BVI News

People should now when to step aside for the greater good as I did


Amid ongoing tensions with BVI Health Services Chairman Ron Potter, who has refused his request to resign, Health Minister Vincent Wheatley has emphasised the importance of knowing when to step back for the greater good.

Reflecting on his own experience in 2022, when he stepped down as a government minister to facilitate the formation of a cross-partisan Government of National Unity, Wheatley expressed that he prioritised the country over himself.

While speaking in the House of Assembly on Tuesday, he stressed the need for individuals to recognise when to remove themselves from situations for the sake of the nation, encouraging others to make thoughtful decisions.

“Nobody asked me to resign. Nobody sent me any text or anything,” Wheatley stated about his experience in 2022. “I put my ego aside, I put myself aside, and I put country above self. Sometimes that is what we need to do — put aside the ego and the foolishness and choose sense over nonsense.”

Wheatley’s request for Potter’s resignation comes amid public backlash over poor healthcare services in the territory. He implied that, in a small community like the BVI, stepping down voluntarily might be preferable to being forced out. “Sometimes you have to remove yourself from situations to improve situations. I could have stayed right where I was and fought to remain a minister,” he explained.

Wheatley also referenced the by-laws that allow a Minister to revoke the appointment of a board member with Cabinet approval if they are not satisfied with their performance.

He went on to discuss the formation of a National Unity Government, where the governing Virgin Islands Party would collaborate with the opposing National Democratic Party and the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement. This government was established for approximately 10 to 12 months under Dr Natalio Wheatley’s leadership until the general election in February 2023.

Minister Wheatley reiterated that his decision to step back was based on his judgment to prioritise the country over personal interests.


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  1. Jesus, take the wheel says:

    Missed the “k” in “now”.

    On the topic of Ron Potter’s performance, at a minimum the BVIHSA website should display the members of the board and leadership of BVIHSA. Also, board meeting minutes should be published unless there’s a reason not to. If these basic steps of good governance can’t be established you’re not fit for the roll as head of the Board. What are we even talking about.

    Fun fact, head over to the Office of the Auditor General (link below) and see how many Statutory Bodies meet the standard above. Also interesting is from the second link referenced the government stopped operating after 2021. 🙂

    Have a blessed day,

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