BVI News

Penn plans to turn Long Look Clinic into a 24-hour facility, revamp agriculture

Hipolito Diego Penn

National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate for the Seventh Electoral District, Hipolito Diego Penn, plans to transform the Long Look Clinic into a 24-hour medical facility and revamp agriculture in the territory if elected into political office.

Penn made those pronouncements at an NDP rally in The Stickett, East End on Tuesday night.

“We are going to work on making this facility (the Long Look Clinic) available for 24 hours with a resident nurse or doctor to provide healthcare so desperately needed in our community,” he said.

He also said the fire station in the area will be upgraded to 24-hour service and furnished with new equipment, ambulance services, and certified emergency medical technicians more commonly called EMTs.

Agriculture, sports, economic development

Penn, who is moving to unseat former NDP legislator Dr Kedrick Pickering, said he also intends to revitalise sports in the district. He said he plans to have afternoon sports programmes and local competitions.

Another area of focus for Penn was a waterfront development for the Seventh District.

He said the undertaking would provide avenues for economic development and encourage residents can become entrepreneurs.

The NDP candidate said he also has his eyes set on developing the local agriculture industry to new levels. He proposes to do that through subsidies for farmers, providing them with duty-free concessions on farming materials, and offering scholarships for persons to undergo studies in agriculture.

Penn further promised to immediately address the water woes affecting the farming community, if elected. He said he plans to do so by reviewing all the options available to fix the problem. He said, if needs be, he plans to reopen wells, build reservoirs, and provide more land for farmers to grow produce.

Penn noted that farmers will also be assigned an area for a market. He said he envisions having local produce account for at least 60 percent of food in local supermarkets within the next six to 10 years.

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  1. George says:

    Boy not because you dress up in a suit you become a saint. You cannot will not get my family votes. The 7 district will be making a sad mistake to even consider you. Go f yourself not my district.

    Like 18
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    • LOL says:

      Like Lipstick on a pig you say?

      Like 17
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    • LOL says:

      All he seems to have is mouth. I remember after Irma someone was offering free food to the children up East End and this dude was bashing the people cause of the containers they were using to put the food in, like WTF? All he did was run his mouth instead of trying to thank the people or offer them some kind of help. Go Diego go Diego go sit down!

      Like 13
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  2. No nonsense says:

    Enough with the duty free….! The hurricane concessions were enough, we have a LOT of loans to repay. A progressive country thrives on it’s taxes. Lets ease the financial burdens of our generations to come

    Like 10
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  3. Herbs says:

    Lol really? Very much a set of flawed proposals. Partner you need to address the issues not masking them. You ain’t ready.

    Like 17
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  4. Go Diego Go says:

    Diego boy diego! You sounding GOOD i must say i came out last night not in support of the ndp but to support you and really listen to hear what it is you have to say in moving this district forward and you hit that nail fluss on the head…. but mhenn why you choose to run with those guys yeah it have new members but the name stain and we the ppl dont want to have them as our gv but mind us the ppl if we vote back in all the old ones n the same ones on ndp it will be a re-unite party so i urg our ppl be mindful where n who we cast our x for i voting diego X but u see the rest 4 i mixing n choosing who i feel… dancia penn is one for sure! #DRAINTHESWAMPLOL

    Like 5
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    • What Time Is It? says:

      @Go Diego Go, I know the idea of Coalition sounds good. To me Team sounds better. In Sport, teams work very well. Where in the Caribbean is Coalition working? On SK/N (St. Kitts and Nevis) Coalition seems to be working; but first thing the Team Unity did was they signed a Pact, an agreement smack in the streets of Charlestown, with thousands watching the event. Nevis is operates like a government inside of a government; since it has its own premier, (St.Kitts has a Prime minister). The premier of Nevis is also deputy minister in the federal government.
      We have had coalitions b4, but I don’t recall them running successfully for several years and elections. They barely scrape by. So lets think wisely. This time around with UK paying closer attention and us the voters also being vigilant we can have good governance. In addition, we have so much more option in voicing our opinion and concerns (Facebook, online news, radio etc. In the past, we simply voted in the government and went to sleep. In hindsight, we are partly to be blame. The ones who benefited from the governments unbecoming behaviors/activities kept their mouths and eyes shut; under the illusion that we had voted Saints into power. Meanwhile the various legislation that should have been enacted to protect us from them, perhaps to their benefit, was held back. So let us put a Team Government in place one more time; demand the various legislation, (Consumer protection, Whistleblower legislation etc) in place and ourselves lets be Vigilant

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  5. Dang says:

    Sad sad sad when parties can’t get decent people to run. No X for the National Desperate Peoplephile. Picko will do just fine until a suitable replacement. Next please.

    Like 13
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  6. LOL says:

    Like Lipstick on a pig you say?

    Like 6
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  7. 7th says:

    Long look already have a doctor 24/7 for the past 20 years

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  8. For God in heaven sake go sidung says:

    Where these staff coming from think before you all speak. The hospital already short staff ,lot times i working 12hours no break ???????? next !

  9. ndp heckler says:


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    • R.I.P Vip says:

      Lol did you know since the incinerator was on fire its open 6 to 6 so it must look as if garbage piling up… eh it will be sad to see ppl try so much to bring you done n NDP STILL GET IN THE NEW NDP LOL

  10. Weir D. Playne says:

    Lol, welcome BVI to the new NDP. Are you not entertained?

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  11. Really says:

    I think people in the BVI go alot off of hear say and not facts. I sure no on wants to be judged on hear say.

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  12. 7th District says:

    The same NDP Diego spoke bad about on zbvi he is now a part of them. I live in the 7th and if you had run independent you would have gotten my vote. Not under the ndp banner. Not my 5 vote for ndp. Not with f**** m** Myrun who got most say. I was with the doc but I now going with Wheatley. He is a humble man. You Diego is about self. Are you are holding evil against doc all because he could not help you after the hurricane? You vented about the Crabs now you are in the same barrel with them. Shame on you Diego and I am a Penn too.

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  13. Anonymous says:

    I want to hear from all the candidates and parties on bread, butter, salaries and high cost of and rising living issues. This is still an undecided vote.

  14. Caterpillar says:

    I hope he forget to turn up nomination day. That would make my day errrrrrrr.

  15. Questions says:

    Oh please one thing with Diego he keep it real his life is an open we all know. What about mr. Wheathley he is not no saint he was the same one that called down both governments by saying how they corrupt especially with the bi-water deal 43 million dollars went to a bankrupt company he spoke out so heavily about it he even had to admit it in his speech but now he aligned himself with the same party ticket. Diego spoke heavy about the things the current representative been doing and this said government doing so what is the difference. The difference is that diego is not denying what he said both when he weight out botj parties he felt deep within that the NDP not perfect but under Myron he saw a man that want to take the country in a new direction. Mr wheatley spoke the sewage for years with the wastage of money from the VIP going to mr. m***** and the NDP taking 8 million to go down the pier park. At least we got a pier park and finally he spoke out about the money being paid to c***** s****** and nothing to show but yet still he had c***** s****** speaking last night. If he always saying he his a man that stand for principal and fairnesd why align yourself with a party that you said was corrupt over the years

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