BVI News

Police launch investigation into fatal Fort Hill crash

Scene from last night’s fatal crash. (Photo provided)

An investigation has been launched into the circumstances that led a fatal crash of a male rider on Fort Hill, Tortola last night.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force said in a media release Friday morning that a male scooter succumbed to his injuries sustained from the reported collision.

BVI News understands that the collision was between the motor scooter and a motor vehicle.

Video footage and images sent to our news centre suggest that the crash victim was still responsive after the crash but died some time after.

BVI News will provide more information as it becomes available.

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  1. SMH says:

    Look at the damage to that car, from a scooter, what does that tell you? SLOW DOWN!!!! WEAR A HELMET! WHEN WILL THEY LEARN?

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  2. Sad Indeed says:

    Oh! that is so sad. That was a head-on collision. That jeep could not go any further left. My God, if these young people would only exercise caution and follow the traffic rules they would save lives and avoid heartaches for others.

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  3. Resident says:

    The youth feel like they are invincible

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    BOUT 25 OR 30

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  6. Salvation says:

    Prayed this young man had just the chance to surrender his life to Jesus Christ, like the thief on the cross did. Jesus Christ still is merciful and came to save sinners who repent of all their sins. May the Lord comfort those left to mourn.

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  7. YOMIS says:

    YOung Man’s Immortality Syndrome

    Seems to affect many BVI scooter and motorcycle drivers.

    Like 19
  8. BuzzBvi says:

    Fortunately it looks like the people in the vehicle were OK. Now of course they are left to deal with the trauma they will have suffered from this. The there is of course all the other burdens such as getting their vehicle put back together. When are we going to stop these crazy law breaking idiots on these bikes.
    They cause trauma for many people everyday as we have close calls and near crashes nearly everytime one of them is near. Time to get them off the road.

    Like 36
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  9. My Voice says:

    This year 2023 just begin and all these things happening already. We have two road accident deaths. One on Jost Van Dyke and another scooter death on Tortola. On January 13, 2023 a young man was seriously injured in another scooter accident. All our young men are dying: being seriously injured in accidents, gun-down, shot, locked up in prison.
    It is time to pray seriously for our male youths. Are they our future leaders? What happen to the MALE organization that was established to help or reach out to the young men in this Territory?

    Like 5
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  10. Aternatiely?? says:

    Law enforcement appear the entity for much blame relative to this issue. For example, the fear of receiving an expensive ticket for seat belt neglect is real. It works in all instances.

    Why? because there is a strong law enforcement element that has been attached, enacted and enforced and reinforced.

    It is abundantly evident then, that the seemingly reckless abdication and failure to fulfill the responsibility of law enforcement to the rules applicable to safe operation of a motor bike is a major contributor to the lives being lost yearly of our young generation.

    Rigorous law enforcement can affect that sorrowful lost of life and satistic, and from the top down, governor, COP and a craft know this to be factual.

    Hence, one cannot but speculate that there might be an intentional conspiracy at play here.

    May the Spirits guide tose yung men.

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  11. Yes says:

    Look like no brain,no helmet

  12. conspiracy? says:

    Are u F#@$%^ mad?

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  13. @Alternately says:

    And when the cops do clamp down, they are told that they should leave the youth alone and stop oppressing them! How about the parents taking some responsibility?

    Like 28
  14. @ My Voice says:

    It’s very sad, but prayer is not the solution. Only action by law enforcement, parents, mentors, pastors, government, etc. will correct matters. God wants us to fix issues and gave us the ability to do so, but without tough action by all in the community, nothing will change.

    Like 9
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  15. @conspiracy? says:

    Low response equals low comprehension?

  16. WOW!!! says:

    Now,reading these comments I can see what type of society we live in. From the time someone die on this island, oh boy,thats when all the judgemental morons pop up. Why not just say R.I.P or simply keep your mouth shut???

    Like 1
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  17. IslandSon says:

    I was just on island for 6 weeks…..during that time I drove by 3 Motor Cycle accidents with two of them happening in the same place just past Slaney heading west. I also had some very close calls with motorcycles passing me or coming towards me. While a helmet law is a must I do not understand why motorcycles are not just outlawed all together.

    Keep digging holes for the young men if nothing changes.

  18. Theo says:

    Has it not yet occurred to anyone that the way we’re living now in the BVI isn’t exactly in harmony with the environment of the BVI?

    Hey, if everyone wants to drag race up and down the hills and in town, be my guest, just don’t inconvienience anyone who’s trying to live responsibly.

    Like 11
  19. Happiness says:

    When you choose to gamble and win at meeeting your certsin death while doing what you love and enjoy,then you died happy.
    We should all be so favoured.

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  20. ElectionsComing says:

    BAN THEM! Problem solved.

  21. @ Salvation says:

    Look at the devil’s minions disliking your comment.

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  22. redstorm says:

    I think you need to be 40 years old to ride a bike. Its a responsible age. If not! Ban the bikes.

  23. Citizen says:

    WHAT is there to probe. The evidence is there all day in broad daylight on the government road. What is there to investigate. Just look at the scene and you will see. Careless riding is the culprit. Stop acting like they about to go do some kind of work. On to the next one.

  24. Somebody's son... says:

    and maybe somebody’s father. Condolences to the families. So much pain passing through the BVI now, only God can help us in these times.

  25. scooter says:

    scooters don’t need to be banned, we just need to raise more responsible children

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  26. @Happiness says:

    True happiness does not bring grief or cause inconvenience to others. That is just self-serving B.S!

  27. Truth says:

    I hope we dont have a repeat of last year. Maybe we need to build a track and give these thrill seekers an outlet. I don’t know but we need to find a way to save young lives.

  28. Koyia Milan says:

    +1 (284) 440-0114
    ‪+1 (284) 441‑3303‬
    +1 (284) 443-8090
    +1 (284) 547-3192
    +1 (407) 575-1968

    WhatsApp any of these for any tributes to my sweet friend Vincent

  29. Helmet? says:

    Drug test the deceased. I would not be surprised to learn the had high levels of cocaine in his blood.

  30. Anonymous says:

    How do they know the scooter was male?

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