double minded human is unstable in all their ways. Very sad a shaky foundation cannot withhold the weight, cannot with hold the pressure. If Maduro stayed with NDP there was no way she would have lost…the people spoke and you Smith should respect that… Total disrespect not to mention betrayal…

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  43. GTFOH says:

    PVIM were originally members of the NDP. These guys could not get along and they separated. PVIM and NDP tried to come together before the election and could not come to an agreement. Now with all of that said why does any rational person think that the NDP and PVIM could work together effectively to be a positively performing government. They decided before the election that they will not work together but now you guys expect to come together to form a government with an even more bull-headed member such as Fraser who doesn’t like NDP. This would have been the most chaotic government ever because at least one thing even the worst parties have is unity.

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  44. @ Truth says:

    I couldn’t have said it better myself! None of those clowns were willing to do what was needed for the country. Lorna was the only one who made the decision to step up when the country needed her the most. I wasn’t a fan of hers because of the NDP but now I respect her. Say what you want but she is the only one who can get the job done. A woman a grace, class, elegance and intellect. Nobody on the opposition can walk in her shoes. Time for a change. Tired of the same set of rat trying to mind our cheese bye! It’s a new day and we need a new perspective. Wheatley and Smith for the win!
    Take off the blinders and just accept it. She didn’t betray anyone! MY QUESTION TO MARLON IS, IF YOU HAD GOTTEN THERE IN TIME WOULD IT STILL BE CONSIDERED BETRAYAL??? IF MITCH OR RONNIE TOOK IT WOULD IT BETRAYAL??? Asking for myself. Foolishness! Take ayo loss and retire please do the country a favor. Thanks in advance!

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  45. says:

    You all are too party blind. Forget the colors and think about the country for a minute. Let’s not forget ndp 1&2 had the government on election night and fumbled the bag. Now they trying to act as if Lorna was supposed to just sit there in their mess? Why because she’s a woman? Y’all acting more like women than her. She saw a problem and became the solution. Marlon stop riding on the coat tail of simple people for are aligned with your party. It’s pathetic! You know exactly what you’re doing. If you were smart you would be condemning all the bad talk about Lorna the Deputy Premier (hold that) and encourage people to see beyond you, Mitch, and Ronnie pockets. Worst case scenario even if Lorna’s interest is not the best for the country, neither was yours for 8 years and counting or else you would have done better or stand up to your cronies as the we’re trying to sink the country financially. Y’all done had a turn don’t be greedy!

  46. says:

    You all are too party blind. Forget the colors and think about the country for a minute. Let’s not forget ndp 1&2 had the government on election night and fumbled the bag. Now they trying to act as if Lorna was supposed to just sit there in their mess? Why because she’s a woman? Y’all acting more like women than her. She saw a problem and became the solution. Marlon stop riding on the coat tail of simple people for are aligned with your party. It’s pathetic! You know exactly what you’re doing. If you were smart you would be condemning all the bad talk about Lorna the Deputy Premier (hold that) and encourage people to see beyond you, Mitch, and Ronnie pockets. Worst case scenario even if Lorna’s interest is not the best for the country, neither was yours for 8 years and counting or else you would have done better or stand up to your cronies as the we’re trying to sink the country financially. Y’all done had a turn don’t be greedy!

  47. District 8 says:

    Marlon got east end people under some spell or what. East so stink of sewage and crime and them still vote he back in. The criminal empire must be hurting because them need another head coach in the East but God doesn’t like ugly.

  48. Sara says:

    If I could live this comment a million times… what was the rush?

  49. It done happen says:

    I wuda never gave her my vote if I had know she would do that, however, it done happen, let’s go forward and do the best we can to keep things running smooth

  50. Not2Sure says:

    It is kind of amazing – only 34% of people voted VIP. Nearly two-thirds of BVIslanders voted for a new government. And yet we got a VIP government anyhow. This is not how democracy is meant to work.

  51. Guess what? says:

    She IS AN ORIGINAL VIP, Welcome home my girl!!! H. Lavity would be happy. I believe you are needed right now. It is your time to help the territory, glad you decided to. You are welcome.

  52. Marlon says:

    Separate yourself from Myron. NDP you all need a fair and open internal election to chose your leader and deputy. You all loofing.

  53. Lorna in de corna says:

    I voted for Mrs Smith after I read her credentials. I never know she was so active in the BVI. Give the woman a chance people, the place need repairing.

  54. @Truth says:

    Whose truth is this? its not mind and its not 70% of the voters from this election.

    This reads like a paid announcement. Please go away.

    Thank you but no, we are ok, we saw with our own eyes and we heard with our own ears the level of her crookedness and the continued crookedness. The exposure was swift because karma was choking on the unrighteousness of her actions.

    Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. I hope they biting her and I hope she can’t sleep.

    The fly kicks and the throat punches in the HOA will be epic! Run de ting! Let’s go!

  55. Oh Please Lorna! says:

    Please stop trying to spin and hide your obvious integrity flaws. You made your decision now move on. Why does Smurf have to piggy back on you? Or anyone for a matter of fact? This is his 4th consecutive election victory. He and others carried your husband and you and your family for years on their backs.

    So please go take several seats! What you did was dishonest, distasteful and void of integrity. You continue to go around the place lying about it. Which proves you have serious character flaws. You’re well at home with the VIP and good riddance.

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